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Minor PPVs that don't deserve a thread *Spoilers*


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1 hour ago, Otto Dem Wanz said:


Roman got absolutely shat on by the live crowd though, I can't see how the reaction was more positive to whoever mentioned that. 

Normally the boos for Roman sound universal. At least this time there were lots of duelling chants, and I noticed a smattering of supporters in the crowd. There was a 'you deserve it'  when he was coughing his organs up though 

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I think some of the duelling chants, as the match went on, turned from "Let's go Roman! / Roman Sucks!" to "Let's go Strowman! / Roman Sucks!". It felt like the more he got beat up, the more of the crowd got into it.

I didn't think much of the PPV, to be honest. Strong main event, from which Braun and Roman can come out better, and an absolute debacle in House of Horrors, from which there were never going to be any winners. Everything else was just alright. I'm a bit disappointed in both title changes though. Bayley just because it happened so fast - I'd rather have seen it happen in a feud with some heat - and Owens because I'd much rather Owens be on SD.

That said, I think it's probably a good thing all in all that Owens will be on Raw. I'd rather him on SD just because I like that show more and I'd like to see more of him with the likes of AJ and Nakamura, but since the shake-up I look at Raw and I barely care about anyone on the roster. One more guy I like will hopefully make the three hours go slightly faster.

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39 minutes ago, textonly said:

That said, I think it's probably a good thing all in all that Owens will be on Raw. I'd rather him on SD just because I like that show more and I'd like to see more of him with the likes of AJ and Nakamura, but since the shake-up I look at Raw and I barely care about anyone on the roster. One more guy I like will hopefully make the three hours go slightly faster.

Owens is still on Smackdown, just that Jericho is also joining him, it was never said Owens was going to Raw if he lost not sure where you got that from

Thought it was a pretty good PPV, I had very little expectations going in but it was a nice surprise overall aside from the House of Horrors match which seemed more like a poor straight to DVD Horror Movie, the sort that you'll find all 200 copies ever made exclusively in poundland

Both Title Changes I was surprised at but happy with, Jericho on Smackdown will be good, even if he is gone for a time to his music commitments and Bayleys reign never seemed to get going for me and she was given the title to early, hopefully they can sort of reset on her and her next title challenge and win can be done a bit better and be more impactfull and lead to a better Reign 2nd time round



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30 minutes ago, MVP RULZ said:

Owens is still on Smackdown, just that Jericho is also joining him, it was never said Owens was going to Raw if he lost not sure where you got that from

Thought it was a pretty good PPV, I had very little expectations going in but it was a nice surprise overall aside from the House of Horrors match which seemed more like a poor straight to DVD Horror Movie, the sort that you'll find all 200 copies ever made exclusively in poundland

Both Title Changes I was surprised at but happy with, Jericho on Smackdown will be good, even if he is gone for a time to his music commitments and Bayleys reign never seemed to get going for me and she was given the title to early, hopefully they can sort of reset on her and her next title challenge and win can be done a bit better and be more impactfull and lead to a better Reign 2nd time round



This is their chance to remove her from TV... have her return via vignettes, crowd appearences. She could develop a more brooding character, a darker Bayley, if you will. :laugh:

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Thought the show was very solid from top to bottom and over-delivered on everything, except the wrestlecrap match obviously. I was pleasantly surprised to see Jericho win the US Title match, as I think almost everyone assumed he was going to be doing the honours for Owens. Seeing Owens tap got a pop from me, as did the finish to the Cruiserweight Title match. the match itself was fantastic but I thought the finish was creative, expertly executed and kept a load of heat on Neville. He looked absolutely desperate when locked in that Last Chancery. The women's and tag team matches that followed were both great too, as was the post-match angle with Cesaro and Sheamus beating up the Hardys. Joe and Seth had a decent enough match but because Rollins is the worst babyface in the world I can never give much of a fuck about anything with him in it.

It's a shame that the company seem so determined to stick with Roman as a babyface. You should never have a situation where your monster heel is demolishing your top man to deafening shouts of  'thank you'. The action in the match was really good, but imagine how great something like that would have come across with the right heel/face dynamic and appropriate fan reaction.

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That House of Horrors match was shockingly bad. And that's coming from someone who actually likes a lot of the Wyatt stuff (including the WM projections). Was it even explained what the house was meant to be? The premise would suggest it was meant to belong to Wyatt but then they got inside and, save for a few bits of horror cliché, it looked like a bog standard modest family home. They went from a room with hanging dolls to a living room with a pink sofa, table lamps and dust sheets. They completely half arsed it. And Orton looked a right pillock showing up shirtless. 

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Matt Hardy took quite the beatdown. I'd imagine that brogue kick to his head could have some, errr, long term ramifications to his mental state...

The commentators selling the fact that Orton was trapped under a fridge was comical, making out as though he was buried under the patio. It's a fucking fridge!

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47 minutes ago, neil is brill said:

This is their chance to remove her from TV... have her return via vignettes, crowd appearences. She could develop a more brooding character, a darker Bayley, if you will. :laugh:

Imagine the inflatable tube men all being black with furious faces. 

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When I was a kid, I either thought, or wished, that the In Your House PPV was going to be wrestlers fighting in a house. I've seen that now, and it wasn't great. From the build up, I was expecting way more terrible horror cliche stuff. This was just a hardcore match with some video filters on.

Main event was very good. Didn't pay much attention to the rest of the show.

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8 minutes ago, King Pitcos said:

When I was a kid, I either thought, or wished, that the In Your House PPV was going to be wrestlers fighting in a house.

I was 100% ready for Hell in a Cell being two guys fighting in a prison cell with flames visible through the bars.

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