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The Official UKFF RAW thread (part 2)...

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Yeah I guess if you have it on in the background on a Monday evening it’d be more bearable. I guess I’ve also lost patience for broadcast TV with ads as a whole too. Aside from live football and the odd wrestling PPV I watch everything on demand. With the vast majority of wrestling PPVs it’s more likely I’ll avoid spoilers and watch it later.  

Whether it’s YouTube/my subscription services/shady streaming sites, I am so spoiled and overwhelmed with options and content that the idea of sticking the TV on and watching whatever’s on/channel hopping during the breaks etc. is dead to me.

When I go and visit my Ma and the evening still involves having the TV on and channel hopping/watching whatever’s on it starts to drive me mad quite quickly. I realise this is not true for everyone though, so perhaps when I say I can’t imagine how anyone could sit through the show live I am projecting. 

Edited by JLM
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What a solid company guy. What a mensch. Love to see it.

That said, we’re all ignoring the biggest failure of Raw compared to Survivor Series; someone seemingly allowed him to wear a baseball cap all day prior to his promo, as his new lovely hair was flat as fuck. For shame.

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The line Punk said about being here for the money must have really riled up those who go on about him having "punk" ideals despite that not being part of his character, ever, and punk not being a real thing. 

Edited by gmoney
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He was damned if he did, and damned if he didn't. Those that wanted to see him fail saw it. Those that wanted to see him succeed saw it.

I don't really understand the criticisms of the promo being phony and disingenuous. A few of those same people were rubbing their hands together talking about how they can't wait for it to be work-shooty bollocks and that he's a one trick pony who can't do any other kind of promo. Like I say, damned one way or another. Also, it's wrestling. It's supposed to be phony and exaggerated.

Additionally, you're ignoring or choosing to be blinded to the fact that this guy knows what he's doing. Whether you like him or not. He knew what he was doing last night and what he was setting up. A perfectly passable babyface promo at the end of the show with 10 minutes left was the last thing anybody expected - and now we see where it goes next.

You're allowed to not watch him now he's not in your preferred promotion, you know.

As a sidenote, even fast-forwarding through Raw it takes fucking ages. How do people watch these shows every week? The Creed Brothers are bloody superb though, give them a storyline rather than just matches.

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8 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:

The Creed Brothers are bloody superb though, give them a storyline rather than just matches.

Their storyline at the minute is that they are good at matches. You are right though, they need something other than that to establish them. 

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Just now, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

Their storyline at the minute is that they are good at matches.

And that's often enough for me, in fairness.

Shit. I'm a workrate pervert. I'M A WORKRATE PERVERT.

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What a solid company guy. What a mensch. Love to see it.

I bet he was inspired by Ian's retweet of Bret going to dinner with the WWF competition winner a couple of days after Montreal.

1 hour ago, gmoney said:

The line Punk said about being here for the money must have really riled up those who go on about him having "punk" ideals despite that not being part of his character, ever, and punk not being a real thing. 

He'll be delighted if he did. While his idol was "greedy for respect" I think Punk would rather be loathed than loved, even to the detriment of his own standing or earnings. It's his fuel.

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Having watched more and more wrestling lately I still can’t get over the transformation of Cody Rhodes from unbearable mid carder out of place up the card to a weirdo unmissable babyface who you want to see succeed. I hope they hold back on potential feuds with Punk and Orton untiL after he becomes a champion.

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For those complaining about the Punk promo not being genuine, or dull etc. what would you have preferred, given before Raw, it was fantasy booked and people were complaining that he would likely come out and use lots of insider references “shoot-kayfabe bollocks”.

That wasn’t done, and was still the wrong decision, so which was the right one?

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I’m glad it wasn’t all worked shoot insider nonsense, but saying he’s back “home” just didn’t sound very CM Punk-y and was difficult to buy.  The best in the world stuff and here to make friends, not to make money I thought was more on brand for him. I’d have liked him to say that last bit on the mic. They did also hammer home how controversial and polarising he is throughout the show, so they set the expectations for something a bit more provocative. 

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I couldn't give two shits about work shoot stuff. Everyone knows what happened, not much else to say. Also who would he ultimately be bashing? The YB? He did that already on Collision. JUNGLE BOY? Who cares about him. Not sure what firing off on AEW would have done really.

The 'home' thing will only be good if this is all phoney CM Punk stuff until the inevitable turn. I mean he's hardly home is he? He fucking hates the company and we all know he does. They fired him on his wedding day and sued him. He'll make it work no doubt as he's a fascinating character. 

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I bet Randy doesn’t hear voices in his head anymore, those poor sods can’t get a word in edgeways with how much he chats to himself out loud.

What an odd bloke. Love him.

My unpopular opinion of the moment is, besides all the aforementioned Punk stuff, Rhea Ripley is a rubbish promo. She’s a star, but her promos are weak AF.

It’s mad that with the amount of stars they have now - almost the first time since the attitude era where you could say they have an equivalent roster of top talent that’ll be remembered as being part of a golden era - that Kinky Undertaker has the Money in the Bank case. They should get that off him ASAP.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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