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Minor PPVs that don't deserve a thread *Spoilers*


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8 hours ago, tiger_rick said:

They ruined the most likeable act in the company to the point where he now has to be a heel to be relevent.

Nakamura jobbed clean on PPV to Jinder Mahal. I just typed that and even I don't believe it.

Next time the debate comes up about which wrestling fans are the real bottom-feeding virgins, remember the people who popped for Baron Corbin winning the US Title.

I love Rusev.

Rick thought all my thoughts for me. I thought about watching Jinder v Nakamura after work unspoiled as I assumed the only reason they were having them go twice was that second time Shinsuke was going to put us out of our misery. I'm bloody glad I didn't.

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Opener was easily match of the night, and the main event was a tense affair once it got up on top of the cell. I know deep down that no-one was taking a bump through it or anything, but then again you just never know. The Zayn run-in was really well done I thought. I don't know how I missed it, because I went back and watched it again and they don't hide him at all, he's there clear as day, but your focus is on Shane on top of the cell, so job done all round.

Adding Tye to the US title match was a good way of getting the belt off of Styles without him having to lose. Does make you wonder why other babyfaces don't just ask to be put into title matches though, as apparently that's all you need to do. As for where Styles goes from here, either he's next in line against Jinder, or he's switching over to RAW.

I had to laugh at Todd Phillips claiming a 16,000+ sellout though. I assume that means that Block203 all went for a piss at the time every time the camera was near them. WWE usually do a decent job of making the arena look full on TV,  and of course an inflated crowd isn't anything new to wrestling, but this show was noticeably empty in large patches

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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The reveal of Sami was really well done. I didn't spot him at all until the camera focussed on him. I liked that his reveal also got an audible gasp from the crowd, too. I thought his conflicted acting was also spot on. Poor guy just be over the moon to have finally been given something to do on the main roster. 

When is Ziggler's contract up? The sooner the better. He's awful at the moment.

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Superb opener - how good was that visual when E had that look on his face and was going mental after swatting Uso 1 from him? 

Liked the main event too although I wouldn't have minded some blood - just to put the rivalry over a little more although I may be alone on that. 

Edited by Otto Dem Wanz
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WWE Network has been atrocious trying to watch this. Only made it through 3 matches so far, though I now know the rest of the results. Worst of all was watching the US Title match, which went 19:20, and two sequences from the end it skipped to the celebrating winner in the aisle. Fuck sake. 

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17 minutes ago, Rosler28 said:

I might be one of the few saying this but since Nakamura has been on the main roster he hasn't lived up to the hype


I think this is the general consensus, to be honest. I mean it's hard to showcase yourself against Dolph Ziggler and Jinder Mahal, but his run so far has been very damp.

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Not even Shawn Michaels could have a good match with Jinder Mahal. Shinsuke has been booked appallingly but it's easily turned around by a series with AJ or a Rumble win.

Better than No Mercy but everything in the middle was miss-able. The main event delivered for me. The tag Cell match wasn't actually as good as the PPV Kickoff show bout those two teams had back at Backlash/Summerslam(?)

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11 hours ago, Philjax said:

Shinsuke has been booked appallingly but it's easily turned around by a series with AJ or a Rumble win.

coming from somebody who once thought "hmm, Sami Zayn might have a chance with the Rumble this year!!", there's not a chance in hell Nakamura is winning the Rumble

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