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I find the attitude of this forum abhorrent. If you disagree with the consensus you are shot down by middle aged blokes who have nothing better to do than throw childish insults on a forum. Keyboard warriors at their best.


Instead of discussion you get a handful of guys who think their opinion actually means something telling you that you are an idiot.


Well I am off and just wanted to tell you (you know who you are) that you can go fuck yourself and your holier than fuckin thou attitudes.

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Do we think the Jericho/Kevin Owens thing can go all the way to Wrestlemania? With a couple of teased turns before they finally pull the trigger? Maybe even give Jericho the Rumble win or something? I bet they'd have a hell of a match at Mania for the Title.

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Oi, don't call me middle-aged. just cos i might die at 48 doesn't mean i fit that category


this is a pretty unique place for wrestling discussion, thats why I like it personally. not the same shit cut and paste Reigns is a meathead who can't wrestle/Vince is an idiot/Cena sucks viewpoints like you'll get on reddit or most other places. I think everything said to counter your strange anti-WWE viewpoint in that ITV v WWE thread was more-or-less spot on. sorry if your feelings got hurt, like but most of us don't (or no longer, in my case) subscribe to the idea that WWE is this evil corporate force in wrestling that will destroy all traces of real-pro-rasslin in the world and give us ""movies"" instead. it's a dated viewpoint

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I find the attitude of this forum abhorrent. If you disagree with the consensus you are shot down by middle aged blokes who have nothing better to do than throw childish insults on a forum. 


Nob rash.

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I find the attitude of this forum abhorrent. If you disagree with the consensus you are shot down by middle aged blokes who have nothing better to do than throw childish insults on a forum. Keyboard warriors at their best.

Instead of discussion you get a handful of guys who think their opinion actually means something telling you that you are an idiot.

Well I am off and just wanted to tell you (you know who you are) that you can go fuck yourself and your holier than fuckin thou attitudes.

Put your dummy back in soft cock

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loads of people here hate Cesaro for example. I don't, I love him, don't think he needs to be world champ or anything but I'm a fan of what he does. pretty sure I can say that without getting shat on and don't have an issue with the people who he gets on their tits as I can sort of understand why. It's about how you voice your viewpoint at the end of the day I think.

come off as another whingey and entitled wrestling fan and people won't take too kindly

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I find the attitude of this forum abhorrent. If you disagree with the consensus you are shot down by middle aged blokes who have nothing better to do than throw childish insults on a forum. Keyboard warriors at their best.


Instead of discussion you get a handful of guys who think their opinion actually means something telling you that you are an idiot.


Well I am off and just wanted to tell you (you know who you are) that you can go fuck yourself and your holier than fuckin thou attitudes.

I don't like you.

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On the one hand, you claim to be a fan of the old days before everything became a slickly produced movie. And on the other, you can't even spell 3:16 after your name.


I wish you'd stick around so we could solve this conundrum.

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