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Shows You Abandoned


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So there's more TV than anyone can cope with, and sometimes you invest in a show and then finally give up. In this thread, we'll reveal when we cut and run, then see if anyone who made it further in can either vindicate our decision to switch off, or persuade us to give it another go because it all comes right in the end.

Couple of ground rules: we're talking serial drama (including comedies) rather than giving up The Apprentice/Dragons Den/Big Brother/Anything else that became the same old shit even in season 16.

Also, we're talking stuff you made a serious in-road to, rather than stuff where you didn't like the pilot. Let's say you made it in at least six episodes or onto a second series.

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I gave up on Dexter after the John Lithgow season. Everything I've heard about the show after that seems to vindicate that decision. I gave up on Sons of Anarchy about half way through, and again everything I've heard leads me to think I made the right call. 

I gave up on Suits because it seemed to be kinda the same show every week. 

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I'll kick it off with:

Heroes: Enjoyed the first series, watched a couple of the second series and lost interest. I vaguely recall it being new, dull characters being introduced and the novelty of the premise wearing off.

Flash Forward: Made it to the mid-season break and it felt like a rare occasion when an awesome premise in the first episode still works for a full series (unlike, say, Under The Dome). However, the first episode back was a double-length one and I had no idea what was going on by the end of it, so jumped ship.

Spartacus: Watched all of Blood and Sand, which turned out to be great. Also enjoyed Gods of The Arena (the prequel). Got a few episodes into Vengeance and really wasn't feeling it, I suspect largely because of the change of lead actor.

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I'm guessing there will be spoilers aplenty in here.


I gave up on Lost in the last season as I realised I didn't care about anyone in the show and someone died and was brought back to life.  That was enough for me to get off the island.  I gave up on Sons Of Anarchy in about the 4th season, I'd watched it that far because people raved about it so much I thought I was missing out.  I realised I wasn't and the show was really shite.

I gave up on Game Of Thrones just before John Snow got offed because I was bored shitless of the whole white saviour trope and dragons.

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- The Walking Dead. I tried. I really did. There's some great episodes in there too. But the majority of it is boring with a rinse/repeat plot. Has there been a show with a more unlikeable group if characters? Not that I fan think of.

 - Prison Break. I loved the first two series, even if there was a decline I'm quality in the second one. Then there was that awful 3rd series where each advert break ended on a cliff hanger. Only highlight were Bellick's yard fights.

- Heroes. All downhill after the first series. Its a shame as it started off so promisingly. 

- Flashforward. It was obvious it was shite after 5/6 episodes. What a waste of time.

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I gave up on Community after about 6 episodes of Series 2. It went overboard on meta stuff, stopped giving a shit about the characters. I can't remember the exact timeline of the various straws on the camel's back, but the one that stands out most vividly is the zombie episode, which at that point had already been parodied to death. It felt very sub-Shaun of the Dead. 

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New Twin Peaks after about 6 episodes. I was looking forward to it for about a year, but have absolutely no attention span and thought the first few episodes were shit and everyone was just mutually pretending to each other that it wasn't in fact shit. Went back to my usually quality fayre of Midsummer Murders, documentaries and repeats of Bullseye.

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I've temporarily given up on The Deuce — for someone as obsessed with grimy old Times Square and 70s porn as I am, I was massively up for it — went to a preview screening of the first episode and was a bit "it's okay, Maggie Gyllenhal is her usual 12 shades of shit but it's got promise," but by episode three it just wasn't grabbing me. I'll probably get back to it.

So many comedy shows — Silicon Valley, which was okay, and The U.S. Office and Parks and Rec, which both just started to drag; Office was still good but getting a bit samey, and Parks and Rec dwindled from the end of whichever season ends with the big Lil Sebastian song, and then walks off a cliff during the end season. 

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Lost. Gave up about halfway through the second series. One of the characters opened a door and someone important was tied to a chair on the island. At that point, I gave up. 


Arrow. Loved the first season, liked the second, sky plussed most of the third them got rid of Sky before watching them. Never bothered going back for more. 

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Weeds. I gave up during season 5 but wished I had stopped after season 3. Those first 3 seasons were brilliant and the third ends in a great way to round the show off.

Sons of Anarchy. I don't think I even made it all the way through the first season. Every character in it was an unlikeable cunt.

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Put me down for Heroes, Walking Dead, Prison Break (sort of)

Heroes - This looked amazing during the first series, loved the characters, loved tyler (think thats the name) being the heel turning face, seemed like such a fun show but it just sort of lost its way in the end, I think most others I knew watching also said the same thing.

Walking Dead - Tried to give this a go for the first season/second season but never felt like the show was that great for me to want to tune in to keep watching, I agree that it felt similar across most episodes and the characters wasn't overly great either to make me care about them.

Prison Break - Loved the first two series, 3rd/4th lost its way but still watched to the very end (and enjoyed the show overall), but the one this year I have yet to finish watching yet (still on my sky planner) which speaks volumes as I watched it on TV every week the first time and you felt that every episode was left on a bit of a cliffhanger. 

I do struggle to get into TV shows though, I'm fussy like that. 

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