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Frankie Crisp

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3 hours ago, Devon Malcolm said:

Haunted Mansion

Self-congratulatory Disney piss. Thoroughly boring and unoriginal from start to finish. Somehow manages to make Lakeith Stanfield look bad. Will they learn from messes like this? Hopefully not.

Just when I thought this couldn’t get any worse, Paedo Leto turned up. 

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16 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

Before that is Raging Bull at 10.15pm which isn't too shabby either.

A film whose cultural impact was entirely ruined by this slice of genius


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Rebel Moon: Part One - A Child of Fire (Netflix)

It's bad, it's really, really fucking bad. Even by Snyder standards. He hasn't even bothered to try and make it resemble something other than a Star Wars clone. Just when you think it can't get any worse, Charlie Hunnam starts doing an Irish accent. Don't watch it, not even for Sofia Boutella.

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1 hour ago, Devon Malcolm said:

Rebel Moon: Part One - A Child of Fire (Netflix)

It's bad, it's really, really fucking bad. Even by Snyder standards. He hasn't even bothered to try and make it resemble something other than a Star Wars clone. Just when you think it can't get any worse, Charlie Hunnam starts doing an Irish accent. Don't watch it, not even for Sofia Boutella.

Despite this and all of the negative reviews I’ve seen, I’m going to give it a go over the next few days. I quite like some of his films (Dawn Of The Dead is still his best), but I’m going in with very low expectations. 

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Holy fuck, Rebel Moon might be the ugliest looking film I've ever started to watch.. everything is out of focus and the CGI covering everything is full of artifacts like it's not even properly rendered. And yes, I'm watching a proper full resolution version so it's not a fault on my end, how did Netflix allow this?

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8 minutes ago, Weezenal said:

I think they’re trying to pretend this isn’t the final Snyder cut so they can get a fake ‘Release the Snyder Cut’ thing going.

It’s actually fucked up I could well believe the Netflix execs watching that film and coming to that exact conclusion. “Yeah it looks shite, is shit and is a financial ship wreck but imagine the engagement we can get from rereleasing it 45 minutes longer in 12 months!” Content is king my arse.

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When Marnie Was There

I never got around to watching Asteroid City but I did see a lot of people say it was the most Wes Anderson-y film of the Wes Anderson films. I have a similar opinion of this.
It has all the familiar notes of a Studio Ghibli hit; The teenage protagonist who gets mysteriously ill and has to move away, spirits and ghostly goings on, and a tragedy to bring everything together. It's page for page from the Ghibli notebook.
The issue with Marnie is that it fails to successfully bring them all together into a great film. The progatonist isn't particularly likeable in any sense - she's a sad sack who at one point in the film calls a girl who says she has pretty eyes a fat pig for no reason - and other than a couple of good turns from John C Reilly and Vanessa Williams, the supporting cast is very weak and forgettable. The main issue with Marnie though is that it acts as though you know the twist from the start, so there is a lot of dialogue and bonding between the two protagonists that feels weird and forced and only really pays off in the final few scenes of the film.

It's just as stunningly animated as other Ghibli films but lacks any really fantastic characters or places, and overall while it's an OK film it doesn't hold up compared to the rest of the Ghibli catalogue. Kiernan Shipka is just as bad in this as she is in everything else as well.

I think the most telling thing about Marnie is that the film is nearly a decade old and I don't recall seeing any of the characters on any merchandise or pop culture the way you do the other films.

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