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The Batshit World of Noel Edmonds

Gus Mears

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3 hours ago, Rob Lowe said:

He must be a legit multi-millionaire and he's going to the fucking jungle to eat kangaroo cocks?! If I was a down on my luck celeb i'd be gutted to do Big Brother or Stricty but Get Me Out of Here is the absolute worst. Proper D-list. Did he go broke recently? What is he doing?!

I saw a good theory on Twitter that Saturday Night Takeaway's been sullied by Ant's downfall, and as Noel hates the BBC, he might be hoping for a chance to bounce back onto Saturday primetime. If you do well on I'm a Celeb, you've got work for life on ITVs 1 through 4.

But by all accounts, the show is way realer than anyone thinks, with lots of contestants assuming they call cut and everyone's ushered into offscreen hotels, whereas they're led silently to trials with bags over their heads like they've been taken by ISIS, legitimately surviving on half a cup of rice a week, and shitting onto each other's disgusting shit into a tiny stinky bog filled with flies. There's strictly no communication with crew, outside of emergencies, so no runners to hurl abuse at, and I'd wager old Noel's in for a shock, no matter how many worms he's been scoffing from the windowbox at Crinkley Bottom.

Edited by Astro Hollywood
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I am sure for the majority of contestants that is correct @Astro Hollywood but I was informed a few months ago that it is not always the case. 

When David Haye was in the jungle he had in his contract that he must eat 2000 calories a day, otherwise it could hamper his career in boxing (lolz I know) as it would take months to get back in ring-shape. So they snook in food for The Hayemaker. If they are willing to give allowances for him, they will do it for others too.


I won't say who my source is but lets just say that they are a colleague of a current contestant.

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Another from Popbitch;


Back when the freshly-single Noel Edmonds was enjoying a bit of a career revival with Deal Or No Deal, he realised that he was getting to meet a lot of new (and very telegenic) people as part of his job. 

Rather than let any of these charming beauties pass him by, Noel would periodically get the phone numbers of contestants that took his fancy so that he could stay in touch. 

And then send them the killer text: "Date or no date?" 



Interesting to see Noel telling the tabloids this week that he calls his penis "Mr Happy". That same fact appeared in a Sept 2006 edition of Popbitch.


Edited by BomberPat
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To be fair to him, and as mad as he is, he's playing up to the character they want him to be. He's even said that he knows it's all going to come back on him in the end, but for now he's just enjoying winding them up in such a way that he expects them to be in on the gag, not taking serious offence.

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Noel vs Barrowman is going to be the hot feud. See how Barrowman bit straight away when Noel told him not to touch himself. I reckon it's going to be one of those scenarios where Noel, Larry Davids the fuck out of him and comes across as a twat but in actual fact it's the public darling who is the twat. Barrowman is this year's Biggins, horrible yet beloved, lazy comparison  though it may be.

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Some of the comments in this thread have had me creased and I was sharing them with my mate who reminded me of an instance ten year or so back at Newcastle airport. 

Someone we knew spotted Noel strutting through the airport with a lady friend and this lad walked up to Noel to introduce himself and tell him he was a big fan and asked for his autograph to say Noel was ecstatic to be receiving praise infront of his lady friend would not be doing justice to the smug look on his face as he gave the lad an autograph at which point the lad quipped "cheers Jeremy" at which point the lady friend stormed off a head and bitterly sniped "just ignore him Noel he knows exactly who you are." 

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