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Covid-19 Megathread


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58 minutes ago, Chest Rockwell said:

300 people is nothing though really. As ridiculous as this is it shouldn't be getting airtime. Why is Hancock even commenting on it?

And sorry but care home workers are not medical professionals, and not everyone who works for the NHS is medical either. This is totally blown or of proportion, seemingly intentionally. What's the game here? This stinks.

What's your source on that quote?


I picked it up from there and it seems the times ran the story that has now being picked up by most of the other rags. 

Edited by quote the raven
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5 hours ago, JNLister said:

Lovely explanation/analogy for how mRNA vaccines (such as the two COVID ones announced as being successful in trials) work:



If the person administering the vaccine doesn't bring the syringe to your arm while saying, "Stay on target. Stay on target" then I'm not interested.

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So how long is long enough for testing for you guys? Do you have an idea in mind about what would be acceptable? Do you know what it is specifically you are waiting for them to do with these vaccines? I assume you are familiar with the testing cycle of a vaccine and have an understanding of what hasn't been done yet with these ones...

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These vaccines have been developed quickly because the whole world is pumping money into them at once, unlike anything else we've ever seen. There is unprecedented urgency and funding has reflected that.

The one thing that can't be expedited with cash is a real-time study of the long term effects, so we can't be 100% certain of those. But how long are you willing to wait and how many lives will you put at risk in that time?

It's a balancing act, but the smart people who know how to calculate and analyse these risks are the ones I'm going to listen to, more than my own clumsy doubts and emotions.

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7 hours ago, Uncle Zeb said:

With the caveat that Piers Morgan is and always will be an arse-grade cockwomble, it's fun to set that aside a moment and enjoy his live evisceration of Matty Boy this morning:


Caveat included: Morgan is a cunt

That was one of the most beautiful 90 second destructions I have ever seen. All facts as well. Fuck me sideways. 

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8 hours ago, Chest Rockwell said:

So how long is long enough for testing for you guys? Do you have an idea in mind about what would be acceptable? Do you know what it is specifically you are waiting for them to do with these vaccines? I assume you are familiar with the testing cycle of a vaccine and have an understanding of what hasn't been done yet with these ones...

Honestly I have no medical knowledge so for me it’s moreso waiting until a bunch of other people get it and seeing how many of them get side effects, then waiting to see if those side effects outweigh the risks of Covid. I have all my other vaccines but this is brand new and rushed out in the middle of a worldwide panic with what I imagine to be much less testing and fine tuning. I’m not against getting one either but I’d rather give it enough time to see if it fully works without backfiring horribly.

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13 minutes ago, FelatioLips said:

Honestly I have no medical knowledge so for me it’s moreso waiting until a bunch of other people get it and seeing how many of them get side effects, then waiting to see if those side effects outweigh the risks of Covid. 

Aaaaah, like a clinical trial or something. Yeah, I hope they do one of those.

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3 minutes ago, King Coconut said:

Aaaaah, like a clinical trial or something. Yeah, I hope they do one of those.

I understand there has been trials so far showing only fever and localised pain which is great, but these are very short term. I want to see if anything is happening a year down the line for example. It’s not a stupid thing to want, really. I don’t think wanting to see the mid to long term side effects of a brand new vaccine before I go get jabbed with it is all that strange to be honest. 

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So your preffered option would be for everyone to keep living like this for another year to see what happens with the vaccine?

Or you just think for you, personally, you don't see yourself as high risk for covid so the benefits of the vaccine don't outweigh the risks? I don't mean to be a dick and get too personal but obesity does put you at great risk.

We've gotta do something, man!

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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I'm amazed at the level of confidence shown by such people despite acknowledging that they know nothing about medicine. Pumping out new vaccines after 'only' going through the normal clinical trials and processes is standard practice and has never caused any issues before. The flu vaccines that get churned out every year are pretty much all new vaccines based on the current year's 'crop' of flu viruses doing the rounds.

Don't posture on a web forum and risk my nan's life. Read a book about it or trust those that have. 

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1 minute ago, Chest Rockwell said:

So your preffered option would be for everyone to keep living like this for another year to see what happens with the vaccine?

Well it’s not really that black and white is it? We don’t even know how long the vaccine is effective for, or if it immunizes or just stops the spread if you do get it. I just want some clearer results and details than what we have now before I go and get it. I’m not against others getting it, I’m not about to join a facebook mum group and go picket outside a nurses house, I don’t even care what goes in the vaccine. All I’m saying is there are multiple groups creating different vaccines, they only know the really short term effects and they don’t even know exactly what it does yet so I’m not in a rush to guinea pig myself getting it. Chances are it won’t even get rolled out for a few more month by which point there might be better answers.

I don’t see how this is such a controversial take or how me not wanting to get it immediately means I want another year of full lockdown. I just don’t want to get jabbed and have my dick fall off six months down the line.

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Just now, King Coconut said:

No vaccines have yet been released to the public. 

I know? I said in the same post that chances are it won’t even be available for a few months by which point we’ll likely know more.

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