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The Smackers Thread


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Another episode of Smackdown that was mostly just there. It’s like they’ve stopped trying whilst winding down the Fox contract.

Biggest news coming out of it is that LA Knight is still that guy. Quite funny that they’ve seemingly given up on Carmelo Hayes in order to feed him to Knight. Some number one draft pick. At least they’ve realised who they should be hitching their wagon to. Yueah. He rules. Yueah.

Other than that, the only thing worth watching was Nia falling on his arse over and over again on live TV. All over the shop! Perfect comedy. Don’t work with animals, children, or the deadly combination of liquid, hard floor and pro-wrestling boots.


Edited by Supremo
Legend has it, Nia is still slipping over.
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Hikuleo (Tama and Tanga’s brother) had his last match in New Japan today, his contract runs out at the end of the month so expect him to join the group in the next few weeks/months 

He’s always looked green to me apart from a decent few matches in the G1 last year.

Edited by TildeGuy~!
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9 hours ago, TildeGuy~! said:

He’s always looked green to me apart from a decent few matches in the G1 last year.

Big lad though, and easy to protect him within a faction setting in a company where he's not having to actually wrestle regularly. WWE is probably a good place for him, in fairness. 

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8 minutes ago, The King of Old School said:

Think Lashley is injured isn't he?

Can't see them bringing Hikuleo in.

I have asked before, but I will ask again. Where is Jacob Fatu? He will instantly make the Bloodline credible again after they have added those two losers.

Some speculation I've seen was holding off because he can't travel to Europe with his conviction history. 


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10 minutes ago, Supremo said:


Talla Tonga. Smalla Tonga. Medium Tonga. Sleepy, Grumpy and Bashful.

In fairness I believe Talla or at least Talua is Hikuleo's real life middle name, so it's not a complete stretch. 

He's a big lad, so if protected, he'll do well enough for them I reckon. 

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Posted (edited)

Considering the price of the tickets, and how loud the crowd were at points, this was a mostly rubbish Smackdown that delivered very little.

The only real things of note were the fun LA Knight skit where he invades Logan’s house just to have a quick lounge in the pool, and the Cody/AJ promo, mostly for the crowd reaction.

Once again, American pro-wrestling fans should be ashamed of themselves. This was great fun once the crowd settled on the new, “Cody, Cody Rhooooooooodes!” chant. France all over again. Cody looking over the moon, AJ looking pissed off he can’t deliver the (frankly, rubbish) material. Cute that they put up a decibel meter to show how loud the crowd were. They should do that even when they’re back in the States, to highlight how shit their regular crowd is. Watch the meter not budge at all, other than when they do the inevitable, bullshit, “What?” chants.

You’ve got to feel sorry for Paul Ellering though. This man used to come out to the Road Warrior Pop! Now look at him. Whether it’s on Raw or Smackdown, he’s associated with absolute losers that get less than zero reaction from the crowd.



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Great episode.

Say what you want about the Papa H era, but it’s a billion miles removed from those days when nothing happened in WWE from one month to the next. Returns, murders, debuts, they’re certainly keeping things rolling at pace. Feels can’t miss right now.

My boy Drew! On Saturday, I thought it was the wrong finish and Drew should have gone over. Seeing those shutters rise, with Drew standing over a smashed up Punk though? I felt things. Fucking yes, Drew!  Smash that prick to bits! Awesome camera work. Awesome angle. Eat shit, Punk! Revenge! I’m back in. 

Huge shout out to Chad Gable though, being cleared to return already. Only four days after being killed with a bullet to the temple!


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Good to know they've increased security on Smackdown after the massacre on Raw that took Chad Gable out for a few days. Probably ask the production guys to not set up their spooky door as well, it only encourages them. 

Loved the whole opening segment. Great promo from Punk. Tying in Drew's failure in Glasgow to his own huge win in Chicago was brilliant and he looked like a bad ass willing to fight Solo and the lads on his own. Loved this use of broken Paul Heyman playing off their history. Not swaggering down to the ring and demanding that the latest challenger respects the tribal chief or else, but instead sincerely pleading with his friend to avoid the wrath of Solo and the boys. I don't think the other two lads have lived up to their billing at all so far, wrestling very normal matches, winning with sneaky blind tags etc. but by god Heyman is doing his best to sell them as uncontrollable killers. Solo has stepped up into the role brilliantly too, which is helping. The way they've gone from Roman being the ultimate villain to the most anticipated babyface return in years has been fantastic. It's going to be absolutely glorious. 

