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28 minutes ago, garynysmon said:

I mean, if we hadn't heard them almost every day of our lives, how shit do "The Rock" and "Triple H" sound in the cold light of day?

Rocky Maiva is a shit name, Dwayne Johnson is a shit name. Surely The Rock being a rad name is beyond question.

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Which just enforced how forgettable he is

Back to AEW:

Read somewhere recently on twitter, so obviously take that with a heroic dose of salt, but apparently based on the contracts that were signed at the time, ROH own all the footage from the first All In show. If that’s true, what the hell are they going to show in the lead up to that first show

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The biggest shame in them not owning the, "All In," footage is that they've lost the ability to use that Jericho angle where he dressed up as Pentagon to attack Omega. That was a killer angle that always felt like it was wasted being used to solely build to the Jericho Cruise six- man tag. Such a great deal, that would've been perfect to set up a Jericho vs. Omega rematch at one of the big AEW shows. I wonder if they'd be able to use fan-shot footage? Or photos? Or something they shot themselves for Being the Elite? Do you think owning the professionally-shot footage means ROH can stop them from using any other means available?

If we use, "All In," as a template for what kind of bookers these guys are, I'm really optimistic about what the product has the potential to be.

Sure, Adam Page chatting to his boots and getting carried away by giant dicks wasn't really my thing, but the other big hits on that show were excellent. Jericho unmasking was super cool, I've banged on about how utterly fantastic Cody and Aldis was and, honestly, the stuff with Flip Gordon might've been the most promising of all. That was exactly what I want from my midcard. Daft segments that keep hitting the same basic note in different, fun ways. That thing where Cody hated him and kept refusing to book him went on for what felt like months, yet never felt old or repetitive. Flip trying to get booked in different ways, Cody sabotaging and taunting him, only for him to sneak into the Battle Royal and win, it was so perfectly done that I still think ROH made a mistake not putting the World Title on Flip at the end. I genuinely cared about him by the end of that storyline. Far more than shitty Jay Lethal. Watch that crowd when he wins that Battle Royal. It's magic!

It's why I always feel like Adam Rose was such a waste. There were loads of daft things you could've done with a Russell Brand character. Have him sleep around with some of the women, have him host a big party that somehow gets sabotaged, have him get attacked by an enemy at a Hollywood Red Carpet event, whatever. It aways done my head in that he just had a bunny that turned on him but was never unmasked and that was that. Shit. 

As for rankings, I'm fine with them as long they're used to tell stories rather that just having them for the sake of pure sports~! The perfect example is someone like Conor McGregor in UFC. Have some witty, charasimatic mad man show up seemingly out of nowhere and run through the rankings against all the odds. He keeps calling out guys ranked ahead of him, claiming they'll all be piss-easy to beat, and then to the surprise of everyone he keeps delivering. Or look at Michael Bisping. Always fell at the final hurdle, never managed to get his fair crack at the title, forever losing to cheaters in those number one contender matches. But then one day the planets allign and he gets his one shot, nobody thinks he has a chance, and then kiss my arse he's fucking won it! Bosh!

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Lots of chatter about Dolph Ziggler jumping to AEW. A lighter schedule along side his stand up comedy career would probably suit him. It seems he's changed his name on Twitter also to his real name.

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Nobody is getting a release but Zigglers deal is about to lapse. It's feasible at this point that he's banked enough to decide earnings can take a backseat to placating his ego and getting to be a main event "star." Would be a bit TNA but I can see it.

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3 hours ago, MPDTT said:

It seems he's changed his name on Twitter also to his real name.


Loads of the roster have done that, I wouldn't read anything into it. 

Tbh, I'd happily see Ziggler go, he's been pretty average for ages and I can't see him doing much of anything in AEW. He'd be the sort who'd come back after a year thinking he's a big deal and go directly back into the midcard spot he deserves. Bang average. 

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4 hours ago, MPDTT said:

Interesting  ESPN interview.


It looks like they do indeed plan to give talent much more creative freedom.

Well that's not exactly what he said, which was.


