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Celebrity Big Brother 2015


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The way Hopkins is fighting with Perez just to get air time is wearing thin. If she hated him as much as she claims there's no way she would've been running around the garden with him laughing. And she said she loves the british public, since when? Nothing like sucking up for some votes Katie.

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I'm still watching, but there isn't much to comment on. Perez is still an unbearable fuckhead, Katie Price will probably win despite having down fuck all since she's gone in there.


I am interested to see how Perez will get on now that Nadia is out. He gets a formal warning for the thing with Callum tonight. Didn't he already get a warning for licking KH's face?

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I hope Katie Price or Perez wins just to show this series up for what it is. She should never have been in there (and has been beyond fucking dull) and Perez should have been kicked out by now for how offensive he's been towards most of the house. If one of them wins it, I'm hoping Big Brother gets looked into for their obvious bias towards the two that got paid the most to be in there.

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I would seriously love that when Perez gets voted out, rather than cheers or boos, there is absolutely nothing


A full crowd just stood there quietly arms folded, just mildly shaking their heads at him. No exit music, no paparazzi to take his photos, no Emma, just a sign pointing to a taxi to drive him to an airport ... it would do his swede right in.

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Since the first week I've been following this through the medium of Ofcom complaints. Apparantly they've totalled more than 2,000 so far with the league table being:
708 in one night for Perez doing bad things in his pants
257 for racist Ken
71 for Perez licking Katie Hopkins
41 for Perez cancer insults
24 for Perez racism
14 for homophobe Alexander
And only 4 for an actual sexual assault that led to a police caution
However, it looks there may be a late run to the top for Cami as her eviction interview was not only full of swearing, but included her saying she'd wondered of Perez "Shall I slit this motherf***er's throat?".

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I've never really understood people complaining to Ofcom about Big Brother. They must be fans of the show, unless they're literally watching just to find things to complain about?


People have complained to OFCOM about BabeStation showing a bit of fanny in the past.

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I hope Katie Price or Perez wins just to show this series up for what it is. She should never have been in there (and has been beyond fucking dull) and Perez should have been kicked out by now for how offensive he's been towards most of the house. If one of them wins it, I'm hoping Big Brother gets looked into for their obvious bias towards the two that got paid the most to be in there.

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