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1 hour ago, jazzygeofferz said:

@Rule One Is the 1991 Mercedes Benz 190 E in it? 

I kind of enjoy driving the more "regular" cars in driving games generally.

Doesn't seem like it. Currently there's 424 cars to collect so a lot of regular cars have been left out. The M3 '03 is ridiculously good to drive. Some of the Honda Civics and rally type cars are good drives too.

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6 hours ago, Rule One said:

How have you found it?

I've enjoyed my time on it so far, the Cafe Menu nonsense is a bit annoying but at least it adds some kind of story to the game. Driving with a wheel kit is so much better than a pad but it is prone to small inconsistencies with corner braking.

I'm up to about 50 cars in my collection now but I don't know how I'm going to muster up millions in credits for the expensive cars unless there's some big money racing further down the line.

I'm just glad it's better than GT Sport.

Ive really enjoyed it so far, I'm still early doors on it at the minute, got the b license all gold and 2-3 gold on the a license.

The cafe can be annoying, but I do echo what you said about it adding a little story to it. 

I've had a go or two at the sport online mode aswell and I sort of limp along on there and am not good enough to podium on there yet.

I got 35ish cars at the minute, but overall really enjoying it.

I'm hoping there is some serious money races upcoming as I always find I spend the money as soon as I make it tuning the car for the next set of races, hopefully that will level out eventually.

Agreed it's definitely a lot better than GT Sport

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Listened to a podcast about fighting games called Triple K.O. today. It's Maximillian Dood, Matt McMucles and Justin Wong just shooting the breeze about their favourite fighting game rosters and characters. Max & Matt have such big personalities that it makes Justing Wong feel like a guest rather than one of the hosts, but I found it fun. I would guess that if they're going to start getting more into brass tacks about fighting games or tournaments etc then it'll be handy to have Justin around as he's going to be able to bring plenty of insight.

Incidentally, did anybody see this year's EVO lineup? I like the system where they're going to order the tournament grand finals by which game has the most entries. Might me we get Tekken 7 closing the whole thing. Nintendo withdrew Smash Brothers after the Sony buyout.


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Could be totally the wrong thread for this - but recently I’ve become obsessed with 8-Ball Pool again. Only this time, I’ve actually seen some progress and have been winning higher stakes. I like some of the updates with the league-based formats and so on. 

Currently in a club called “Clubby McClubface” but I’m the only person really playing in it. Looking at other clubs to join where there might be more prize money on offer to see how that pans out. 

Not well-versed in terms of best cues etc to use. Currently using the Atlantis cue, but can’t update it. Need something with more spin etc. 

Here’s my ID if anyone wants a game - 3066112304

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Junior is at an age now where he can sleep in his cot by himself in the evening, which usually gives us three hours of spare time before bed. This also means that console gaming in the living room is now back on! The missus has expressed an interest in Elden Ring and that's relit my interest in getting a Series X, but I've got a feeling it's going to be at RRP level (or above) for a couple more years, maybe even more, so that's off the table.

So as a Dark Souls newb, what would be a good choice to play in the meantime? I've played Souls-like games (eg Salt And Sanctuary and Blasphemous), but I've never gotten along with the parrying/strategic elements as I just want to hack'n'slash. I was looking at Dark Souls Remastered but I'm open to any suggestions.

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14 minutes ago, Accident Prone said:

I've never gotten along with the parrying/strategic elements as I just want to hack'n'slash.

If you just want to hack 'n' slash Dark Souls is not the way. It's about thoughtful exploration and getting your arse handed to you. Elden Ring is definitely more forgiving as you are rarely stonewalled. And I'd be amazed if you can't get a deal on Elden Ring by early Summer. If you have access to a Sony machine I'd suggest God of War in that vein, which I didn't adore but I seem to be in the minority.

You can't beat a Dynasty Wars title for hack and slash power though.

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The new Final Fantasy is getting some OK reviews and impressions, it's Dumb Souls.

Takes the known formular and makes it very silly and pretty damn easy on the normal settings. It's developed by the guys behind Nioh, Ninja Gaiden and Dead or Alive so the guys know what they're doing with great combat and over the top bullshit.

