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The Official UKFF RAW thread (part 2)...

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55 minutes ago, Loki said:

Shamelessly stolen from elsewhere but back on @Devon Malcolm’s favourite topic.

The Rock is 51 coming into this Wrestlemania.  When he wrestled Hulk Hogan at WM18 Hogan was only 48.  And Rocky’s taken a decade off.  I guess it makes you realise how good Hogan was that they had an all time classic match where nobody expects anything from 51 year old Rock in 2024.

 People always talk about how old Hogan always looked but I think The Rock looks older more than Hogan did at roughly the same age.


Stolen from the same place (if that's Reddit) is that Hogan has wrestled more matches since then that The Rock has.

Edge is also older now than Hogan was during their Tag Title run.

Billy Gunn is the same age now as Gorilla Monsoon was in 1997.

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Discounting the baldness personally I think Hogan looks younger here than The Rock does now but that may just be me.


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Hogan was still built for wrestling then. Rock hasn't been for yonks. Personally I think they should do a 10 minute finisher spam but if they're going longer I imagine it puts Rock in a difficult position. Does it reduce his stock as an action hero if he doesn't look massive? 

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14 hours ago, FelatioLips said:

Stolen from the same place (if that's Reddit) is that Hogan has wrestled more matches since then that The Rock has.

Sounds bollocks until you think a bit about it but it’s true. Aside from very occasional house shows Rocks two short returns in that summer and in the post Rumble-Backlash of 2003 amounted to a couple of TV and PPV matches a piece, then he’s wrestled once in 2004, 2011 and 2012, three times in 2013 and officially once in 2016, pinning Erick Rowan at Mania 32. All in all amounts to around 28 matches. Due to a fairly regular match on TV plus every PPV between Mania and SummerSlam plus occasional house shows, Hulk had nearly reached that number before Brock wrote him off, so comfortably eclipsed it over the course of his subsequent return in 2003 to say nothing of his handful of matches in 2005-06 and plenty more in Tokyo, Memphis, Australia and a few for TNA. I make it around 50-52 matches for the Hulkster between Mania 18 and his last house show match in Manchester. Have I mentioned? I was there.

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2 hours ago, air_raid said:

Have I mentioned? I was there.

Had it not been for that abominable return match in 2022, Sting would have both wrestled with Hogan AND Flair in their respective final matches, and Flair would have been present for Sting's final match, so it would have been a lovely parity for the three old friends.

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23 minutes ago, Loki said:

Had it not been for that abominable return match in 2022, Sting would have both wrestled with Hogan AND Flair in their respective final matches, and Flair would have been present for Sting's final match, so it would have been a lovely parity for the three old friends.

At least we'll always have that Hogan used "Eye Of The Tiger" for his last match. I think that popped me harder than either American Made or Real American would have, without even knowing it was his last match.

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11 minutes ago, Kfogg1991 said:

Looking forward to raw tonight but opening with Seth telling his future bums me out. He's going to vacate it and it's sad 

...... this you?

On 12/5/2023 at 1:15 PM, Kfogg1991 said:

I was absolutely certain last night was going to be the cash in, after that match with jay it would have been perfect. Seth holds it for longer unfortunately 


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4 hours ago, air_raid said:

...... this you?


Oh mate I'm not for a second saying I like him as a wrestler or like him holding the belt however he has been putting a lot into it and trying to defend it as often as possible which is probably the main reason he's now got injured and having to miss out on wrestlemania season and the opportunity to main event one of the nights.

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Yeah I don't like Rollins as a performer, but wouldn't want him to have to vacate due to injury.  He's had some shitty luck with injuries in the past, you don't want that for any wrestler.

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Is this the same knee he bunged up a few years back? MCL tears have a lot less time on the shelf compared to an ACL to a point he'd be touch and go for Mania depending on the surgery route he chooses. If it's the same knee he's done before it may be advised to him to undergo a lot more strenuous surgery and recovery.

As much as his cackling, wish Joker routine isn't for me, you have to feel for someone who's potentially twice now at the top of their business had the rug pulled from under them in something that just was so unfortunate to happen.

It would be interesting to see what happens should he have to vacate, does the title become the main prize at the Royal Rumble and Elimination Chamber becomes the right to fight at WrestleMania while they rush The Rock out after Reigns match at the Rumble?

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That's what I'm thinking could be the route they possibly go down and have the title vacant and the winner of the rumble becomes the new champion. Only issue with that is there's people from both brands involved and while it's bollocks in the long haul there are some wrestlers exclusive to one show and haven't been seen on the other.

Could it potentially be done safely and have Seth open the show and say how extensive the injury is and that he's going to vacate and then have priest cash in and get the belt so it's not vacant without a champion 

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It'd be be bad for ratings tonight and maybe not the best for buys/whatever metric on Saturday but If we are getting a title vacated I wish they'd just go full No Mercy 2007 and do nothing to address the situation until the Rumble. I loved that PPV, didn't have a clue what was going to happen going in. Imagine if the Rumble match started with the ring annuncer saying that "this match is NOT for a title opportunity at WrestleMania. It's for the WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!". Give me something spontaneous and exciting.


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