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The Smackers Thread


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5 minutes ago, Vamp said:

Ryback was dead in the water after his HIAC match with Punk where they booked themselves into a corner because they wanted Punk to have the longest reign in the modern era. He could have easily won that night and then dropped it at TLC in a screwy finish and you'd have shown he has everything to be a champion and got to Punk dropping the title to The Rock. People will say it that it would have ruined the impact of that but its bollocks because its The Rock.

That's exactly what they were going to do. As a collective, with Cena out, the team reached consensus that Ryback could win the belt and have a run, "lightning in a bottle" etc. Then, with the PPV on the Sunday, Vince changed his mind on the Thursday. And of course, consensus of a booking team means fuck all when one guy has overall veto over anything he wants to.

25 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

And that Mark Henry match at Wrestlemania that ended with Ryback dropping Henry onto his own head. Probably the worst match ending ever.

Even stupider. Ryback was supposed to win with Shellshock for a "WrestleMania Moment" of picking the big lad up, but they changed their mind because they wanted Mark to win and work Cena after WrestleMania. Which is fine... except they ended up turning Ryback to work Cena instead because (Ryback claims) Cena didnt want to work Henry because he thought he'd hurt him and could only be persuaded to wrestle Mark a few months later.

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2 hours ago, air_raid said:

That's exactly what they were going to do. As a collective, with Cena out, the team reached consensus that Ryback could win the belt and have a run, "lightning in a bottle" etc. Then, with the PPV on the Sunday, Vince changed his mind on the Thursday. And of course, consensus of a booking team means fuck all when one guy has overall veto over anything he wants to.

Even stupider. Ryback was supposed to win with Shellshock for a "WrestleMania Moment" of picking the big lad up, but they changed their mind because they wanted Mark to win and work Cena after WrestleMania. Which is fine... except they ended up turning Ryback to work Cena instead because (Ryback claims) Cena didnt want to work Henry because he thought he'd hurt him and could only be persuaded to wrestle Mark a few months later.

Ryback says a lot of things. Not all true.Ā 

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7 hours ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

No one talks about Eli Drake and how great his run was there.

They were at the time! Ā I wasn't watching TNA at all at that point but sought out a few bits of Eli Drake as I read about him, probably on here. Ā He was doing very much the same sort of gimmick, and it was over big time. Ā Then he took the same thing more or less to NWA where he was also getting rave reviews, then to NXT where he also got over, and finally to Smackdown.

The guy has been doing this act since 2016. Ā He's been wrestling for 20 years. Ā You could argue that he's been under their nose for ages, they've just not given him the chance until this year, and he's knocked it out of the park. Ā 

If it's not to your taste, fair enough. Ā But he's hardly some shlep they are taking a huge risk on, nor is he inexperienced. Ā Hell - Austin had been wrestling for about 7 years through various companies by the time WWF decided to take a chance on him, and he only wrestled for another 6 years for them, most of them so injured he could only really brawl, and yet was one of their biggest stars of all time.

Late Edit: the Reigns/Knight signing clip got 38 million views on the old socials. Ā To the moon!

Edited by Loki
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3 hours ago, Loki said:

They were at the time! Ā I wasn't watching TNA at all at that point but sought out a few bits of Eli Drake as I read about him, probably on here. Ā He was doing very much the same sort of gimmick, and it was over big time. Ā Then he took the same thing more or less to NWA where he was also getting rave reviews, then to NXT where he also got over, and finally to Smackdown.

The guy has been doing this act since 2016. Ā He's been wrestling for 20 years. Ā You could argue that he's been under their nose for ages, they've just not given him the chance until this year, and he's knocked it out of the park. Ā 

If it's not to your taste, fair enough. Ā But he's hardly some shlep they are taking a huge risk on, nor is he inexperienced. Ā Hell - Austin had been wrestling for about 7 years through various companies by the time WWF decided to take a chance on him, and he only wrestled for another 6 years for them, most of them so injured he could only really brawl, and yet was one of their biggest stars of all time.

Late Edit: the Reigns/Knight signing clip got 38 million views on the old socials. Ā To the moon!

I don't get the hate for him, I just don't. People wanted a old school trash talker, and a star. Well here he is. He's not making transphobic jokes like Rock or being a twat like Austin was. And they were both beloved.

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Iā€™d never seen LA Knight until he started in NXT. For the longest time I just assumed he was the next Ken Kennedy, hot new thing with a funny catchphrase, but with nothing to back it up in the long run. I was wrong.

