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The Tony Khan Is A Twat Thread

Keith Houchen

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12 hours ago, Keith Houchen said:

“We’re the Pepsi of wrestling and they’re the Weinstein”.

Why didn’t he say coke? “2 Stella’s and a Pepsi please”. “Sorry, we don’t have Pepsi, is a Harvey Weinstein ok?”

Oh you know Kieth, you know.

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13 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

I’m going to point out the obvious again here. Before you allege anything online, maybe ask yourself the question of whether you could prove it, should someone opt to take legal action against you. Because that’s how defamation laws work in the UK - the onus is on you to prove the allegation is true, not on the individual to prove that it’s false. And in the case of one person mentioned here, they’ve not even been mentioned in lawsuits, so good luck with that.


Considering I’ve referenced a legal document and nothing more I think I’ll be ok thanks. But you think people are sickened by the Vince allegations? I think nearly everyone here is. And I think where you get your views and opinions from on that is interesting. Because if you look at Twitter, look at the replies to anyone who has posted the clip, you’ll find a lot of people saying

1)She’s suing him for money

2)He’s innocent until proven guilty

3)AEW hired Jericho/Flair/Callis etc 

4)It’s all made up

Same within Facebook groups. It’s the same bullshit because quite frankly it’s too grim a situation to want to talk about (see also Ashley Massaro). 

@Vamp you have a great take on it. I even said He’s a twat for saying it, because I think he is. He sure likes to take a lot of pages out of the Eric Bischoff playbook of Controversy Creates Cash. I thought him wearing the neck brace was genius and it was getting AEW talked about to a new audience. I don’t think this would have helped get more eyes on the product like his actions on Thursday did.

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Even if you ignore the insane hypocrisy, it was just a dumb time to take such a stupid dig.

You’ve got big, mainstream people earnestly playing along, joining in on the joke, synchronised tongues in cheeks, asking about the piledriver spot, giving you the opportunity to push your product. And it’s then that you decide to reference your competition's sex trafficking lawsuit? Read the room.

It reminded me of those few times when you get normal people, who shower regularly, sincerely asking what this pro-wrestling thing is all about. But then before you get a chance to engage normally some hardcore idiot immediately turns it up to eleven and starts screaming, “IT’S NOT FAKE YOU KNOW, STONE COLD BROKE HIS NECK!” Game over. Instantly confirmed all the prejudices. This is a dumb hobby, performed by idiots, watched by idiots.

DISCLAIMER: Sex trafficking is still worse than being an idiot in a press interview.

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I should stick to my own words about staying away as this thread has become exactly what it was always going to, but...

On the defamation piece, I'd still err on the side of caution. In the past 24/48 hours Vince has apparently produced written evidence from the complainant, at the end of their entanglement (refuse to say relationship as sounds gross in the context of the allegations) where she professes her love for him and how much she'll miss him etc

I don't know the validity of that evidence, or the effect it'll have on the case. There's no reason it couldnt both exist and be completely consistent with the allegations. That said, it probably does increase the likelihood that the case ends either with a settlement and a mutually agreed finding of no wrongdoing, or there's even a small chance that it all ends with no settlement and the complaint is not upheld and is found to be substantively untrue or unlikely to be true.

If that happens, it'll be up to the discretion of the WWE/TKO legal teams as to how they handle anyone (with big or small platforms) that made any suggestions at any time that the company was involved in crimes of this nature.

So, yeah. Neck brace? What a silly wally.

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3 hours ago, RedRooster said:

I’m not familiar with how defamation laws work in the States compared to here (outside of there being a greater allowance for freedom of speech), but is his idiotic comment potentially defamatory?

Nah, nor really. He could simply say that he meant Weinstein was the biggest name in film production like Coca Cola are in soft drinks and he got his metaphors muddled up on live tv. 

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3 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

Nah, nor really. He could simply say that he meant Weinstein was the biggest name in film production like Coca Cola are in soft drinks and he got his metaphors muddled up on live tv. 

This is probably true.

By conflating a person with a company he's probably weighted it just right to be outside of any legal repercussion.

They'll just book Rock v Austin on a special Wednesday Night Rawdown next time Tony has a big announcement, one would imagine.

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11 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

On the defamation piece, I'd still err on the side of caution. In the past 24/48 hours Vince has apparently produced written evidence from the complainant, at the end of their entanglement (refuse to say relationship as sounds gross in the context of the allegations) where she professes her love for him and how much she'll miss him etc

I don't know the validity of that evidence, or the effect it'll have on the case. There's no reason it couldnt both exist and be completely consistent with the allegations. That said, it probably does increase the likelihood that the case ends either with a settlement and a mutually agreed finding of no wrongdoing, or there's even a small chance that it all ends with no settlement and the complaint is not upheld and is found to be substantively untrue or unlikely to be true.

