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R.I.P Silver King


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Heard he had a stroke or heart attack. there were no paramedics at the show and they took 20 minutes to get there. The other wrestlers tried CPR. The video of the end of the match is grim ☹️

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How do these shows get insurance without having suitable medical cover available? Interest got the better of me so I looked for a video and it’s obvious that the wrestler was not well, the referee and opponent are about as much use as a chocolate teapot. 

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7 hours ago, Rapey Eyes said:

How do these shows get insurance without having suitable medical cover available?

What makes you think every show that's run bothers to have insurance?

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Seen the footage, and two things stand out. One: What was the ref doing? King didn't get up after the near fall, clearly not in a good way and the ref does nothing to check on his condition. Then when Juve shoots the half for a pin and can't roll him, why then did the ref not throw an X? 

Can't comment on the provision of medical teams, I assume that someone was there due to public liability insurance reasons. Either way, it's tragic and I hope Juve doesn't get blasted.

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2 hours ago, Great Bear Promotions said:

I’m not sure what having public liability insurance has to do with anything which would be totally unrelated. It’s the great Britwres fall back. 

I'm under the impression that having first aid is a condition of getting public liability insurance for events like this. Is this not the case?

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