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If anyone's awake

I Bent My Wookie

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I woke up late, ate a roast (beef), watched a film and fell asleep, then woke up and watched more tv for the rest of the day. It wasn’t a usual Boxing Day but it was ok. I’m awake late now waiting to feel tired.

Hope you are ok.

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I slept in this morning as my mum looked after my 5 week old baby. Then went for a socially distanced walk with my friend - my first face to face social interaction with someone not related to me in months which was really nice. In the evening I played board games with my husband and siblings and then went to bed. Just up with the baby now who won't lie in his cot as he needs burping but won't burp either.

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My sleep pattern is more mental than usual. I couldn't sleep Xmas night so just stayed up and hoped to get some sleep before my Zoom family game session (I'm alone in London this year, thanks selfish cunts.) Unfortunately I got a surprise chunk of work come through so had to stay up longer to do that and was half dead when playing games with the folks, was fun though.

Then immediately collapsed on my bed and woke up about 4am to the largest pool of slobber on my pillow Ive ever seen. I was out for the count.

Didn't have any dinner so I'm going to have a 6am pizza and watch Phantom Thread on iplayer, primarily because I saw Rachel Riley slag it off on Twitter the other day, so I figure its probably quite good. PTA hasn't let me down so far.

Also watched 'Mortimer and Whitehorse Gone Fishing' Xmas episode, which features a random Chris Rea appearance and I'm still thinking about his incredible wig(?) He's had a lot of health problems apparently, so I wont be too rough on the poor sod. 



Sounds rather bleak reading it back haha, but Its been okay. Hopeful for a more normal one next year. Merry Xmas UKFF. x


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I worked Boxing Day but it wasn’t as bad as anticipated. Came home and my wife had cooked us a lovely turkey dinner so I settled in with a bottle of ale and some Masterchef. At work again today but off tomorrow so that’ll be nice.

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Young lad came out as a homosexual in my family yesterday. Went about as well as you'd expect amongst the older, more religious members.

His great auntie's response? "That's the problem with this lockdown, he's just stuck in all day, he needs to get out and do more exercise. If he went for a bike ride or something he'd forget all about that being gay stuff."

Merry Christmas.

Edited by Supremo
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47 minutes ago, Supremo said:

Young lad came out as a homosexual in my family yesterday. Went about as well as you'd expect amongst the older, more religious members.

His great auntie's response? "That's the problem with this lockdown, he's just stuck in all day, he needs to get out and do more exercise. If he went for a bike ride or something he'd forget all about that being gay stuff."

Merry Christmas.

I apologise, but the image of macs ass pounder 4000 from always sunny popped into my head at that line and I nearly choked on my weetabix....... 

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Didn't do much, to be honest. Nipped round to pop mrs Jazzy's uncle's bets on the geegees for the day, had my gran's meatloaf with some potatoes, veggies and gravy for tea. Played shed loads of Pokémon and watched crap on YouTube. 

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I grated a bit of the Mexicana in with the cheddar I got from the supermarket to put over some nachos with salsa the other night, but haven't done much more with it than that. I'll possibly use the cheddar and red Leicester over some mash with beans for tea tonight. Then start slowly making my way through the others.

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Well, our Christmas has been a little different this year due to the mrs being bed bound by scaiatica since Xmas day morning.

We didn't have any Christmas related food on the day as I was just taking her stuff upstairs, but took the plunge yesterday and cooked a Christmas dinner for the first time in my life, having never even prepared a Sunday lunch before.

She bloody loves Christmas whereas I'm not that enamoured by it all, so I feel sorry for her missing out on it all. She managed to come downstairs for an hour or so last night so at least the presents have been opened.

That said, I've made a lot of progress in my 1997 WWF marathon....

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Boxing day was spent mostly sleeping, 15 hours is probably the most slept for an age. Had a Maccies for the first time since pre lock down. Double Big Mac and Fries with a Strawberry milkshake. 

Got up played F1 2011 with the other half, went through a bottle of Sake. 

Back to mine later and probably not much different. 

Xmas eve was slightly more fun, across the road had their ginnel gate destroyed and about 5 police wagons in attendance, arrest in connection with recent stabbing we think. 

Steered clear of lots of news and social media 6, but saw that Nashville bombing, which is very odd. 

Back to work tuesday, working out how the DPA2018 rollback fits in with the new Brexit Deal if is ratified by both by Jan1st and crying if its not as defacto drop out on data, much lolling as im off after Wednesday and dont have to pick that up. 

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Late to the party, but got up, had half a packet of plain chocolate digestives (breakfast of kings), went to town with my daughter, met Joe Gilgun and his amazing dog.  Bought several board games, met another amazing dog called Sally in Fan Boy 3.  Had a Big Mac and the best fries I’ve had from McDonald’s in a long time, came home, watched a mini marathon of love after lock up, made bubble and squeak, and ate it.

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