Is it the same/in relation to this one https://www.ringsidenews.com/2024/04/01/accuser-janel-grant-claims-coercion-in-alleged-love-letter-to-vince-mcmahon/

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1 hour ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

Once again I find it hilarious that the focus is completely on what he said rather than the overall picture. 

Pearl clutching twats who have said little to fuck all about the lawsuit getting angry because he brought it up. Sums up both wrestling journalists and fans (especially the most tribal).

I’m  not saying I agree with him saying it, I’d rather he said nothing about them, but he ain’t wrong. I’ve seen a lot of “well achtually they fired Vince and so Tony is wrong to say that”, forgetting that 1) the lawsuit has both Vince and WWE as defendants and 2) we already know who some of the redacted individuals are that are named in the lawsuit.

When the outrage is more about what Tony said than what Vince and WWE is accused of, you know the balance is wrong. He’s a twat, but there are bigger twats in wrestling.

In other unrelated news wrestlings other famous Khan, Nick, put all of his TKO shares up for sale yesterday.

Yes my tribal chief. 

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6 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:



Honestly, I'm choosing not to get to into it. It's awful and depressing and I hope the truth is discovered and anyone culpable held responsible.

Beyond that, I haven't got the emotional energy to give it.

If I was a better person, I'm sure I'd give up wrestling altogether (which, to my shame, I initially said I would), but it's about the only entertainment I have left that I actually enjoy and takes my mind off work.

So yeah, all shit. Wish I'd found a better hobby when I was a kid.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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40 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

Considering I’ve referenced a legal document and nothing more I think I’ll be ok thanks. But you think people are sickened by the Vince allegations? I think nearly everyone here is. And I think where you get your views and opinions from on that is interesting. Because if you look at Twitter, look at the replies to anyone who has posted the clip, you’ll find a lot of people saying

1)She’s suing him for money

2)He’s innocent until proven guilty

3)AEW hired Jericho/Flair/Callis etc 

4)It’s all made up

Same within Facebook groups. It’s the same bullshit because quite frankly it’s too grim a situation to want to talk about (see also Ashley Massaro). 

Firstly, I wasn’t referring to you when it comes to defamation, which is why I quoted you separately. There’s a comment which directly accuses an individual of something, which I’ve purposely not quoted so I don’t repeat the allegation, which is also something to be avoided, in a legal sense.

EDIT: Although I would be careful about inferring anything, even against someone named in a lawsuit. It’s just not worth risking.

As far as Twitter goes, it’s noise from a tribal minority and should be ignored. But even if you want to address it, there’s not much point doing it here, where we’re all in agreement that sex trafficking is horrific.

But that doesn’t justify Tony Khan’s comments - in fact, the context makes it worse. He’s used serious, grave allegations to take a flippant dig at WWE. It’s crass, and stupid. 

Edited by RedRooster
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2 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

As far as Twitter goes, it’s noise from a tribal minority and should be ignored. But even if you want to address it, there’s not much point doing it here, where we’re all in agreement that sex trafficking is horrific.

But that doesn’t justify Tony Khan’s comments - in fact, the context makes it worse. He’s used serious, grave allegations to take a flippant dig at WWE. It’s crass, and stupid. 

And as I said in my original comment, I don’t agree with him saying it, and that he’s a twat for saying it. Just seems people can’t read or just want to make a cheap quip to get a few likes. 

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Both sides are as bad as each other, albeit in slightly different ways. The moment you start 'what about-ing' what's going on here then you lose the right not to be called a tribal idiot.

There's horrible shit and people in both companies. That's the most important thing in all this. Saying "Yeah but they've done this" gets us nowhere and makes you look a twat.

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Using rape and sex abuse to prove that your brand of fake fighting is better than another brand of fake fighting is fucking pathetic. Doing that whilst your brand of fake fighting employs plenty of dodgy fuckers too is outright weird behaviour. Gimps.

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Tony Khan is that rich kid in class who’s got all the best wrestling action figures, so you’re desperate to be his mate. But he’s also an annoying, stupid prick, so you know that if you reveal to him that you’re a pro-wrestling fan you’ll regret it for the rest of your life.

There is something morbidly funny about the fact Tony always seems to be in some daft fancy dress whenever these topics come up though. Looking forward to the Double or Nothing press conference, when Nick Khan has inevitably sold all his stock and left WWE in disgrace. Let’s go live to hear Tony’s reaction.


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39 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

And as I said in my original comment, I don’t agree with him saying it, and that he’s a twat for saying it. Just seems people can’t read or just want to make a cheap quip to get a few likes. 

I mean let's be fair - you're happy to share anti-WWE memes and whatever, so you're okay with the jokey posts when it suits your opinion. So either it's okay or not.

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