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The Official UKFF RAW thread (part 2)...

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19 years since he retired.  Fuck.


Has anyone come back and wrestled after nineteen years out of the ring?  That's insane.

I'll definitely watch.

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9 hours ago, Loki said:

Has anyone come back and wrestled after nineteen years out of the ring?  That's insane.

The weirdest thing to me is how we’re around 19 years since Steve Austin wrestled his last match, but Bret was only 10 years retired when he came back to fight Vince, and one doesn’t feel twice longer than the other at all. Probably because the difference in how the wrestling landscapes changed between 2000 and 2010 compared to the 12 years since…. well, things have felt a little frozen, haven’t they?

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Sorry for the double post but….

On 1/6/2022 at 8:23 AM, air_raid said:

Anyway, the real reason I’m in this thread is to ask ; did WWE do an episode of TV where champions lost a non-title match? Yes they did.


It’s fucking relentless, isn’t it??? I know it’s only the Womens Tag Team Titles but Jesus fucking Christ, if you’re wearing a belt in WWE these days it doesn’t make you any better than anyone else. It just means you’ve been lucky enough that the week you won, the title WAS on the line, as opposed to the three weeks since where you’ve lost but it WASN’T.

If I was a midcarder in WWE, I’d turn down a title. Their champions are booked as bigger losers than anyone else.

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3 hours ago, air_raid said:

The weirdest thing to me is how we’re around 19 years since Steve Austin wrestled his last match, but Bret was only 10 years retired when he came back to fight Vince, and one doesn’t feel twice longer than the other at all. Probably because the difference in how the wrestling landscapes changed between 2000 and 2010 compared to the 12 years since…. well, things have felt a little frozen, haven’t they?

yeah, there's been less of dynamic shift in wrestling during that time - partially because the end of WCW meant that there was less movement in the main event scene, but I'd say from around 2005 onwards everything starts to feel very samey in terms of presentation, and the same faces sticking around forever, but the rot was setting in before that.

By contrast, I stuck on In Your House: D-Generation-X from 1997 last night for a bit, and the New Age Outlaws were doing a promo directed at the Legion of Doom, calling them dinosaurs and old men and so on, and it was all about how they felt like relics from a previous generation. At that point, it had been five years since LOD's last WWF run. That's less time than John Morrison spent between his two WWE runs. Also, Animal was 37 years old. 

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I felt a bit sad watching the Austin promo and feeling nothing. Even when the rumours started, despite being out of watching wwe for years I thought it might spark something that made me wanna watch what he did. I just can’t see it being any different or better than the many Mania segments he’s done many times already. It’s gonna be verbal exchange, they make pals, one attacks the other then ends with stunners and beers. Then KO is on tv the next week again being less than a part timer. 

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21 hours ago, Merzbow said:

I made the mistake of watching Kevin's earlier promo after that and it was a bit shit really, it just reminded me of how sterile WWE feels.

I just watched it and it’s everything I said before about the writers’ room voice. Talking and looking at/pointing to the WrestleMania sign just like everyone else. Talking about other people first that aren’t the person he’s going to challenge, for some reason, which they always get the guys to do in these situations to present the final answer as “No, bigger!!1 No, BIGGER!!1!” for some reason when it’s wholly unnecessary. And Owens talking about “a way to get there” re : Mania which is extremely wonky and reminiscent of the “John Cena has no clear path to WrestleMania” bollocks they did that year when John failed to get into a title match so settled for challenging The Undertaker instead. “The road to WrestleMania” should have stayed as just something they say about the Rumble and not let it become this weird metaphor of the wrestlers needing to “travel to” the show by “paths” either earned or presented. At this point I’d rather anyone without a match just shown bouncing on a trampoline moaning “I’m not booked” than some of the nonsense they have these guys come out with. Fucking hell.

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Fuck me watching raw even recorded is a absolute slug too say the least.

In the space of the last segment which was Kevin owens vs Seth rollins they had 4 ad breaks......2 of which came from KO coming out to Seth coming out. They literally went to break came back showed a promo then went back to ad. 

Now it's frustrating watching it at home I can't fucking imagine how annoying it is for the guys in the ring and the fans in the building that have paid to be there

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53 minutes ago, Kfogg1991 said:

Fuck me watching raw even recorded is a absolute slug too say the least.

In the space of the last segment which was Kevin owens vs Seth rollins they had 4 ad breaks......2 of which came from KO coming out to Seth coming out. They literally went to break came back showed a promo then went back to ad. 

Now it's frustrating watching it at home I can't fucking imagine how annoying it is for the guys in the ring and the fans in the building that have paid to be there

Those damn slugs!

Surely in the building they’d be doing something, they wouldn’t just be standing there would they? 

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