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The Official UKFF RAW thread (part 2)...

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34 minutes ago, 69MeDon said:

What in the world are WWE going to do after this, when they can no longer rely on bringing in Attitude era/Ruthless Aggression era stars to sell tickets for Mania? Don't get me wrong, I'd be interested in seeing Steve Austin one more time, but 37 year old Kevin Owens vs 53 year old Steve Austin is hardly building future stars.

How much of it is "relying" on these old stars to sell tickets? And how much is Mania selling itself? I've always known plenty of people that book tickets to Mania just because it's Mania rather than it being a card-driven purchase.

It's tough to really see the overall impact now they've (a) gone to 2 nights and (b) we're still not back to 'normal' life after Covid. Plus I see Mania as one of those fairly bullet-proof events. I'd be far more concerned about performances of usual touring and weekly shows etc.

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obviously Covid forced their hand, but what I find fascinating is that the shift to two nights of Wrestlemania has coincided almost perfectly with the decline in their ability to rely on part-timers and "legends". The criticism was always that "legends" were given opportunities over, or booked stronger than, full-time talent, with no thought given to investing in the future, but with two nights to fill, it should have been much easier for them to thread the needle and put on the big dream matches and satisfying conclusions to stories built on weekly TV with the regular talent. 

Instead, two night Wrestlemanias came along just in time for the Undertaker to retire, Triple H to get sidelined, Chris Jericho, Batista, John Cena and The Rock to fuck them off, and with every possibility that Goldberg's contract isn't renewed after Elimination Chamber, and for AEW to come along and start poaching talent, while also showing with Sting that they're a viable platform for older wrestlers to find a second wind too. 

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I wouldn’t put too much stock in the 2-for-1 stuff. They’ll know where the line in the sand is for “fucking good margin” and “make a ton of money” and there’s a point where perception becomes more important and it’s about getting as many human beings in a building as possible to make it look like a great house. They did it when Hogan was bringing in the droves just because 15,000 looks better than 13,500 even though the latter still has you laughing your way to the bank. Some things never change.

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Yeah that offer is in no way a fair signifier of them doing shit. If X-Seven was across two nights they'd be comping off some of the upper tiers too. I'm sure they done it anyway. Even in some of their hottest periods, these American megadomes are enormous to actually legit sell out full price. There's going to be that vague ceiling on just how many people you're going to be able to get to travel to X city for the biggest wrestling show of the year. 

Edited by Gay as FOOK
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1 hour ago, mim731 said:

Probably when it wasn't over two nights, you'd imagine. 

Source? 😉

I always get emails about Wrestlemania tickets, but I have never seen any offers on them like this. Sure, in the 90's we had venue changes, papered areas. But Mania since the attitude era has always drawn well, which is why I asked if anyone knew when?

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Not that Austin is going to be doing moonsaults from the turnbuckle to the outside at a Saudi Shitshow, but I really hope that that this doesn’t go as badly as it did for HBK. 

In all likelihood he’s probably going to be doing just as much in the ring as he’s been doing whenever he’s shown up over the past 19 years but it will be billed as a match to try and garner more interest. 19 years by the way, fuck me, where has the time gone?


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It'll be punches, talking smack, stomp a mudhole in the corner, a thesz press, some rest holds, a really safe pop up powerbomb. Owens gives Austin a stunner, Austin gives Owens a stunner, 1, 2, 3. Then a beer bash. 

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12 hours ago, jazzygeofferz said:

It'll be punches, talking smack, stomp a mudhole in the corner, a thesz press, some rest holds, a really safe pop up powerbomb. Owens gives Austin a stunner, Austin gives Owens a stunner, 1, 2, 3. Then a beer bash. 

Sounds brilliant.

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Amazed beyond belief if there's a Thesz Press or a pop up powerbomb in the match. Never say never obviously, look at Sting leaping about like a buck eijit for one. Punches, kicks and the Stunner on each side would do lovely though, with a pin at the end. It'll be one of the only things worth tuning into Mania for, if it happens. 


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It would be. They'd work safe as houses and still tell a great story. Hit all Austin's signature spots, let Owens get some of his stuff in. Job's a good 'un.

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