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WHAT PLAY YOU!? Version 3.0


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I loved Thank Goodness You're Here. Probably three hours all told, but don't regret paying for it one bit. Genuinely one of the funniest, most charming games I've ever played, with some brilliant gags in it, great visuals, superb voice acting, and the option to have your menu in Yorkshire dialect.

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I didn't get on with Doom 2016, I mean it's not a bad shooter but it also doesn't feel like Doom to me. It felt like it took more inspiration from the Brutal Doom mod etc than the actual original game which I've always seen as more of a horror based title.

Doom 3 felt closer, but I guess I'm in a minority there.

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10 hours ago, Merzbow said:

I didn't get on with Doom 2016, I mean it's not a bad shooter but it also doesn't feel like Doom to me. It felt like it took more inspiration from the Brutal Doom mod etc than the actual original game which I've always seen as more of a horror based title.

Doom 3 felt closer, but I guess I'm in a minority there.

Yeah I'm definitely in the opposite camp to you, having been playing Doom 1, 2 and 3 lately. Doom 3 feels so far away from a DOOM game you could name it something else and you'd never know the difference. Not a bad game by any means, but it leans way too heavy into the horror aspect of DOOM rather than the frantic, secret-filled running and gunning. The newer DOOMs feel closer for me in that regard.

On that subject Doom 1+2 got released on Gamepass (and other formats too) and it's brill.


There's a new campaign on there that's as good as anything they've done, plus other expansions such as Final DOOM and the option to change between different versions of the soundtrack. It's the definitive way to play the games for me now.

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On 8/12/2024 at 9:47 AM, Jazzy G said:

There's a sale on Doom/Quake games on Switch at the moment so I've picked up the new Doom/Doom 2 collection (which is available for free if you already own the older versions), Doom 64 and Doom 3. I've been enjoying Doom 64. It's an entirely different game from the other ones. I've not looked at Doom 3 yet. I think the 2016 Doom is only about £6 at the moment as well, and have heard good things about that. They've certainly been a big change from Fit My Cat, which is a super casual puzzle game. There are other variations (Fit My Zoo and Fit My Dog) but they're all ostensibly the same. Stick the cats in the grid so they all fit. Different cats take up different numbers and shapes of squares, and there are sometimes baskets, toys, bowls etc in the grid that you have to try and fit your cats around. Presumably they didn't want to call it Catris for fear of possible legal reprisals. There's no time limit, no set number of tries or moves. It's just super chilled and casual. 

Thanks For the heads up. I’m flying to the States on Sunday and so just got Doom 2016 for £2.26 as I had some points. That and the new Prince of Persia should see me through the flight. I’ll take NBA Playgrounds 2 as well, which is an absolute gem of a game.

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I hear good things about NBA Playgrounds, that it's more like the old NBA Street games on PS2? 

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On 7/23/2024 at 2:52 PM, LaGoosh said:

I tried Cyberpunk 2077 back when it was still pretty broken and gave up after a few annoying crashes. I understand it's been pretty much fixed now - is it worth another go? It seemed a pretty generic shooter but is there more depth to it than what you get in those first few hours?

So I started this the other day. I'm somewhat enjoying it. The world is pretty incredible. The density, size and design of the world is pretty spectacular as is the depth of features (which verge on feeling overwhelming). Combat is solid, no complaints stuff. However I feel like 75% of every mission is just driving from one place to another, chatting to someone, then driving somewhere else before eventually getting in a gun battle. - I'd like less chat and more action please. Keanue Reeves is really fun in it.

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Cyberpunk is decent these days. I never played it at launch but I worked in GAME at the time the developers told everyone to take it back for refunds which was just a fucking spectacular time for us getting into fights turning people away.

I played it after the first big rework, just before the DLC came out. It didn't re-invent the genre or anything but if you want a capable shooter set in, in it's defence, a very  atmospheric world then you can do much worse. As I was during the final stretch of the game they did another huge re-work that completely redid the progression and upgrade system and I wasn't too keen on it compared to the version before, but it works.

As has been said, Keanu seems to be having a ton of fun in it and carries a lot of the game seeing as the protagonist is paper thin. The rest of the supporting cast pull their weight as well though to make up a fairly interesting ensemble.

I got it on sale for £24.99 and that was more than a fair price. I'd be reluctant to buy it anywhere near half price at this stage though.

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On 8/15/2024 at 9:10 PM, Jazzy G said:

I hear good things about NBA Playgrounds, that it's more like the old NBA Street games on PS2? 

I got it years ago on Switch and it was really good, they did a patch which changed the shooting system and was less good but passable. It is over the top, silly and just a fun NBA Jam or Shut up and jam style game. 

In the first one you can pretty easily collect the legends but apparently the sequel was released by 2k and you had to buy them if you wanted them. You could earn them but it's 2k so you didn't. 

Edited by westlondonmist
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I moved on from Final Fantasy X after about 25 hours as I couldn't beat Evrae after several tries, rage quit and deleted the game off of my switch. 

Despite this, I continue to insist that ignoring current gaming and playing 2000s RPG's is absolutely brilliant for my (male) mental health! With this in mind, I have moved on to Star Wars : Knights of the Old Republic aka KOTOR. 

For full context - I am a lifelong Star Wars fan. I've loved it for so long that I genuinely cant remember a time before I was into it. Star Wars and Gaming are two of my great loves and sometimes these intertwine and create pure magic. The Super Star Wars series, Rogue Squadron, Shadows of the Empire, the almighty TIE FIGHTER~!. Despite all of this, I never played KOTOR. I never had an Xbox in 2003 so I could only look longingly at KOTOR from afar and think phwoar what a lovely pair of games.

I bought this on the Switch on a sale ages ago. Played it for maybe 2 hours and bounced right off it. I just did not get it whatsoever. I was recently assured that its a very slow start but the magic happens when you stick with it. With that in mind, I started it again and it's really clicked with me this time.

Great story, great characters. It's the first game I have played in ages where I am talking to every NPC and just enjoying the story and dialogue. The combat system feels bizarre and weightless at first but you do get used to it and it does improve when you level up a bit - for anyone dipping into this in 2024, I would really recommend reading into how the combat works, the different classes, what attributes to focus on etc. I've enjoyed it so much more with half of a clue of how it works.

I encountered an amazing side quest where you meet a droid who yearns to be destroyed as his owner is using him inappropriately in place of her deceased husband. 




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