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Tag Teams who don't get enough love


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So as we established recently, we all love tag wrestling and we all welcomed it's short-lived revival in WWE!


How about a bit of love for the tag teams you liked who don't get mentioned enough? Fuck The Hart Foundation, Road Warriors, Demolition, Rockers, Outsiders, Edge & Christian, Hardyzzz, Dudleys, Steiners, Harlem Heat, Outsiders, Hollywood Blondes, New Age Outlaws, Davey & Owen, etc


Fuck Power & Glory and The Orient Express an' all because they've had their share of the UKFF love.


Who else did you like?


I liked Billy & Chuck. They were good fun. They had great hair, they developed nice effeminate touches and they seriously rocked the headbands. Rico was a decent manager and their theme music was another Jim Johnston classic that suited them down to the ground. It's a pity they bottled the gay marriage angle though. A couple of confirmed gays on the roster would have given Vince endless opportunities to express his homophobia through the talent.


Couple of WCW teams who never really went anywhere but I quite liked. Fire & Ice were ace - Norton in particular. Pity there were so many other teams around at the time. I quite liked High Voltage too. They were a decent jobber team and in the modern era, they'd probably have half a dozen tag title runs. They were built like motherfuckers. Did you know they had a Streetrod? Must have been rare because they didn't have any in the poundshop when I bought a load 14 years or so ago!




I really liked the New Foundation too. Shame they didn't go anywhere. They had good chemistry for obvious reason and despite being a fashion disaster, the crowds seemed to really love them. I just wish they'd given them a more creative name that could have allowed them to stand on their own. And that Neidhart didn't get fired or whatever.


I even liked the Rocket launcher.

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Love the Billy & Chuck music - using that for CAW's in the game was great... Youuuuuuuuuu looook sooooooooo.... good to me!


Speaking of Billy and Chuck, I enjoyed Rico and Charlie Haas with Jackie Gayda as a tag team also. Rico was hilarious during that period, and played off Charlie as the straight man very well.


Also I think roughly around the same period (early 2000s anyway) was RVD and Kane. I liked them as a tag team. Even though I was pretty bored of them indivudually, I thought they worked really well together.

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Been watching a lot of WCW from 1996 and you're right; Fire and Ice are top. Had a great match with the Steiners on one of the shows.


The Hollywood Blondes are in my top three teams ever. They may have been the best ever, if things had panned out differently. Their regular opponents Ricky Steamboat and Shane Douglas never get brought up as a team, but were tremendous.


They were around at a transitional time, but I thought both the Smoking Gunns and the Headshrinkers could deliver some great stuff. There's a match between them from Superstars I think which is really good. The Gunns' defence against Skip and Zip from Royal Rumble 1996 is never spoken of, and that's a blast.

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Jamie Noble and Kid Kash worked really well together in my opinion. We're they called the pit bulls???


Also, High Energy were a team I liked when I was a kid. Glad they ended when they did though, because Owen was boss the following year.

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I'd have to agree with Herbie and his mention of the Can-Am Connection, who I loved as a kid despite their lack of theme music. I also used to love The Powers of Pain and the Faces Of Fear.

Jamie Noble and Kid Kash's 'Pitbulls' incarnation, I have nothing but adoration for. I thought they were fantastic, and completely under appreciated.

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I remember really loving Head Cheese. In fact, it was the only time Steve Blackman was worth the time. I'm a sucker for odd couple teams like Team Hell No or X-Pac & Kane; Head Cheese were pretty good playing off each other. I thought they split them up too soon.


Also, around that time I really enjoyed the Holly's and their Super heavyweights gimmick. Hardcore was great playing an arsehole, while Crash was perfect as the goof. Great entrance music too.

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I really liked the Sid/Kid team in late 1995. Short lived but I liked them as a team. I've always enjoyed the big guy/little guy contrast in tag teams in general really.


Speaking of short lived teams - Barry Windham and Brian Pillman, late 92 in WCW were great. It didn't last long at all though unfortunately. It came just after Windham turned on Dustin Rhodes, and just before Pillman and Austin formed the Hollywood Blondes in early 93. So they were a transitional team really. But I liked that pairing a lot. I loved the Blondes though and it worked out perfectly in the end.


From around that same time I also quite liked the odd pairing of 2 Cold Scorpio and Marcus Bagwell. I wasn't much of a Bagwell fan in the babyface role in the early 90s, but I loved Scorpio so I liked this team based on that alone. And they had snazzy matching pink and white tights which Jesse the Body kept moaning about. Some cracking matches with Austin and Pillman in 93. And a couple of good ones with the Nasty Boys as well if I'm recalling correctly.


And finally, until I think of more, sticking with Bagwell - Vicious & Delicious! Scott Norton and Buff Bagwell. They had the contrast I like with Norton being the big powerhouse and Bagwell being a cocky shit. They had sunglasses, they were in the NWO, they had NWO gear, NWO music. A team name. I loved these two as a combo. I think more could've been done with them but on a stacked roster, they were about where they should be I suppose. They weren't going to be the NWO's tag team champions with Hall & Nash around understandably.


EDIT - The Faces of Fear would be one of mine as well.

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Completely agree on the Can-Am Connection, but would say the Can-Am Express should be on this list too, was always surprised WWF never gave them a solid tag team name rather than just Furnas and LaFon. Fantastically solid tag team that could have done so much more. Furnas as a singles talent could have done much more too.

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Bagwell was fun with Luger as well in Totally Buff.


When I was first watching, I remember liking the Hollies - Crash's idiocy and speed, and Hardcore's brawling.

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Fabulous Rougeaus. I love watching them. Decent babyfaces and even better heels- their smarmy attitude was great and they could be funny as fuck too. Very good wrestling ability, highly entertaining, INCREDIBLE theme song, Jimmy Hart as their manager, mini-flags, beautiful satin jackets, brilliant double team moves (the doomesday seated senton thing and the Quebec crab double team in particular)- they pretty much had it all. Ray had a cracking tache, too.

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The Heavenly Bodies were absolutely amazing and if anyone (Rick) says otherwise then he's dead wrong. A fantastic tag team and Jimmy Del Ray had the best look for someone called The Gigolo poosible. Greasy and sleazy.

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Christian and Jericho were great fun for a while around 03 or 04.Both of them trying to seduce Lita and Trish,and having mini feuds and trying to get Austin sacked when he was co-GM.


Booker T and Goldust were a fantastic odd couple tag team from that period too.

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