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WWE Cleaning Spree Started - Jack Swagger Released


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Jack Swagger said on the Chael Sonnen podcast he has been released from WWE, completely forgot he was there still, who do we think is next to get released, my guess is Tamina, Primo & Epico, Rhyno, would say Darren Young but cos he is gay they will keep him.

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I think one of the Prime Time Players will not renew eventually. Then again, Titus has his thing going of his Celebrity Dad award or whatever it was. He seems the type who'll do the odd Indy, maybe run training seminars here and there. Also worth looking at the Performance Center folk. Plenty of them decide not to stay on. It's not for everyone down there.

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Primo and Epico have been around longer than Darren Young

Just for the sake of argument, Primo's been there longer than D Young, but Epico hasn't.




Not really the start of a cleaning spree if Swagger asked to be released.

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Was just going to say Swagger says he asked and and was granted his release


Can't see any cleaning house being done any time soon, when was the last time they did that post Mania firing spree anyway?


Primo and Epico are still useful for the tag division, with the rosters thin on teams they serve a purpose as the jobbers for the division on Raw  

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Ok sorry I read it wrong, I thought he was released, yeah the roster is thin but the WWE are looking to make cuts from what I have heard recently, especially if they are bringing old stars back like Angle and Hardyz

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Jack Swagger said on the Chael Sonnen podcast he has been released from WWE, completely forgot he was there still, who do we think is next to get released, my guess is Tamina, Primo & Epico, Rhyno, would say Darren Young but cos he is gay they will keep him.

Last sentence is indicative of the class act we all know you to be Boydy.

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