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All Tories Are Cunts thread

Devon Malcolm

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2 hours ago, Chili said:

So in a way a bit of Thatcher with Liverpool, the fuck em who cares attitude to it because it's up here yeah.

Pretty much. That “Northern Powerhouse”slogan can fuck off too. Patronising, lying cunts.

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It was originally suppose to run out of Euston, up through Birmingham and then branch off to Manchester, Leeds and Liverpool. They're also working on electrifying the line from Manchester to Leeds in the hopes of speeding that service up. I'm entirely unsurprised that suddenly they're only going to head to Birmingham. It's like when they decided they weren't going to run the Eurostars from Manchester, even though there were Eurostars parked in sidings at Longaight Depot and a big sign saying "L'Eurostar habite ici" on The outside wall so cars and trains going past could see it. 

They won't extend the HS line up here, but demolished an estate in Sheffield to build it and still come up here for their conference. Cunts. 

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1 minute ago, jazzygeofferz said:

They won't extend the HS line up here, but demolished an estate in Sheffield to build it and still come up here for their conference. Cunts

That’s a point. How many compulsory purchase orders were issued for no reason. 

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Damn those left-leaning electrons. 

This - announced by Michelle Donelan at the Tory Party Clown Show this week - is pretty sinister, though. At face value, it's utterly illogical. But it seems to be as if it's a clear indication that they will be casting doubt on legitimate scientific research that they find threatening - for example, regarding climate change; in order to satisfy mega-rich oil donors. 

MP Mhairi Black accused the government of sleepwalking into facism last year. This conference has pretty much confirmed, if there was ever any doubt, that this journey is complete. 

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1 hour ago, RedRooster said:


Damn those left-leaning electrons. 

This - announced by Michelle Donelan at the Tory Party Clown Show this week - is pretty sinister, though. At face value, it's utterly illogical. But it seems to be as if it's a clear indication that they will be casting doubt on legitimate scientific research that they find threatening - for example, regarding climate change; in order to satisfy mega-rich oil donors. 

I imagine this is as much about dog-whistle Transphobia as it is about climate change, and I wouldn't doubt it if the anti-vaxxers see this as an olive branch in their direction too, given how nebulous the phrase "woke" has become. 

Most of all, this reminds me of the political ads I saw when I was in Florida last year - every other advert on TV was for some Republican hopeful or other, and they were all absolutely abhorrent, and they basically all came down to "don't vote DeSantis because he closed our schools during Covid, vote for me because I'll ban gays in schools", and doing Rowdy Roddy Peeper slo-mo video with scary music to show Democrat politicians standing next to Pride flags. There's barely even the thinnest veneer of respectability to it any more.


The Tory Party Conference is always the worst of the cunts, because it's one of the few times that they're preaching solely to the converted and get to say the quiet parts loud, but this year's has been disastrous - it feels like the desperation of a party in the wilderness, not one that's been in power for a decade. That no opposition party is currently capable of wiping the floor with them is a national embarrassment. 

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I can honestly see after the next election if the tories get wiped out, the possibility of Farage joining, someone in a safe seat “Steps down” and gets a peerage, Farage winning the seat and then becoming leader. 

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The strategy coming out of this Conference seems clear, but misguided.

Their polling has identified that the voting public a) don't like them and b.) want a change.

From this they've concluded that they need to sell themselves (and Sunak) as "the change".  Hard when you've been the party in power for the last two decades.  So they're adopting the American GOP strategy of finding nebulous modernisms that seem unpopular, claiming that "they want x to be woke, we won't let it" and leaving us to decipher who they is - Labour, the Jews, trans people, it's left deliberately vague.  

The Meat Tax is a great example of this in action - claim that "they" want you to eat less meat and the Conservatives will stop that.  It doesn't stand up to a second's scrutiny but it doesn't need to, it assumes the public won't check.  There's no policy or law to be enacted, it's all just soundbite material.

The thing is... I don't think the public cares out this stuff the way the Septics do.  Race war isn't really a big vote winner over here, we're not super-religious and we don't hate gays and trans people particularly.   These soundbites will probably appeal to Tory party members, but there really AREN'T very many of them.  And it'll get Doris and Ernie, the two GM News viewers, nice and pissy, but again they don't win elections.

David Cameron beat Gordon Brown by steering into the centre ground, where the majority of voters lie.  He leaned into "that green crap" and put forward some pretty uncontentious tax policies into the manifesto, and presented the Tories as the answer to the global financial crisis, and it worked.  I don't think Sunak moving further to the right than Johnson is going to get many voters back into the fold.  This election will be about cost of living, energy, public services.



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44 minutes ago, Loki said:

David Cameron beat Gordon Brown by steering into the centre ground, where the majority of voters lie

I don’t think he did. Much like how the electorate are currently fed up with over a decade of tories, the electorate were back then fed up of a decade of new labour and, in particular, Blair. 

If anything, I’d say Cameron lurched more to the right and certainly brought in the era of shysters and careerists getting high office, and then quitting politics when it had served its purpose. As much as I despise Theresa May, at least she continues to be a constituent MP and didn’t use high office as a stepping stone to a more lucrative lobby / media career. 

EDIT - with regards to making shit up and the public not bothering to check, you’re right. The excellent Victoria Derbyshire isn’t having it though. 


Edited by Keith Houchen
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3 hours ago, Keith Houchen said:

Not that any more proof was needed but Jamie Oliver is a Tory 


I'll only be listening to the original by King Harvest now. I did this in karaoke on Friday just gone, and now I feel ashamed. 


2 hours ago, tiger_rick said:

Poor lass just couldn't afford to pay Keir Starmer's Meat Tax.

None of us can in 't north. Them swanky southern 'otels can afford all' t poxy meat they want, but bloody Tories never invest in us oop 'ere. 

EDIT: That or there's been a huge misunderstand when everybody's been talking about how much gammon has been about during the conference. 



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