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Covid-19 Megathread


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11 minutes ago, David said:

Not that I support the government, but this is an issue they really need to address properly. The notion that people are being told their family members are dying yet they can't say goodbye is ridiculous. Can you imagine the psychological fallout that shitloads of people are going to be dealing with once this is over? Knowing that a family member knew they were dying, and saw out their last days and hours with no way to see their loved ones?

There has to be a way that this can be negotiated as safely as possible. Just telling folk "aye pal, your mums likely going to die within a week. But you stay in your house and watch Netflix now, okay?" isn't really the answer. 

Agreed.  My girlfriends dad passed away last week (nothing to do with CV19, but very unexpectedly) and thankfully the hospital was very accommodating in terms of allowing her to come up and sit with him for as long as she wanted once she made the decision to end his life support.  She's absolutely devastated but I can't put into words how badly it would have destroyed her if she hadn't been able to go and at least say goodbye.  We all understand the situation we're in but this was the correct decision.  Absolutely heartbreaking for those who have already missed out on those final moments though. 

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1 hour ago, David said:

Not that I support the government, but this is an issue they really need to address properly. The notion that people are being told their family members are dying yet they can't say goodbye is ridiculous. Can you imagine the psychological fallout that shitloads of people are going to be dealing with once this is over? Knowing that a family member knew they were dying, and saw out their last days and hours with no way to see their loved ones?

There has to be a way that this can be negotiated as safely as possible. Just telling folk "aye pal, your mums likely going to die within a week. But you stay in your house and watch Netflix now, okay?" isn't really the answer. 

I completely understand, but my neuro diverse thought pattern was if the frontline health service employees can't stay safe, how are they going to be able to guarantee the safety of members of the general public? Plus what about the idiots who will then think "people are allowed to say goodbye to their loved ones in hospital, why can't I visit my healthy loved ones in their home, away from this virus?" people are potentially going to start breaking this lockdown left right and centre. Not that they aren't already, but this announcement is not going to help. It wouldn't surprise me if we saw a second wave of infections soon as a result of this. Its how my brain processes these things. 

I know I sound like a monster here, but my family is weird, and if my gran was in this situation she'd bollock us if we turned up to say goodbye to her.

Do other countries under lockdown have this kind of ruling about visiting terminal patients? 

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1 hour ago, Onyx2 said:

Am I the only person who feels quite disgusted we have to applaud a near 100 year old man for raising money for the NHS, because the Government didn't bother? 

Ah good, not just me.



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2 minutes ago, jazzygeofferz said:

I completely understand, but my neuro diverse thought pattern was if the frontline health service employees can't stay safe, how are they going to be able to guarantee the safety of members of the general public? Plus what about the idiots who will then think "people are allowed to say goodbye to their loved ones in hospital, why can't I visit my healthy loved ones in their home, away from this virus?" people are potentially going to start breaking this lockdown left right and centre. Not that they aren't already, but this announcement is not going to help. It wouldn't surprise me if we saw a second wave of infections soon as a result of this. Its how my brain processes these things. 

I know I sound like a monster here, but my family is weird, and if my gran was in this situation she'd bollock us if we turned up to say goodbye to her.

Do other countries under lockdown have this kind of ruling about visiting terminal patients? 

There is no easy answer to any of this. 

What may be seen as somewhat acceptable to some, will be totally unacceptable to others. As I pointed out, the effect that not seeing a dying loved one before they pass can have on mental health is immense. I know one guy who couldn't make it back home from overseas in time to see his dad before he passed, and to be quite honest he's never been the same since.

Every person has their own limit. For me, personally, I wouldn't be spending weeks separated from my wife while this is all going on. It just wouldn't be happening. I'd find a way to get back home, or to get to wherever she is. If I ran the risk of a fine from the police or whatever then I'd probably deem that a risk worth taking.

That probably makes me a monster as well, but that's just how it is. Since we've been together, which is well over ten years now, we've not gone more than one night apart. 

Everyone has their breaking point. Wasn't there a middle-aged guy in Spain who couldn't see his wife before she died who then went for a walk and jumped in front of a train or something similar? We can't be having that kind of thing going on either.

It's a tough situation.

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13 minutes ago, David said:

There is no easy answer to any of this. 

What may be seen as somewhat acceptable to some, will be totally unacceptable to others. As I pointed out, the effect that not seeing a dying loved one before they pass can have on mental health is immense. I know one guy who couldn't make it back home from overseas in time to see his dad before he passed, and to be quite honest he's never been the same since.

Every person has their own limit. For me, personally, I wouldn't be spending weeks separated from my wife while this is all going on. It just wouldn't be happening. I'd find a way to get back home, or to get to wherever she is. If I ran the risk of a fine from the police or whatever then I'd probably deem that a risk worth taking.

