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This is where this mark mentality comes in. This is where you are proven wrong. You automatically assume i mean big roided up guys that have huge muscles and are over 6 foot. I don't.



George "The Animal" Steele passed away a few weeks ago. He was larger than life.



When I say larger than life I mean men and women that have charisma, they can do the talking, they have personality, when you see them on TV you can't take your eyes off them so yes Earthquake would be in my list of larger than life men but so was George Steele. So is Honky Tonk Man. Not all guys on steroids. Guys that you would never see in everyday life. Guys that just look the part. How many times have you seen a wrestler or a singer or an actor or a performer on TV and they just look the part, they just look like they were meant to do that in their life. That's what I mean. Wrestling used to be full of men like that. Even if I didn't like certain ones or I wasn't a big fan of their matches I could still sit and watch it and know they absolutely belonged there, they had a place on that show. That's what I mean but of course some of you on here have been on this forum for so long and you've been watching this indie wrestling for so long that when someone like me comes along you just assume the opposite, that I want the opposite. I don't care how many muscles someone has or how tall they are or if they are fat or skinny. I just want wrestlers that look the part and act the part to be on TV, I want it to be believable and interesting, not bland and I want them to make me want to watch the show, that don't make me feel stupid or I'm not sitting there saying....I could take him in a real fight.



So no you're wrong. I don't want those things. It's a TV show guys. You don't stick regular people on TV. Even on reality shows. Do any of you watch Big Brother? Do you watch X Factor or Briitain's Got Talent? Look at those regular people. They're not just average joe's. They're attractive people. Even the sob stories where they try and tug at your heartstrings, it's never a down trodden man or woman, it's always a nice looking man or woman, nice skin, nice teeth, they're always well spoken. Big Brother is the same. All the men and women look nice. Do you see what I'm getting at? It's TV.  Even when the show has to rely on regular every day folk.....it's decent looking everyday folk. It's TV. Everyone has to look good. People are sitting in front of their TV everyday watching shows, people want to see stars, they want to see interesting people. Wrestling is the same way. People aren't gonna sit and watch Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens roll around the ring for 20 minutes. Same with movies. That new film with Joan Collins was packed two days in a row at my local cinema. I was lucky to get a ticket on Saturday. People pay to see Joan Collins. They pay to see Robert DeNiro. They pay to see stars. There's a new film coming out with Morgan Freeman and Michael Caine and maybe it doesn't have the big budget of King Kong, maybe it doesn't show up in every single cinema but I'll bet that one too has sell outs and packed rooms because it's stars in it. People want to see stars, they don't want to sit and look at regular looking people. What did Bobby Heenan used to say? You don't dress like the marks. You don't dress like the paying marks in the crowd. You're supposed to look like a star. That doesn't mean you need big muscles or be covered in baby oil and be 6 foot 5. It just means you make an effort. You look different, you act different, you carry yourself different.



And as far as the women go, I've already said on here before I thought Miss Elizabeth was very attractive and she never wore revealing clothing infact she barely said or did anything but she looked very sexy and not that I need to explain myself to any one but I will say this, I am a grown man, I'm a straight man, I like women and I have no issue saying I like watching attractive women and for a straight men to tell me that sexuality doesn't belong on a wrestling show tells me there is something not quite right with that person and I wont even argue about that. All I will say is for any straight man telling me that the women in wrestling should dress nice or god forbid have some confidence in their appearance then they need to get a life. Especially if you're over the age of 30. Is marriage not on the cards? You not want kids? Not want a family? Not got a job? Don't sit and argue with me on a forum, go and sort your life out because you only get 1 life, only here once, don't waste anymore of your life on wrestling, go and get a life.

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Anyway, that final segment was pretty good. Triple H doing Stephanie's schtick was decent and the Socko set up was tremendous. Seth Rollins still leaves me cold, but at least he was 100% babyface last night.


Goldberg getting shat on at Wrestlemania leaves me feeling sad. It was going so well too.

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Really bland this week. Nothing screams Road to WrestleMania 101 than HBK turning up to say fuck all.


Agree with ColinBollocks, last segment was decent, if really obvious, but not worth going out of your way for.

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It's almost as if they haven't left themselves enough time to do a proper build with them having to shoehorn in another PPV. It feels like they're on cruise control because they don't have Monday Night Football to compete with. "Of course people will watch Mania, it's Mania"

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HBK turning up to say fuck all.


Sounds like a Scotswizard post.


It was all a bit meh this week. Unless Foley does something at Wrestlemania he's just going to be completely emasculated again by Stephanie. The Stephanie character is just far too strong and overbearing. Surely she realises it wouldn't hurt to be caught out once in a while and show a bit of arse like her dad used to. (Not the kiss my ass club)


I'll be honest this is one Wrestlemania I won't be staying awake for. First in many years. I'll wait till I've dropped the little one off at nursery and go then. It just doesn't seem to be worth staying up for.

Edited by stevieg1980
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