Sure, heā€™s still not mind-blowing in the ring, but heā€™s good enough, and heā€™s gotten himself over to where it doesnā€™t really matter. Plus, I think heā€™s a bit of a product of a post-workrate boom. Everyoneā€™s a good wrestler now. This is a generation that grew up tape trading and reading the Observer, so everyoneā€™s mostly doing the same thing. At some point, if you arenā€™t the very best at that style, like an Ospreay or an Omega, you might as well not bother. Just a man doing some moves. A Seth Rollins or aĀ Dolph Ziggler. I think it was Orange Cassidy who said something similar. He was just doing the same flips everyone else was doing, but there were people doing it far better than him, so he needed something different to make him stand out. I donā€™t think itā€™s a coincidence at all that Cassidy, Knight and Danhsausen are now some of my favourites. Fun not flips.Ā 

But yeah. Heā€™s lapped Ken Kennedy ten times over. Itā€™s far more than just an (admittedly, brilliant) catchphrase. Some of these promos against Roman have been phenomenal. Heā€™s really upped his game and you can tell heā€™s not someone who learned everything he knows in a shitty warehouse in Florida. This man has been places and knows exactly how to get himself over and sell a match. He doesnā€™t look or sound out of place at all mixing it up at the top of the card. Moaning he sounds like Stone Cold and The Rock? Give me that over everyone else sounding exactly like Shawn Michaels and Triple H doing bad soliloquies.

More fool me though. I only saw this promo for the first time recently. If Iā€™d seen it at the time Iā€™d have known the limitless potential he had. Wild fun. Pissed up, getting his words wrong, and still making it work. Heā€™s got it. Superstar. Shoes of a champion!

As an aside, my kids are far cooler than me, so have never given a single shit about pro-wrestling. LA Knight has changed that. Ā Nothing funnier than hearing my son giving his mum a, ā€œyuuueah!ā€ whenever she suggests doing something fun.

ā€œDo you still want to go to that Halloween party tomorrow?ā€


Edited by Supremo
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I love the enthusiasm there @Supremo, a great post. Except one thing. And maybe this is why I canā€™t take to him.

The catchphrase. Itā€™s the modern day WHAT? Now, I donā€™t mean to try and compare him to Austin by saying that. But I went to my first ever WWE show. Smackdown before MITB. And for the 2 hours before the show started, all the wrestling fans inside, and outside the o2, would just shout ā€œYuuueahā€ at each other. Like word tennis. Being a wrestling fan is embarrassing. Being in a crowd of wrestling fans where you hear that repeatedly for hours. The absolute worst.

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What's different between that and "woooo!" then? People like to do that at events too. It's called enthusiasm. Support. Excitement. All those things you SHOULD have at a wrestling show. And it's far far far better than fans trying to get themselves over with "bizarro" chants because they're bored and need something to entertain themselves with.

Hating a guy because he has a catchphrase that fans enjoy is odd. That should be the whole aim.

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2 hours ago, DavidB6937 said:

What's different between that and "woooo!" then? People like to do that at events too. It's called enthusiasm. Support. Excitement. All those things you SHOULD have at a wrestling show. And it's far far far better than fans trying to get themselves over with "bizarro" chants because they're bored and need something to entertain themselves with.

Hating a guy because he has a catchphrase that fans enjoy is odd. That should be the whole aim.

In the arena, yes.

People WOO'ing and YEAH'ing on the train or in restaurants can absolutely get in the bin.

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52 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

People WOO'ing and YEAH'ing on the train or in restaurants can absolutely get in the bin.

Crossing a city on the way home after a house show while groups of morons volley back and forth ā€œBEER!ā€ and ā€œMONEY!ā€ at loud volume to the confusion of passers by used to have me dying with embarrassment too.

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I think with all things there are caveats, similar to crowds of other types, football for example.

If you're on a train packed with wrestling fans all going to the event, then I think it's fair game to have a bit of a chanting/songs going.Ā 

If you're on a mostly empty tube and shouting "Scissor me Daddy!!!" whilst being stared at by bewildered families, yeah you probably need to pack it in.

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On 10/28/2023 at 10:39 AM, Loki said:

I wasn't on the IWC during the Attitude era but I imagine there were people saying how much they hated The Rock, just as there were people banging on every week about how much they hated Cena.

There are letters published in Power Slam in the late 90s complaining about Steve Austin being shit because he only punches and kicks and that real talent like Taka Michinoku should be headlining. One of the them was written by Kenny McBride.Ā 

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4 hours ago, gmoney said:

One of the them was written by Kenny McBride.Ā 

And now he just writes tweets saying ā€œMen arenā€™t women thoughā€ whilst hilariously masquerading as a champion of gay rights and womenā€™s right!

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Honestly I haven't been a fan at all of la knight but he has got himself over and this popular so organically that I'm now starting to get behind him and enjoy his stuff.

His finisher is one I think I really like but not overly sure if that makes any sort of sense outside my head.

There is fuck all chance of him winning this weekend but he has earned the match and the chance to be in a main event title match with RomanĀ 

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3 hours ago, Kfogg1991 said:

Honestly I haven't been a fan at all of la knight but he has got himself over and this popular so organically that I'm now starting to get behind him and enjoy his stuff.

His finisher is one I think I really like but not overly sure if that makes any sort of sense outside my head.

There is fuck all chance of him winning this weekend but he has earned the match and the chance to be in a main event title match with RomanĀ 

Who do you think you are, Kier Starmer?

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