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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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Tremendous main event. Really enjoying FTR as faces much, much more than I expected, considering I haven't always cared about them as heels. I also loved Dax's utter confusion at the crowd chanting FTR before the match.

I like Adam Page coming in as confident as he did - I'm genuinely nervous that they'll put the belt on Adam Cole, which would be a huge, huge misstep. Assuming all goes as it should, this will have been fine, but not special as a feud. Definitely want to see him take on a Mox or Punk next though.

Joe is just so much fun. As much as I agree about wanting Joe vs Kingston, I really want Joe vs Miro and Joe vs Keith Lee.

Ever since he wore the massive coat in the snow, Powerhouse Hobbs has just picked up that star quality he needed. They can do a lot with him.

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7 minutes ago, TildeGuy~! said:

New Japan Have announced they will now be showing Dynamite and Rampage every week on their streaming service.

Probably the best platform for them to enter the Japan market. Even the WWE have had problems getting solid TV deals over there. I'd thought the Network was how most Japanese fans keep up with them.

The majority of subscribers tend to be international. I wonder how well their geo-blocking attempt will be.


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FTR really benefit for knowing their gimmick and refusing to sway with their wrestling style. They don't often deviate from the 'no flips, just fists' mantra, and when they do, it actually means something. They are in a category of their own and have bet on themselves time and time again with great payoffs. Top guys, indeed. 

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I enjoyed Wrestlemania, and came out of those shows more positive about WWE than usual, but then you watch a show like this week’s Dynamite and remember how these companies are still leagues apart.

You’ve got to dig deep and squeeze the fun out of WWE, whereas you can’t move for it in AEW. Segment after segment of boss stuff. Samoa Joe looking like a megastar, Max Caster nailing it every week, Eddie Kingston launching TVs at people, MJF calling Schiavone a double-chinned prick, Wardlow well on his way to being the biggest babyface in history, Jade Cargill being Jade Cargill and FTR taking the absolute piss with their current form. When was the last time any tag team has had back to back matches as good as these lads just had with the Briscoes and then the Bucks? Unbelievable.

It’s not without its problems though. Sammy and Tay have got to turn heel. It’s beyond cruel at this point watching them have to smile through the boos. Abandon whatever plans you have because there’s no way this can be salvaged with these Freshers Fair pricks acting like they’ve never had a relationship before.

Worst of all though is Jeff Hardy. Boy, did the bloom come of that rose quickly. I was super excited by the idea of a Hardy Boys reunion but between Jeff’s pissed-up performance at that panel over the weekend and then to see him stumbling about like a wreck here, someone needs to step in. The killer was seeing him standing next to Sting at the end. As if Sting hasn’t put up with enough of his shit! For a company where nice, happy things normally happen, it was great when Jeff came in that first night and shared a happy, respectful moment with Sting. A genuine sense of heartwarming closure with what happened between them previously. But now? Fucking hell. Bischoff’s gonna be calling audibles by the end of the month.

Let’s not end on too sour of a note, though. Let’s all enjoy Moxley’s choice of outfit at Corey Graves’ wedding. This man does not give a fuck. I love him.


Edited by Supremo
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5 hours ago, Nick James said:

FTR really benefit for knowing their gimmick and refusing to sway with their wrestling style. They don't often deviate from the 'no flips, just fists' mantra, and when they do, it actually means something. They are in a category of their own and have bet on themselves time and time again with great payoffs. Top guys, indeed. 

I’d disagree, up Until the last month it’s felt they have wrestled to others style and not their own in AEW. Now they are taking control, we have seen the quality return in their performances 

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8 hours ago, Accident Prone said:

Don't know why everyone is complaining about Adam Cole. He's over as fuck, and gets a massive reaction from even the most tired and worn-out Rampage crowd. You can have a go at him for looking weedy, his utterly dreadful Panama Sunrise, and his reliance on NXT am-dram tropes, but you can't blame AEW for going with an established and popular main eventer as a contender for the top title during a PPV gap. This idea that Cole is just some mid-carder with nothing to offer on an upper-card level is very silly.

"You can't trust people, Jeremy."

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2 hours ago, Louch said:

I’d disagree, up Until the last month it’s felt they have wrestled to others style and not their own in AEW. Now they are taking control, we have seen the quality return in their performances 

Yeah I had almost zero time for FTR until recently. 

I'm all for fiery baby faces FTR.

Loved the finish to their match against The Young Bucks. 

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Here’s a random idea. You could have MJF send Wardlow to do the G1. Keeps them Apart for ages, and a respectable mid table block finish wouldn’t be the worst thing for him to build a longer match style. 

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I know that Rampage's ratings have been slipping, but it's bizarre that they'd give the Hangman/Cole match away on that show, rather than Battle of the Belts, which looks likely to be quite an underwhelming card once again. 

Whatever the case, I'm very, very worried that Adam Cole is going to win the title from Page. Perhaps the idea is for him to have a short title reign; to transition the title over to CM Punk, later building up to another Punk/MJF match, with the belt on the line. That would be more palatable to me than an extended run with Cole on top, and I can see the logic in putting the belt (in short order) on Punk, who is in great form right now. That said, I'd much prefer to see MJF win the title from Page, once the Wardlow feud has concluded, with any Punk/MJF rematch coming while MJF holds the belt. 

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22 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

I know that Rampage's ratings have been slipping, but it's bizarre that they'd give the Hangman/Cole match away on that show, rather than Battle of the Belts, which looks likely to be quite an underwhelming card once again.

I think the reason it's going on Rampage is because it's live. You've mentioned you're worried Cole is going to win. As have others as part of the continuation of the feud. With Battle of the Belts taped you'd take away that increased interest.

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