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7 hours ago, MPDTT said:

@Devon MalcolmI don't want AEW to be the new ECW, that was a different time (sadly). We are all too politically correct these days....

Completely agree. Bloody political correctness. That's why NXT UK has suffered so much. These days, you get arrested and thrown in jail if you say you're English, don't you?

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8 hours ago, MPDTT said:

@Devon MalcolmI don't want AEW to be the new ECW, that was a different time (sadly). We are all too politically correct these days....

It’s not political correctness you absolute melon. It is people realising that times have changed for the better and some of the shit that they spouted in years gone by was appaling. Fuck off to your mansion in London with you mum you splod.


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7 hours ago, MPDTT said:

Hahaha what??? You want to make profound statement out of the fact I think fondly of the ECW product??!!!?? Christ!

Can't believe anyone doesn't get this in the year 2018 but there is a massive difference between "being PG" and producing a childish product.

For starters, WWE's terrible humour is aimed at an audience of one and he definitely isn't a child.

Before 1997, most of the greatest angles and stories in wrestling history were "PG". Since 2002, all the best angles and stories, on a national level, have been "PG".

I'd love to know what great "TV-14" stuff we're all missing out on? Swearing? Completely unnecessary and limits your audience massively. Sex? Stick to teen movies. Blood? Can be done anyway, WWE just choose not to. WCW hardly did all those years either. Back when millions of people watched wrestling every week. Violence? Wrestling is violent by it's nature. But if it's a "professional sport" then weapons should be sparsely used anyway.

There is also absolutely no chance of that style of TV on TBS or any other major network. Forget whatever the Elite are doing now. When this goes on TV, they deliver what is expected of them. 

This doesn't have to be WWE. It shouldn't be. We already have WWE and few people are happy with that. But if they ignore stuff that makes WWE successful then they won't succeed with what they want from this. WWE appeal to a mass audience. WWE start from the ground up so that there are always new young fans. Anything else is madness because your audience is finite otherwise.

As much as anyone cries about "PG" and calls people marks, as if that's an insult, there is a reason why the worst product WWE has ever produced (IMO) is watched by millions more people than anything else.

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The best angle WWE have done in the past five years was Goldberg vs. Brock Lesnar and it was the most PG angle in the world. Literally, the story was that of a man coming out of retirement so that his child could watch him perform and so that he could once again be a Superhero for all the kids watching. Then, after smashing fuck out of people, he'd go round giving every kid a high five because he was a proper hero. It was the best. Fuck off with TV-14. If you watch stuff back from The Attitude Era, the worst of it is almost always the supposed, "edgy," stuff.

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Been a while since we had a spectacular meltdown.

11 hours ago, BobbyBurnell said:

I wish the people on here would stop mocking AEW. I know WWE is the be all and end all for most UK fans, But this could be huge for wrestling.

People are mocking the hyperbole and self importance of to a lesser extent those involved and to a greater extent the enthusiastic nutcases convinced the world is changed and delusional that a startup will sign Punk and Goldberg and lure WWE names away without being able to offer a full time gig or having anything behind them to date but buzz.

11 hours ago, BobbyBurnell said:

I'm not a die hard Elite fan. I just don't shit on it because it's not WWE. People need a open mind lol

Open mind. Got it....

10 hours ago, BobbyBurnell said:

Well when AJ, goes to AEW, You'll just forget he existed. The WWE bubble is toxic. 

AJ. Sure.

10 hours ago, BobbyBurnell said:

I worry that English fans are becoming marks, and not in the good way.

We're all marks. That term used in the derogatory is a bigger anachronism than Chris Jericho.

9 hours ago, BobbyBurnell said:

Good for you, Stick to WWE, it's suited for the likes of you.

That's not very open-minded.

9 hours ago, BobbyBurnell said:

You should, you seem the type.


9 hours ago, BobbyBurnell said:

Nobody said it was cutting edge ya melon, But it is hot and trendy right now, maybe you're just not hip and up with it, that's cool, dw. WWE is still around, stick to that :)

Nobody who's playing the "childish" card should use "melon" as an insult, and anybody who thinks they know what's "trendy" or "hip" out themselves as not by using those terms. Or they're Chris Jericho.

9 hours ago, BobbyBurnell said:

No, of course they aren't and no it's not but they have Chris Jericho, Imagine if Cena jumped???

Using Jericho with his 3 matches in New Japan last year signing with Elite as a segue to John Cena joining a startup is the stupidest thing I've read since Chris Jericho likened himself to Hulk Hogan in 1994.

8 hours ago, BobbyBurnell said:

And your name is Keith

Big guns coming out now. I'm afraid Big Tony isn't really called Keith, it's a stage name, just like Chris Jericho isn't your real name.

I'm joking, Burners, I know you're not really the Ayatollah of Hip and Trendy but I thought between us we should slip in "obsession with a product means they must be one of the stakeholders" so to hit as many squares as poss on "newsboard Billy Big Bollocks bingo."

God, that was refreshing. Anyone else think there's a certain romance to petrol stations?

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2 hours ago, Supremo said:

Completely agree. Bloody political correctness. That's why NXT UK has suffered so much. These days, you get arrested and thrown in jail if you say you're English, don't you?

I think that’s only if you play conkers without wearing goggles.

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Jericho is now openly telling people that he had a conversation with Vince before signing with AEW. Apparently Vince was fine about it. Shows you how concerned Vince is about Jericho going to AEW. Also shows you how "all in" Jericho is that he was worried about what the "competition" thinks.

As an aside, isn't a promotion aimed at kids basically what Chikara does (aside from some of the more opaque storytelling)? In fact wasn't it the time they tried a more complicated story that they alienated their adult fans? 

Personally I'd be more interested in a wrestling promotion actually aimed at kids. Over the top gimmicks, short matches, 30 minute run time, sounds great. That would be far more of an alternative than what AEW is ultimately going to be. Especially if they're aiming for a 2 hour weekly show. Bugger that noise. 

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7 minutes ago, MPDTT said:

Good morning everyone. It got a bit nasty on here last night. Was everyone on the sauce? Let's keep things civil.

I think that question should be aimed at you seeing as you've outed yourself as one of those "PC GONE MAD!!!" types.

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It could be bollocks, but someone mentioned on Twitter that they had a copyright notice from AEW, for having Golden Lovers merchandise up on redbubble.

If the Golden Lovers are in then I'd consider making Kota Ibushi the World Champion pretty quickly. Guy's unworldly good. And he's gorgeous.

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