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14 hours ago, DavidB6937 said:

Started FROM last night. Think I'll get through it pretty quickly. I'm a complete sucker for mystery shit like that.

I’ve got this to watch at some point too. Harold Perrineau has been getting all kinds of praise for his role. He’ll always be Augustus Hill to me, but he’s always worth watching no matter what he’s in

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9 hours ago, WyattSheepMask said:

I’ve got this to watch at some point too. Harold Perrineau has been getting all kinds of praise for his role. He’ll always be Augustus Hill to me, but he’s always worth watching no matter what he’s in

He's definitely a highlight but a good solid cast all round. And a nice short 10 episode season.

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BETTER CALL SAUL Got up early to watch the final episode as I knew someone would spoil it to me at some point today! A fantastic end to a fantastic show. I'll put the rest in spoilers as...well it has spoilers


The last few moments with Jimmy and Kim were really something brilliant. The fact that he's Jimmy with her but Saul with all the prisoners is a nice touch and the fact he released her from all that pain. I must say I'm a bit annoyed that of everyone in Breaking Bad/BCS, Jimmy is the one who carries the can. Would have loved him to have only done the 7 years, but I suppose him atoning for what he is was always the way it was ending. Anyway a superb show. Who knows...in a few years...its still open for a comeback!


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1 hour ago, Factotum said:

BETTER CALL SAUL Got up early to watch the final episode as I knew someone would spoil it to me at some point today! A fantastic end to a fantastic show. 

What an absolute materpiece.  I was so worried they wouldn't stick the landing given expectations were so high, but I thought it was absolutely perfect.  Gutted to see it end, but couldn't be happier with the way it did.  

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42 minutes ago, CTXRussomark said:

What an absolute materpiece.  I was so worried they wouldn't stick the landing given expectations were so high, but I thought it was absolutely perfect.  Gutted to see it end, but couldn't be happier with the way it did.  

Yeah I felt so many different emotions in that last 15 minutes. Wonderful writing. I'm a bit bereft without it now!

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Better Call Saul

The absolute perfect final episode to an incredible TV show. All the awards to Rhea and Bob, but one should go to Carol Burnett too, a wonderful performance.

I can't remember watching such a visually stunning TV show (maybe BB was like this, it's been a while since I saw it) but every single shot was wonderful. In the "Nippy" episode there was a scene where Marion is struggling with her electric scooter, and the trees behind her looked sublime.

And also, just the small things. The intro deteriorating over the seasons (Jimmy watching the VHS of his adverts too much?) just a lovely, lovely detail. 


Genes world being black and white...because without Kim/him being Saul, his life has no colour?

The final episode where they share a ciggie, and the flame and the cherry being in colour...because they're rekindled?

I think it ended in the perfect way, but the series as a whole was beautiful. Kim's "but so what?" when they said they loved each other but she knew she had to leave absolutely broke me, I'm sobbing just writing about it. 

I don't think since Edie Falco in Whitecaps have I been so emotionally affected by a performance, as I was by her breaking down on the bus. The best.

Poor Howard as well. Done a full 180 on him since the first series.

My only criticism is about Lalo. I thought he was a dreadful, cliched character (one played superbly though) and I didn't give a shit about any of that storyline, which was obviously a shame as it was quite prevalent.

I also felt that, pop aside, the bits with Jesse and Walt were a bit unnecessary and added very little.

Sad its finished, will probably have to rewatch Breaking Bad now.

This is a brilliant read but obviously watch the final episode first. 


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1 hour ago, SuperBacon said:

Better Call Saul

The absolute perfect final episode to an incredible TV show. All the awards to Rhea and Bob, but one should go to Carol Burnett too, a wonderful performance.

I can't remember watching such a visually stunning TV show (maybe BB was like this, it's been a while since I saw it) but every single shot was wonderful. In the "Nippy" episode there was a scene where Marion is struggling with her electric scooter, and the trees behind her looked sublime.

And also, just the small things. The intro deteriorating over the seasons (Jimmy watching the VHS of his adverts too much?) just a lovely, lovely detail. 

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Genes world being black and white...because without Kim/him being Saul, his life has no colour?

The final episode where they share a ciggie, and the flame and the cherry being in colour...because they're rekindled?

