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Everybody loves shit neighbours

Devon Malcolm

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That's a sad tale, fucking hell. 

The landlord at my flat while I was at uni used to be around quite a lot without ever giving notice, but I was never sure if that was OK because it was a HMO rather than one property. I could never be arsed to look it up either because he was alright and he was usually doing odd jobs. Some mates of mine however had a landlord who would just be wandering about their flat for no good reason all the time, it was creepy as fuck. They couldn't really do anything about it as they were skint and it was cheap.  

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Yeah I’m going to say to him that the landlords agent (the electrician) openly said that he’d got the key and hadn’t spoke to the tenant. I’m guessing he’s got a section 21 so that’ll give him a couple of months. If his tenancy is the same as mine, it’s gone to a rolling month as he’s been in for over a year so I’m not sure how he can fight it. 

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2 hours ago, Keith Houchen said:

My landlord is shite, no real surprise there. The house is divided into three flats, I live on the ground floor, my girlfriends flat is half the upstairs and the attic, and the remaining flat (Flat 2) is occupied by a lad I don’t know and haven’t said much to over the couple of years he’s lived here

Like most small minded petty individuals, bin wars with the neighbours keep me occupied. We have 3 household waste bins because there are three households. The neighbours have one because it’s their house. Anyway, flat 2 never uses his bin so when the neighbours have filled theirs, they use his, usually without asking. 

All the electrical stuff is in the basement and because the way into the basement is in my flat, I have to deal with meter readings and work being carried out. I know it’s illegal but because I’m dole scum unfit for work I don’t want to rock the boat. 

All the fuse boxes needed replacing as they weren’t compliant, so over the course of three weeks, the three flats were being upgraded. Ours were done, which left flat 2 to be done yesterday. I overheard the electrician say he was going to get the key from the landlord to let himself in. This wasn’t on and breaks a few laws so I collared mr flat 2 on his way out at the weekend to ask if the landlord had been in touch about it. He hadn’t and he looked visibly shaken by the news that someone was going to let himself in. 

Come Monday, a plasterer came round to fix the part of the ceiling that fell down 18 months ago and to repair the wall that the damp had crumbled back to the brickwork. As I say I don’t want to rock the boat as getting evicted could end me. The electrician turned up as well saying he was here for flat 2 so I assumed he’d been in touch to sort out when to do the needed work. 

Nah, he hadn’t been in touch and just let himself in. He came out after half a minute and looked shell shocked. Remember I said the guy never uses his bin?  That’s because all the rubbish was in his flat, not in bags just piled three feet high everywhere. There was a little path where you could see the floor but it was some serious Mr Trebus shit going on. Landlord came round (first time in a few years), looked crestfallen and fucked off again. Today the landlord taped and envelope to flat 2s door and gave me an envelope to hand to him. I know what that means. He’s being evicted. 

I really feel for the guy, not only must there be a mental health thing going on but I know he wasn’t given notice of the visit and they gained entry illegally. You can’t just evict someone because they’re a hoarder, but I don’t think it counts as hoarding because it was all rubbish. Still at least I know where the mice infestation over the summer originated from. 

TL;DR. Shit landlord let himself in to the neighbours flat, saw it was filled with garbage piled high in every room and surface so is evicting him. 

Is he renting privately? My other half works for the CAB and this is what she reckons based on your post: http://imgur.com/a/4D5pxEX

TL;Dr they can kick him out unless the landlord can be seen actively neglecting certain things, and even then it's not guaranteed

Edited by King Mal the Glorious
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56 minutes ago, King Mal the Glorious said:

Is he renting privately? My other half works for the CAB and this is what she reckons based on your post: http://imgur.com/a/4D5pxEX

TL;Dr they can kick him out unless the landlord can be seen actively neglecting certain things, and even then it's not guaranteed

Thanks, that’s much appreciated. Yeah it’s private landlord and I suspect that the flat isn’t compliant as the electrician is a chatty sort and said how urgently the work needed doing. Mines the only flat that uses gas and the compliance was out of date until recently. Thanks again for the information. 

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  • 1 year later...

I got a bloke across from us who likes to have a crafty wank from behind his bedroom curtains with just enough on show to see exactly what he’s doing. Worse thing is you can see his kid playing in the next room. Even worse again is they only open the bedroom curtains at night, they’re fucking shut all day. 

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Its a crime if he's intentionally doing it right at a window where he can be visible.

I know one of my mate's had a similar issue with a neighbour in a flat directly across from him and he ended up recording it and passing it to Police.

The guy responsible ended up at court and on the sex offenders register then moving out.

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Yeah the Mrs said about recording it and ringing the police but there’s always the worry that it’s not actually the bloke but one of the teenage sons and we’ll have inadvertently made a very illegal recording. Plus the having to live across the road from the rest of the family, I’ll just do the manly thing and write him an anonymous letter or get someone to ring it in when I’m on holiday.

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  • 10 months later...
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The bloke that lives next door is a really nice bloke. The problem is the walls that separate our two houses are really thin, so really anything he listens to or watches, I can hear too.

And mostly the bass so it's even more annoying. I did tell him this when he moved in, and said if he ever hears anything from me or the kids, then please say something. 

Saying that, if I want to listen to music or the TV loudly, I'll put headphones on so there is minimal noise from my house.