That probably makes me a monster as well, but that's just how it is. Since we've been together, which is well over ten years now, we've not gone more than one night apart. 

Everyone has their breaking point. Wasn't there a middle-aged guy in Spain who couldn't see his wife before she died who then went for a walk and jumped in front of a train or something similar? We can't be having that kind of thing going on either.

It's a tough situation.

I spoke to my aunt today. She was beating herself up that she couldn't see my Dad. But she is in her mid 70's and reasonable health, but her husband has very poor health conditions and is in the critical category so can't leave the house and I just told her no one will think badly of her putting their health first because the guilt of bringing a disease into her house and offing her husband is even worse.

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Just now, Hannibal Scorch said:

I spoke to my aunt today. She was beating herself up that she couldn't see my Dad. But she is in her mid 70's and reasonable health, but her husband has very poor health conditions and is in the critical category so can't leave the house and I just told her no one will think badly of her putting their health first because the guilt of bringing a disease into her house and offing her husband is even worse.

It's a real shame mate, I'm sorry to hear that. 

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37 minutes ago, Onyx2 said:

Ah good, not just me.



Ah yes.  I get a lot of shit when I say I don’t believe in charities.  As you meme says, they represent the failure of the state to properly look after people.

 They also allow tax payers to decide who is more deserving of help, rather than everyone paying a bit more in tax and looking after all regardless.

 Cameron’s Big Society was the culmination of this.  Why don’t you all do stuff for free so we don’t have to raise taxes!


(Saying that I’m leaving everything in my will to a donkey sanctuary!)

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2 minutes ago, Loki said:

(Saying that I’m leaving everything in my will to a donkey sanctuary!)

I was going to add the postscript that I don't completely agree with the second bit. Charities exist for all sorts of reasons, and not all because the Government doesn't fund them adequately. A donkey sanctuary is a great e.g. - do I think taxes should be better spent on donkeys, or on mental health clinics, or on breast cancer, based on a finite amount of taxpayer subsidy? Personally no, but everyone's priority is different. 

Anyway this is a bit off-topic so I'll leave it there.

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It's like you said, @David it's difficult choices. If we had a health service that had been properly funded over the last 10 years, as well as a competent government that acted on  this better, and we knew they were on top of the situation then it wouldn't be as much of an issue to me. As @Hannibal Scorch mentioned, people will be facing a dilemma over whether to go and have those precious final few moments with a loved one, or stay home to avoid the risk of catching and transmitting the virus themselves.

Again though, it's the government trying to look like they're doing something while absolving themselves of any consequences.

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2 hours ago, Onyx2 said:

Am I the only person who feels quite disgusted we have to applaud a near 100 year old man for raising money for the NHS, because the Government didn't bother? I'm struggling to join the Facebook-happy bandwagon on this one.

I said pretty much the same thing on the last page. I’ve noticed that the #BeKind Facebook people are now sharing the picture of the old guy next to a pic of a crying Sam Smith telling him to grow up and all that bollocks. 

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3 minutes ago, Onyx2 said:

I was going to add the postscript that I don't completely agree with the second bit. Charities exist for all sorts of reasons, and not all because the Government doesn't fund them adequately. A donkey sanctuary is a great e.g. - do I think taxes should be better spent on donkeys, or on mental health clinics, or on breast cancer, based on a finite amount of taxpayer subsidy? Personally no, but everyone's priority is different. 

Anyway this is a bit off-topic so I'll leave it there.

Oh for sure, there will always be a need for some charities, but in general most of them represent things the state should do.

And as a society we give vastly more money to donkey sanctuaries per annum than we do to, say, Cystic Fibrosis.  Fluffy animals are an easier sell than wheezy humans.  That’s probably not the best way of distributing money though is it 😉

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Just now, Keith Houchen said:

I said pretty much the same thing on the last page. I’ve noticed that the #BeKind Facebook people are now sharing the picture of the old guy next to a pic of a crying Sam Smith telling him to grow up and all that bollocks. 

Yes exactly. Because if you have money and fame you're not allowed to be affected.

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I've literally just seen a FB post comparing Sam Smith and Tom Moore. Why does everything have to be a comparison? Because here's a shocker for the people posting on FB, you haven't raised £10m for the NHS either, dickhead.

I'm torn on this one. I generally agree with the principle that all the "let's raise money for the NHS" stuff is not as helpful as demanding the government properly fund and run the NHS. That said, it's a great thing the old dude has done (family milking it not withstanding) and even a well run and well funded NHS would appreciate extra dosh at this time so I don't hold that against anyone.

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