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The Official UKFF RAW thread (part 2)...

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10 hours ago, IronSheik said:

Shame there isn't any hot heels for Austin to beat.

Nah, that’s a blessing. If you had a hot heel, jobbing them to a legend nearly 20 years retired would kill them, despite tired company rhetoric that “just being in the ring with X gives them a rub.”

If I could book a 5 minute Austin match with anyone on the roster, I’d do it with Randy Orton. Safe pair of hands, it looks great on the marquee, you can have him turn heel on Matt Riddle and present him as a credible main event player in one episode of TV and nobody would have a problem buying it, he could allude to his “Legend Killer” past, they can play off the Stunner vs RKO similarities, and Orton wouldn’t be harmed if Austin beats him.

That Edge open challenge almost seems to be custom made for Stone Cold too, it’s a pretty heavy approach for it to just be answered by someone on the full time roster. Although the specific words he used actually put me in mind of Taker… what a terrible thought!

Speaking of Edge, I read his promo was retweeted by Damian Priest, which I mention only because it was referred to in the worst headlined article I’ve read for ages, about Priest reaching a “United States title milestone.” Turns out he’s the longest reigning US Champ since…. Dean Ambrose, who lost it in 2014, a mere 8 years ago. Fucking wow. We’re really talking worse than “Football started in 1992” levels of meaningless. I need to read my results somewhere better than Rajah at this point, right?

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Brock being the happiest cowboy was a great opening to the show.

They played into the Cody speculation really well with Miz’s announcement, shame they’ve brought in one of the Paul brothers again though. Is this one that boxes? Or the one that went to Aokigahara, aka The Suicide Forest and  pretended to be shocked to find that someone had committed suicide there

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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15 minutes ago, WyattSheepMask said:

Brock being the happiest cowboy was a great opening to the show.

They played into the Cody speculation really well with Miz’s announcement, shame they’ve brought in one of the Paul brothers again though. Is this one that boxes? Or the one that went to Aokigahara, aka The Suicide Forest and  pretended to be shocked to find that someone had committed suicide there

The latter.

The mention of "Dashing", just immediately made me think of this...


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27 minutes ago, air_raid said:

Turns out he’s the longest reigning US Champ since…. Dean Ambrose, who lost it in 2014, a mere 8 years ago. Fucking wow. We’re really talking worse than “Football started in 1992” levels of meaningless. 

My pet peeves for this in WWE terms are whenever someone is described as the "longest reigning X champion ever" when X is the Universal, or RAW or Smackdown Women's Title, all belts that have been around for about five years apiece. It just feels like fishing for a sense of prestige when none has been earned yet.

The other is "longest reigning champion of the modern era". What's the modern era? It's basically, "he's the longest reigning champion since someone reigned for longer than him". 

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30 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

The other is "longest reigning champion of the modern era". What's the modern era? It's basically, "he's the longest reigning champion since someone reigned for longer than him". 

Based on St Big Daddy Cool reigning for one year and the “modern era” tosh beginning when Punk held it for longer, I assumed they’ve meant “since Hogan’s first run” which makes kind of sense, with Hogan having the belt for four years then the industry changing to where that seemed daft, with the advent of WrestleMania and eventually four PPV a year and needing to keep things fresh etc.

That was before I stopped paying attention. Should have been long ago, mind, this is the company that has a different definition of “anniversary” to the rest of the English speaking world because Vince says so.

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Utterly baffling they gave the first 20 mins over to promoting a house show. I'm guessing tickets are poor.

I only really flicked through in case they paid off the surprise return they'd been hinting at. They did not. Wrestlemania season feels a bit dead, there's very little of interest currently going on.

The Edge/Styles match they're clearly promoting is a dream match only in the eyes of AJ Styles. I'm sure it'll be fine but... meh.

Even if Austin does come back, i'm sure it'll be similar to when Undertaker/Cena finally happened... gives them an excuse to sell a few tickets, but in reality its a couple of spots and done.

If they have signed Cody, it's interesting to think where he might end up as currently there doesn't seem to be an obvious gap for him. Maybe they'll just hold him back till after Mania.

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Which might actually make sense....gives him some time off with his family and then he can come back in after Mania and start a program with someone thats coming off a big Mania moment....only to be brought back to earth with bump by facing Stardust

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2 hours ago, BomberPat said:

My pet peeves for this in WWE terms are whenever someone is described as the "longest reigning X champion ever" when X is the Universal, or RAW or Smackdown Women's Title, all belts that have been around for about five years apiece. It just feels like fishing for a sense of prestige when none has been earned yet.

It was fun when Jericho and the Inner Circle played with that, referring to Jericho as the longest-reigning and youngest AEW champion ever.

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58 minutes ago, Chris B said:

It was fun when Jericho and the Inner Circle played with that, referring to Jericho as the longest-reigning and youngest AEW champion ever.

That’s tremendous.

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