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The Smackers Thread


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1 hour ago, air_raid said:

They Lugered Cody hard at Mania 39 and he stayed hot (unlike Lex) so instead of paying it off at Mania 40, they've fucked him.

This is more of a Lugering than 39, and then anything else they've done to a top babyface in years. I didn't think they'd manage to keep Cody hot after Wrestlemania 39, and fair play to them (and to Cody, more than anything) for proving me wrong there - he was still an undeniable top guy after losing, after being made to look like a gullible idiot by thinking Brock Lesnar would want to be his tag team partner, and after a year of WWE booking, and it's impressive for any babyface to come out of all of that not only unscathed, but with people actually thinking that losing last year might have been the right decision to build to a rematch this year.

What I don't think Cody can recover from, and that I think no babyface could recover from, is actively turning down the opportunity for that rematch and handing it over to somebody else, then (presumably) celebrating a win in the lesser match as if it were what he wanted all along. It's disingenuous, it's unconvincing, it's a downgrade, it's Lex Luger being paraded around on the shoulders of the babyface roster after winning by count-out.


Like @Supremo said, it's so utterly unnecessary. Daniel Bryan being forced into the main event was necessary because WWE, for years, had been a heel corporation; they were a company that openly told you on TV that their booking was bad and done to spite their own audience, and it was par for the course that the anointed babyface to be rejected because they were seen as the corporate choice being forced on us at the expense of sentimental favourites. But the AEW vs. WWE tribalism has benefited WWE in that their audience are now more inclined to pretend that everything they do is amazing as a counterpoint to the rival company they hate, and they've cultivated an audience that actually trusts their storytelling and accepts what they're given, and they've found a top babyface that the audience wants to support, and they've utterly fucked it through no one's fault but their own. 

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3 hours ago, Supremo said:

Meltzer on today’s Observer Radio reckons that whilst they might not have wanted The Rock to get the backlash he’s getting, they did want Cody to become a Daniel Bryan-style martyr.

Even if true (I’m not particularly convinced), they’ve absolutely lost their heads. We’re really going back to this shit? I’m so sick of babyfaces being meta martyrs. I’m so sick of the company being the heel and us only being expected to root for guys on the level of, “you-deserve-it-clap-clap-clap-clap-clap.”

All these (correct) storyline elements aside, the major thing that's missing from turning Cody into Daniel Bryan is he wasn't screwed out of it. He willingly gave it up like an absolute knob. He doesn't deserve it clap clap clap clap clap because he chose not to take it!

Meltzer now saying this was in Rocks contract to join the board and they just didn't tell anyone sounds a lot like something he'd do these days, but also completely absurd


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I remember posting after mania last year and I said Cody Rhodes would not be this hot again after losing to Roman and that the eventual rematch at Mania 40 wouldn’t be as hot. I was called out on it rightfully so as Cody was still red hot.

Until Smackdown. This BS is damage limitation which is failing. Cody vs anyone else now won’t make the fans cheer for him more than they already do. Trying to do a Daniel Bryan is not the problem with this story, it’s unnecessary. What this situation is more like is the WWE trying their own dead cat strategy to take the spotlight away from the lawsuit, whether that was the only intention or not it’s certainly moved the conversation away from it.

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Just seen the amazing comparison of Ultimate Warrior coming out in 1990 and saying "Yeah, I know I accepted Hogan's challenge, but I've decided to step aside and let Bruno Sammartino take my place."

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21 minutes ago, JNLister said:

Just seen the amazing comparison of Ultimate Warrior coming out in 1990 and saying "Yeah, I know I accepted Hogan's challenge, but I've decided to step aside and let Bruno Sammartino take my place."

Ha! Literally just saw it too… retweeted by you.

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I really can't believe it honestly. When I watched the situation play out on smackdown my jaw hit the floor and the real sadness and disappointment for Cody when you saw the rock whispering something in his ear and his face just looked betrayed and hurt. It genuinely makes you think what did they honestly think would happen when this played out, we were so fucking angry last year when Roman won and beat him because the absolute right thing they should have done was have Cody win and finish his story and also end it for Roman but it went that way and we trusted them to rectify and do the right thing this year even though we weren't happy with it, we accepted and just counted the days down until mania this year.

He becomes the only person to win back to back rumble's which felt right and he truly deserved it after last year and just being solidly fantastic as a talent and in ring he just gives it all and is so entertaining but they have made him look like a cock and it absolutely seems online it's sucked the life and good will we gave them in the worst way.

It says everything when after 24 hours the video on YouTube had more dislikes than any other video in history 

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Anyone buying that they're deliberately trying to turn Cody into Daniel Bryan can't be in my gang.

Makes zero sense, and they aren't going to deliberately try and force a rebellion around the main event of Mania and the only dream match they have left. Especially when it's The Rock.

What's happened is, They've all sat round, Gerwitz and The Egg and their mates. Drinking their rancid energy drinks, wearing Under Armor and calling each other 'bro'. They've sat there wondering where its all gone wrong when one of the pranny's has said 'its like Daniel Bryan all over again!'

Gerwitz has leant back in his chair, nearly falling off, and said something awful like 'NOW YOU GET IT PADWAN' and they're all going to pretend they're not just cunts now.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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46 minutes ago, Kfogg1991 said:

I really can't believe it honestly. When I watched the situation play out on smackdown my jaw hit the floor and the real sadness and disappointment for Cody when you saw the rock whispering something in his ear and his face just looked betrayed and hurt. It genuinely makes you think what did they honestly think would happen when this played out, we were so fucking angry last year when Roman won and beat him because the absolute right thing they should have done was have Cody win and finish his story and also end it for Roman but it went that way and we trusted them to rectify and do the right thing this year even though we weren't happy with it, we accepted and just counted the days down until mania this year.

He becomes the only person to win back to back rumble's which felt right and he truly deserved it after last year and just being solidly fantastic as a talent and in ring he just gives it all and is so entertaining but they have made him look like a cock and it absolutely seems online it's sucked the life and good will we gave them in the worst way.

It says everything when after 24 hours the video on YouTube had more dislikes than any other video in history 

Any other video in history? Its not that deep mate.

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This is on me here but fuck me I truly am fucking awful at putting together posts on here. My autism and Asperger's just make it all come out fucking awfully.

Not an excuse I'm just fucking sorry and understand people taking the piss I make it to easy.

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