Anyway, I've had to knock on his door 4 or 5 times in the last month asking him to turn music down, and he's always been really apologetic, and says it's low and he didn't know (and I believe him, but even at a low level I can still hear it)

I had to knock again tonight. I was polite and calm, but I did have to say this is now 5 times in a month, and again told him about my headphones and the walls are thin etc, but I feel really bad now.

I wasn't rude, and I find it extremely embarrassing to be honest to have to knock, but I want to live in peace and quiet. But I do feel bad, as like I say, he's a nice guy and it's not his fault are walls are thin and the houses are badly designed. So now I feel really guilty, but I was as nice as could be. Stupid anxiety. 

On a different note, the bloke that lives behind me is a fucking cunt that slams his front door from 7.30am to 11.00pm at night. And when I say slam, I mean shakes the whole house and I'm surprised he hasn't broken his door. It's insane just how hard it is.

To put this into context, I have a back door that leads out into a small garden and then his property is to the left and half his house shares a wall with my kitchen. His bins are directly on the other side of my garden wall.

Anyway, a few weeks ago I'd had enough as this has been going on about a year now. After a particularly ridiculous door slam, I stormed out into the garden and shouted "Whichever one of you cunts is slamming your front door, can you fucking stop it before I report you to the parish council" (fuck yeah I went there) and he sort of shuffled back in, and then came out again to do something to his van (parked next to my car)

He knows I work for a council (but not which one) so I then conducted a fake phone conversation, knowing full well he was on the other side of the wall, to our "anti social behaviour" department" (no such thing) about whether I could get a complaint fast tracked and dealt with due to the noise and frequency.

Readers, there hasn't been a slam since and I think this week he was out in his garden with the door off using a power sander to shave it, so that it fits snugger and he doesn't "have to" slam it. His dog is a cunt as well.

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On 7/31/2018 at 2:14 AM, Surf Digby said:

The landlord, never to disappoint, have stripped out the flat, redecorated it, new kitchen and bathroom, etc. and stuck a guy in with a long history of heavy cannabis use and believes that he once heard two paedophiles in William Hill plotting to kidnap Madeleine McCann two years before it happened, and has been trying to meet up with Kate and Gerry ever since.

He's still here, he's still a cunt. The communal outdoor space/garden is a fucking tip where he'll happily leave broken glass and bits of metal from his DIY tinkerings. His house stinks, so we get a waft whenever he opens his front door. He's recently acquired a knackered old chimenea, and has made a metal tube to sit on top, so the smoke comes out directly by our window.

Last year he filled the garden with plastic sacks full of soil and grew a shit load of tomatoes. He lost interest though just as they were getting big, so they just sat on the vine and rotted, until he eventually threw the remains over the wall into the road at the back.

I'm not a naturally aggressive person, but I could happily kick him in the face, even when he's doing his snivelling "I'm a victim of everything" routine.

Recently - due to our postman being a lazy cunt who won't separate mail for the two addresses - we found out that he's appealing a guilty verdict (courtesy of a dirty great stamp on the back of the envelope advertising its contents), and I'm trying to find out what for, as it might provide a way of getting rid of the prick.

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On 8/31/2018 at 2:37 PM, BomberPat said:

These days I worry that I'm the shit neighbour. I live in one of six flats above a car showroom, and aside from next door, have basically never seen any of my neighbours in the 18 months I've lived there, aside from maybe once or twice passing someone on the stairs.

Next door are a bloody nuisance, though not in any particularly entertaining way. No idea how many people live there, as people seem to be in and out throughout the day, but the one woman who definitely lives there will go outside for a fag on a walkway that's directly in front of my living room window. While out there, without fail, she'll either be on the phone, or watching a YouTube video on her phone so loud that it's drowning out my TV even with the windows closed. Several times a day. 

This one got far worse during lockdown, to the point that as much as I loved my little old flat, I was absolutely fucking ecstatic to get out of it when I moved.

I never plucked up the courage to complain, either directly to her or to the landlord (because if I had and anything came of it, it would have been pretty obvious it had been me wot did it), even after she knocked on my door at about 12/1am one night to complain of the noise from me and my girlfriend watching TV in the living room - I apologised and we shut up, rather than me saying, "hang on love, you spend all day stood outside my window yelling down your phone while I'm trying to work, and now you're worried about noise?".

All through lockdown I basically couldn't open the window in my living room, and barely ever even opened the blinds, because it just opened directly on to the walkway to her front door, where she spent all day on the phone and chain smoking. She never seemed to go inside the whole day, and constantly had people coming and going - whether they were visitors she wasn't meant to be having, I have no idea, as I still never figured out how many people actually lived there. 

It was driving me absolutely mad - I had to work all day in that one room, and then spend the rest of the night there once I was done, and she was always out on that balcony drowning out whatever I was doing. Even without the sound, I couldn't open the window for all the fag smoke. By the end of my time there, as things were starting to open up again, and you were allowed to meet people outside, she started having barbecues on that walkway, by which point I would have fucking welcomed the fag smoke and phone calls - five or six people crammed on to a walkway not quite wide enough for two people to stand side-by-side, directly up against my living room window, and completely covered overhead, so the smoke from the barbecue just had nowhere to go. That was when I came closest to complaining to the landlord, because I started having visions of them burning the place down while I was out for a walk, but again, given that mine was the only flat you could see this walkway from, it would have been obvious who had complained. 

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  • 1 month later...
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Posted (edited)

Got this through the door. We only moved into this house 6 weeks ago, bit paranoid that people might suspect it's me....


Edited by Chest Rockwell
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