Good moment for Cody too. Following on from him twatting AJ with the steps even after he'd said I quit in Glasgow, I like Cody showing a bit more aggression and swagger lately. He shouldn't ever be an anti-hero as he is the ultimate superhero blue eyed babyface and he is brilliant at it, but I think it's important that he has a bit of an edge to him if sufficiently provoked. 

Cody helping Punk and then Owens/Orton still looking out for Cody and asking if he's sure he wants to do it on his own was all lovely stuff. I appreciate the babyfaces on the show being good people and looking out for each other, it benefits everyone and makes them all more likeable. 

Chelsea/Mia Yim/Belair - Belair and Cargill's intentionally awkward interaction before this match was a nice touch. Planting the early seeds for their break up. For a 3 minute throw away match they tried to pack in a ton of action here. I bloody love Chelsea green so was delighted with the surprise win for her. I did wonder how they were going to keep Jade and Bianca from facing at MITB, and they've already done that shitty Nia/Jade DQ finish to sneak Jade out of the Queen of the Ring tourney, so guess this way makes the most sense. 

Drew's return was AWESOME. Genuinely shocking and what an incredible visual of him presenting the body of a broken Punk to the people of Chicago. Also it was elevated for me because when the banging on the door started I thought it was going to be spooky people trying to break into the building. What a relief. In the middle of such an insignificant, unrelated segment too. DIY having a go at Grayson Waller, holder of the utterly worthless tag titles, about his mistreatment of the utterly worthless Austin Theory. It's like they knew people's eyes would be glazing over, could not have picked a better set up.

Carmelo Hayes and Andrade both getting the already-in-the-ring treatment in their MITB qualifiers and both getting the upset wins was a bit lame. All the qualifiers were very thrown together and rushed. Hayes feels very cold at the moment and I have zero belief that Andrade is doing anything at MITB. They could both do some fun things in a ladder match though. 

They warned Cody that Solo Sikoa would have a plan for the main event. Who would have thought his plan would be coming out on his own and then having his two henchmen he agreed to leave in the back run in two minutes later. Cody had a plan too though, he assured them. His plan was "get beaten down by the three Bloodline lads as expected and then you guys I told to stay backstage come and save me". That's why he's the champ, always three steps ahead. 

Tremendous debut for Jacob Fatu. As much as the Tongans don't fit the bill of being violent murderous monsters, Jacob Fatu is definitely that dude. I'm a little bit sad he's dropped a bit of weight as all the mad shit he can do looked even better when he had the more Umaga-esque build, but still, the guy is spectacular and I'm glad he's here. 

Fun episode. Would have liked a little bit more care and time to be given to the MITB qualifiers as it felt like they were speed running through the pesky pro wrestling bit of the pro wrestling show to get to the next angle, but the Drew/Punk stuff was fantastic and I loved the closing angle. 

Edit: Just remembered Michin getting splatted by Nia Jax in the middle of being sassed by Tiffany Stratton. I laughed out loud at how badly her evening went. Lost her match, got shit talked on camera backstage and then got splatted to hell out of nowhere. If I were her I’d bust out the old Retribution mask and start crawling about on the floor all spooky like, it’s  gotta be worth a shot at this stage. 

Edited by JLM
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Perhaps I’m reading too much into it, but both the Andrade and Carmelo thing felt like cynical attempts to address the slagging the booking of both fuys has (rightly) received. A real sense of, “see! We are pushing them, actually!”

But yeah, them putting Jacob Fatu on the Gunther diet is rubbish to see. Justice for the Fatties! We want the tits!

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What have they done to my boy? Why won't WWE let wrestlers be fat? Fatu looked tiny out there. Even Kevin Owens looked significantly bigger than him. 

It's why I've found it hard to buy these new Samoans as killers. They all look small and pretty unthreatening. I've never bought Solo as a genuine threat. He looks like a short, puppy fat teenager. The danger just isn't believable. 

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