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Smells like bullshit to me. I think you know you've been jerked here.. You need to make a decision about what you want to do I guess. I find the idea that they wouldn't tell you what your performance reading is completely nuts. How could anyone possibly be expected to be motivated to try to improve their performance under those circumstance?

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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Yeah, unfortunately it’s one of many complaints I and many others have had about work for many months now. Incredibly vague performance indicators based on virtually meaningless talent standards that have very little to do with the actual job role itself.

I’m going to revisit the issue with my manager in our 1-2-1 next week. I’m not expecting anything different, but I’m pulling my hair out at this. I’m not even too concerned with the financial aspect anymore, I’d just like some clarity.

Thanks for the responses by the way. I absolutely needed to vent about it.

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10 hours ago, Slapnut said:

What does the BP stand for in this instance? I’m not familiar with that term.

I had the news broken to me by my current manager as per protocol, but he wasn’t the manager who appraised me so he had no actual context. It was when I raised it with my old manager who appraised me did I get told I was performing as expected.

@Chest Rockwell I haven’t had it confirmed in black and white that I’ve been graded as a 0, but us team leaders were told outright that we would be getting bonuses if graded 1, 2 or 3. I’ve also told both managers I’ve spoken to that I’m assuming I’ve been graded as a 0 and received no response that would persuade me otherwise, which in my place is as good as confirmation. I’d be surprised if I receive a direct answer on that, they’re very secretive at my place about this sort of thing.

Interestingly, I spoke to a work friend about this yesterday who confirmed he’d received a small bonus, and I know for a fact he’d been graded as a 0 as well because I was in the wash up session. Admittedly, he’s a pay grade below me, but those in his pay grade were only confirmed to be getting bonuses at grade 2 and 3, so fuck knows what’s happened there. The only thing I can think of is that he was promoted during the financial year, so his bonus has potentially come from his time in his prior job role, but my counter argument would be that I was also promoted during the same timeframe, so if that’s the case then I should have also been appraised for a period under my old role.

The lack of transparency of your system is appalling.

HRBP is HR Business Partner - whoever your contact is in your organisation.

In my organisation we go through a similar process, but everyone has their rating communicated to them in a performance review and bonuses are paid out a couple of months later - allowing time for appeals. I am quite happy over turning decisions and throwing managers under a bus if they can't evidence giving feedback during the year advising their people of where the shortcomings are and what they need to do about it. You only have to do that once or twice before line managers get their act together.

I say this so often that it could end up being written on my grave stone, but if managers have under performing employees, yet can't evidence that they have managed / coached and provided constructive feedback to the employee, then its not the employee who I have a problem with.....its the manager who is failing.



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They can, but it should go to a vote if they’re challenged. Ask about the selection process and if it was appointments and not volunteers, then chances are they’ll have people in the roles who don’t want to do it and are excluding people who do and could make a difference. 

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Bit of advice needed: Got an interview for a role, but it is a virtual interview where I won't be talking to a human, but giving answers via video.

Any tips? Despite being an ex recruiter, and a talkative so and so, it's actually been a few years since I had to do a 'proper' interview process and my confidence has taken a knock recently. Someone mentioned putting something next to the camera on the laptop so I'm drawn to that and it doesn't look like my eyes are shut. Any advice welcome. Cheers.

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Make sure you're reasonably well-lit. Ideally, don't be just up against a wall, as it looks really flat and awkward.

Think about your answers before you give them. It might feel like you need to jump straight in with answers, but a few seconds before can help you think and not just talk (I've had a tendency to this at times). You can actually have notes on-screen, which can be useful as long as you're not screen-sharing.

Try and smile a bit, especially when saying hello and goodbye. 

I've found video interviews okay, actually - I prefer them to in-person.

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7 minutes ago, PowerButchi said:

Get a bookcase behind you like telly people do. 

Was gonna go for my collection of Cameroon shirts.

@Chris Bthanks for the advice. This is actually even more awkward, as there isn't anyone on the other end of the call. I'm literally giving answers recorded, which will then be assessed afterwards. Talking to another person wouldn't phase me at all.

Edited by SuperBacon
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1 hour ago, SuperBacon said:

Was gonna go for my collection of Cameroon shirts.

@Chris Bthanks for the advice. This is actually even more awkward, as there isn't anyone on the other end of the call. I'm literally giving answers recorded, which will then be assessed afterwards. Talking to another person wouldn't phase me at all.

Do you live alone? If not, could you have someone behind the camera to aim it at?

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There are a lot of changes for me to have to adapt to in the New Year at work. My manager leaves tomorrow, and my shift leader leaves around the end of the year. 

On an (almost) unrelated note HR have told me I'm doing the sign up for a team leadership and management NVQ next week. 

Edited by jazzygeofferz
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