I think it ended in the perfect way, but the series as a whole was beautiful. Kim's "but so what?" when they said they loved each other but she knew she had to leave absolutely broke me, I'm sobbing just writing about it. 

I don't think since Edie Falco in Whitecaps have I been so emotionally affected by a performance, as I was by her breaking down on the bus. The best.

Poor Howard as well. Done a full 180 on him since the first series.

My only criticism is about Lalo. I thought he was a dreadful, cliched character (one played superbly though) and I didn't give a shit about any of that storyline, which was obviously a shame as it was quite prevalent.

I also felt that, pop aside, the bits with Jesse and Walt were a bit unnecessary and added very little.

Sad its finished, will probably have to rewatch Breaking Bad now.

This is a brilliant read but obviously watch the final episode first. 



Having read your previous opinion on Howard I was waiting for you to come round on him. 

Really interested in seeing what Gilligan does next. I’m not sure his style will suit feature films, more from a story telling aspect than a visual. His long form story telling is exceptional and there is more than enough streaming service money to keep him on the medium. Would love to see him return to his X Files roots with something supernatural.

I also want an old west caper series with Bob Odenkirk running a river boat casino and an American remake of Harry Brown with Mike Ermantraut.

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Gilligan is already working on his new show. Lot of secrecy around it. Shout out to Peter Gould though who carried Seasons 3-5 on his own and wrote such a beautiful finale.

If we live in a just word Rhea Seehorn now has the absolute career she deserves. The woman can do more with an eyebrow than most actors can with their whole face and body.

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13 hours ago, Mr_Danger said:

Would love to see him return to his X Files roots with something supernatural.

"Word is that the new show harkens back to Gilligan’s tenure on The X-Files. But don’t expect a sci-fi drama — when he was a writer-producer on The X-Files, Gilligan was known for focusing more on the human condition in his episodes, which is something he is said to also be doing in his new series, exploring similar themes of bending reality while holding a mirror to humanity.

Described as a blended, grounded genre drama, the new series also is being compared to The Twilight Zone. It is said to be set in our world while putting a tweak on it, focusing on people and exploring the human condition in an unexpected, surprising way."


Source: https://deadline.com/2022/08/vince-gilligan-new-drama-series-genre-better-call-saul-followup-x-files-1235089196/

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We've just finished watching Hannibal.

We did try watching it a few years ago when it was still on SKY but gave up towards the end as my wife was loosing interest. Figured we'd give it another shot after finding out that it was on Amazon Prime. 

It's one of those shows that gets lauded as being something amazing, when in reality it has a good central performance while everything else about it is a bit naff and very silly. Mads Mikkelson is great as Hannibal Lector, while Lawrence Fishburne adds a touch of star power to proceedings and is as dependable as he usually is.

Everyone else is a bit hit and miss. Eddie Izzard has a recurring role throughout but mainly appears in S1 & 2 hamming things up, Gillian Anderson pads out the runtime of episodes by speaking like she's working The Coach's Hotline in 'Lisa The Greek', Raul Esparza plays a very silly Dr Chilton, while Katherine Isabelle stinks up every scene she's involved in when she turns up in S2, she's an awful actress. Michael Pitt plays a delightfully eccentric Mason Verger, but is replaced in S3 as he couldn't return to filming (he might have been off making the Ghost In The Shell movie at the time) and is replaced by Joe Anderson, who's much closer to Gary Oldman's portrayal of Mason Verger in the Hannibal film from 2001.

S1 & 2 are good to very good for the most part with some mad kills and gore, but it falls off a cliff in S3 when the whole thing disappears up it's own arse stylistically No wonder viewers left in droves and it ended up getting cancelled. They also introduce a new protagonist six episodes from the end, basically making a protracted remake of Manhunter/Red Dragon, and resolve it that timeframe. Where the hell they were going to go if they were hoping to bring it back for S4 I've no idea, as they didn't have the rights to use anything from Silence of The Lambs.

We also ended up making our own theme song for the show as the show's actual theme just sounds like a sad Formula 1 Car going by, and also invented the Hannibal Drinking Game, where you have to take a shot everytime someone says "Chesapeake Ripper"

There's far worse things out there, but I found myself just wanting to get it out of the way by the time I got into the second half of the final series

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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