Edited by Merzbow
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Jedi Fallen Order? It's a little light on combat in places, but has some similar mechanics. It can be pretty forgiving sometimes as well. It feels like the meditation points are places fairly liberally so you never lose too much progress. There is some parrying involved, but it can be quite forgiving depending on the difficulty you set it to. I think it might still be on sale today as well, but if you've got Gamepass you'll be able to play it as its part of EA Access. Although all the deluxe version gets you is a couple of cosmetic itema and some making of documentaries/artwork books as there wasn't any DLC for it. 

Lords Of The Fallen is a Soulslike from Capcom, and is usually quite reasonably priced nowadays. Maybe Dragon's Dogma? Although that's more like Monster Hunter. 

If it is just hacking and slashing action I echo the recommendation of a Dynasty Wars or Warriors Orochi game. 

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Cheers for the reccs, lads! Much appreciated!

Fuck, I haven't thought about Dynasty Warriors in about fifteen years! I used to play that on an old girlfriend's PS2 all the time back then. I'll have to look into the series, see what's up these days. I'll check out that Final Fantasy too, that sounds like a good laugh.

I think I'm still going to test my patience with a proper Dark Souls game as well, but only for a bargain price. I'll see what pops up on the next Xbox sale or if I find one in the wild.

2 hours ago, Onyx2 said:

Elden Ring is definitely more forgiving as you are rarely stonewalled. And I'd be amazed if you can't get a deal on Elden Ring by early Summer. If you have access to a Sony machine I'd suggest God of War in that vein, which I didn't adore but I seem to be in the minority.

Oops sorry, when I talked about the RRP I was talking about the Series X itself. Whenever I see one go on sale it's at the full whack price, followed by all the bellends on eBay who are selling them on for profit. 

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Tried GTA 4 complete edition on the PC for a fiver. Wouldn't launch thanks to Rockstar Club DRM not getting a connection over perfectly fine internet. Googled if other people had issues, then asked for and got a refund.

If you stop supporting your game, patch that crap out. Simple.

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On 3/10/2022 at 8:27 PM, Vegeta said:

Ive really enjoyed it so far, I'm still early doors on it at the minute, got the b license all gold and 2-3 gold on the a license.

The cafe can be annoying, but I do echo what you said about it adding a little story to it. 

I've had a go or two at the sport online mode aswell and I sort of limp along on there and am not good enough to podium on there yet.

I got 35ish cars at the minute, but overall really enjoying it.

I'm hoping there is some serious money races upcoming as I always find I spend the money as soon as I make it tuning the car for the next set of races, hopefully that will level out eventually.

Agreed it's definitely a lot better than GT Sport

I'm on Menu book 30 at the moment and it's not got much better in terms of using all your cash to upgrade for races.

The quickest cash grab I'm using is Special Route X which unlocked on the Americas racing group. I use a nearly maxed out Chevrolet Corvette C7 '14 which is currently at 837bhp. With that a clean race nets 45k in about 4:30 of race time.

I'm not enjoying being stuck 20-30 secs behind every race on rolling starts especially on American car only races as they handle like utter trash and one small mistake ruins a hard fought race. Laguna Seca being a particular drag for braking/cornering.

I managed to scrape up enough to buy and nearly max out a Ferrari 458 which is tremendous fun especially on easy tracks with enough room to pull off drifts. Brakes/handles like a dream.

Oh and Nürburgring in the absolute wet is hell.

@scratchdj Cheers for posting that vid. Me and my son used to mess about on iRacing but I gave up after a few months because I kept getting motion sickness. I bet that chair is fucker to get out of if you really need the toilet but does look significantly comfier than playing on a regular office/chair desk.

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2 hours ago, Weezenal said:

I ordered the GTA V PS5 version so I can not play it for 3rd time, for that price I'll happily drive around just to see if I can see the jump from PS4.

Me too... For that price it is a steal! 

Looking forward to playing it again. Last time I did I was on a Xbox360


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