If we look at the heyday of WWF in the late '80s and the type of wrestling that I love dearly, those were grown men who knew what the direction was, they got a finish, they got a time, and they went out there and delivered what they delivered

My first reaction to that is, can you blame him? He's got his own match and 10001 other things to do, who would also want the responsibility of scripting out every match on the card? The wrestlers should be capable of doing that themselves. However Cody's answer doesn't really say it's going to be spontaneous and called in the ring (and let's not forget, "call it in the ring" are four words lots of wrestlers dread hearing), only that he's not going to be scripting it. It's still going to need to be laid out ahead of time if the TV show isn't going to look like shit. Here's an example from "Nitro: The Incredible Rise..." of the logistics and planning involved in just one backstage segment:



The construction of an angle like the 'lawn dart' incident (although, in truth, no-one could remember a scene quite like that before) had long mystified wrestling fans, who remained isolated from the inner mechanics of story development. On this night, ironically, the production truck that aided the Nash-Mysterio stunt was the site of a small conference on the afternoon of the show. Away from prying eyes, Sullivan first pitched the concept to Craig Leathers, Keith Mitchell, Pruitt, Nash and Tony Schiavone, before initiating an exchange of ideas to propel the vision further. These ideas, as would often be the case, were recorded on a single sheet of paper, effectively enabling a 'mind map' to be developed on the page. Soon, an order of events could be assembled - not a storyboard, per se - but a sequential list of how the most viable suggestions could be connected.

At this stage, it would become imperative for the Head Booker - in this case, Sullivan - to take charge in order to prevent confusion. Group members would be asked to verify (and clarify) the intricacies of their contributions, which once settled, precipitated a basic walk-through in the proposed areas of filming. Production staff, like Pruitt, would conceptualize the visual end product by viewing each area through the lens of an imagined camera, visualizing the framing of each show with an assist from wrestlers involved in the scene. Invariably, the chance to survey the environment would inspire additional input, or, as in the case of this particular gathering, Here's how I'll throw him, Nash demonstrated as the contingent looked on.

Due to the inherent nature of live television production - each show inexorably linked to the last - the timing of each sequence was essential. To guide the transition between shows, particular actions would be designated as triggers, signaling to the performers and production staff that the 'active' camera was about to change. Once these cues were determined, an on-site cameraman would record aspects of the dry run back to the production truck; meanwhile, in slow motion, the performers practiced their role to remover any remaining ambiguity.

During the actual transmission, hidden carefully from view, pre-assigned stagehands facilitated the changeover of shots by alerting participants of an imminent live camera. For that reason, it was typically necessary to plan for some leeway time, a buffer of sorts to prevent the potentially kayfabe-shattering broadcast of a wrestler acting out of camera.


Do I think WWE's, and others, product would be improved by the talent having more freedom creatively? Absolutely, but I'm of the opinion that if your plan for matches for your live TV show is "Wrestler A goes over in 10 minutes by moonsault, call it in the ring" then I worry it's going to look amateurish at times rather than a slick and polished end product.

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Could see any of Ziggler, Styles, Nakamura, Balor, Gallows and Anderson jumping ship if contracts are expiring at the right time. Not a chance WWE would grant a release to any of them though, would only happen if new deals weren’t signed. 

Styles is the only one out of those that seems like a proper mental prospect, so that would depend on if he is wanting to wind down on his career and spend more time at home with the family. 

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Out of that group, I can see Ziggler and Nakamura going to AEW. 

Nakamura has been a complete disappointment on the main roster (and probably most of his NXT run if we’re being honest) and doesn’t seem arsed anymore. Ziggler can go and pretend that’s he’s a big deal

As for the others, Gallows has wanted to be a WWE Superstar his whole life, the only way he’s going is if WWE release him or just don’t renew his contract. You would think they would keep Karl Anderson too as he and Gallows come as a package.

Balor does good merch numbers, as does Styles and I reckon that WWE would offer him a lighter schedule in order to keep him. If they have the money to “offer” Kenny Omega $3.5million a year, they have the money to keep Styles

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1 hour ago, WyattSheepMask said:

Nakamura has been a complete disappointment on the main roster (and probably most of his NXT if we’re being honest) and doesn’t seem arsed anymore. Ziggler can go and pretend that’s he’s a big deal

I don't think Nakamura will. I'm sure I read a while back that one of the main reason he chose to go to WWE was for the easy pay check. He'd had enough of the hard hitting Japanese style and wanted something a bit easier that he could breeze through without much fuss. Hence why he seems like he's going through motions, because he is and enjoys is.

If the rumours doing the rounds about Ziggler are true, then I could see him going to AEW. I'm sure Tildeguy will confirm it.

He's also opened his own ProWrestlingTees shop: https://www.prowrestlingtees.com/nemethbros

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Could only see Styles opting for a change and new challenge now he has ticked WWE off his list. Maybe the prospect of helping building a second company would appeal to him since he tried so hard in TNA and got burned by their incompetence.

On the CM Punk front: Rancid are playing the exact same night as the AEW show. So I think he could be convinced to do a signing during the day, but very slim chance of him working the show. I will also not be appearing at AEW.

I will continue to dig for unrealistic scenarios over the next few weeks and keep everyone up to date.

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