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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Nothing on Raw feels important, its all so laboured and dragged out. Charlotte's promo seemed about 2 hours long, and Bayley's rebuttal was well intentioned but delivery was rubbish. For someone who spent so long in developmental, she must have never went to promo class.


Heyman can fuck off at this stage too, and he can take that twat Rollins with him while he's at it. Only enjoyable bit of Raw was Braun and they are even starting to overexpose him too. Tag title was good too in fairness.

Edited by DCW
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I didn't care for much of it, other than mild amusement at the Sami Zayn Shield thing because it's a rib on him pissing people off in real life when planning matches. I'm not sure that it was worth doing that end angle, with Braun getting taken out just for Owens to stand tall. At this point, nobody's buying Kevin Owens as a hard nut, so it seems wasteful sacrificing a Braun bigbump on it.

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I thought it was an okay Raw. couldn't be bothered to watch it when I normally would as knew it would be a comedown after the UK Tournament, so with that in mind it wasn't too bad. 3 fun match-ups (I also enjoyed the Enzo & Cass match) and I enjoyed Charlotte's part of that segment, Bayley's rebuttal was a bit weird but that's just WWE presenting faces. Also enjoyed the cruiserweight stuff, the crowd was a bit more receptive to it this week and Alexander in particular came out looking good. And Kurt Angle!! I'd been offline and that was a genuine pleasant surprise

Should've saved Brock for last though and uhh the Snuka vid.. awkward

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Imagine how the last four months would look of Goldberg had fucked up his return promo like this one!


Reasonable show that wasn't a waste of time but didn't add much to the Rumble card so isn't a must watch. The ending was a cool surprise but they went off air before anything happened.


Zayn and Rollins had a really good match with a decent stip. Funny how dull everything is these days but you've got matches like this on TV that are better than anything on dozens of whole PPVs they've presented in the past.


Who is in better shape, Show or Foley? Both remarkable. Huge props to both.

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Because he head butted a door on his walk to the ring.


He really shit the bed on that but luckily everyone was still in to him. Popped huge for Lesnar and Taker even if it was just a stare down - but I'm certainly more pumped for the Rumble!

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I honestly don't understand how New Day are still portrayed as faces, yet Titus is still a heel. From what I can see, New Day are dicks and Titus is quite reasonable.


Big Shows chest looks huge now he's dropped the weight, he looks a lot bigger than when he was fat.

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Who is in better shape, Show or Foley? Both remarkable. Huge props to both.

Both men have eaten a mountain of shite recently, but fair play, they've both worked hard to not look like total messes. I haven't really watched much Raw for a few months now, so was very surprised to see how well Foley is looking. Is Show doing DDP Yoga? His posture has went from a 4 to an 8 on the Cantona scale; he looked bigger because of it.


Anyway, the Goldberg segment was mental, but the charisma of big Bill saw him through it. I heard his story about head butting doors on the Austin Show and thought he was being a wrestler when he made it up, but here he is on Raw concussed and bleeding. Star power always makes a show seem better and I thought it was a fairly strong ending. Basically, "buy our Network and see the proper stars have a scrap".


Having not watched in a while, I must say Strowman has improved massively and is easily the most intriguing full-timer on the show. In a sea of overpushed midcarders, he stands out. Of course, no coincidence it coincides with him getting pushed as a monster, but still we've seen plenty of folk come in as such and them not catch on. They should make use of the Cruiserweights and have Strowman batter them all in a fit of rage.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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Zayn and Rollins had a really good match with a decent stip.

I'm going to shock you ; I hated that piece of booking. I'm not against face vs face matches per se, if the intention is to split your audience that's fine - Hogan vs Warrior, Bret vs Shawn, Rock vs Austin at the top end, for instance.


However that booking of effectively trying to make us both happy that Sami qualified and pissed off that Rollins got screwed - over the same result? Sorry, not for me. I like my wrestling best when I'm emotionally invested but conflicting emotions about the result, I don't want. Maybe its too sophisticated for me but if the face v heel dynamic TELLS me who I'm supposed to want to win, ok, but expecting me to both be pleased that Sami won but angry in the manner Seth lost is contrary. Why they couldn't have put a heel in that spot to keep it simple and tell one story WELL at a time instead of clumsily crossing two stories over..... anyone?

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Zayn and Rollins had a really good match with a decent stip.

Why they couldn't have put a heel in that spot to keep it simple and tell one story WELL at a time instead of clumsily crossing two stories over..... anyone?


That does not seem to be the thought process of WWE any more. They will throw anyone together without much thought about if the pairing makes much sense.

Edited by DJM
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I honestly don't understand how New Day are still portrayed as faces, yet Titus is still a heel. From what I can see, New Day are dicks and Titus is quite reasonable.


That's basically how WWE book their heels and babyfaces now.

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I honestly don't understand how New Day are still portrayed as faces, yet Titus is still a heel. From what I can see, New Day are dicks and Titus is quite reasonable.

That's basically how WWE book their heels and babyfaces now.


Their inability to book any strong babyfaces or heels is a serious problem for them at the moment. The top three faces on Raw seem to be Reigns (who is booed out the building and most would like to see a heel or edgy face), Rollins (who many people on here do not seem to like or see any reason to get behind) and Zayn (who loses most of the matches he is involved in, "but puts up a good fight"). The top heels are Owens and Jericho, who are both cheered by the fans. Strowman is coming along well, but he has looked weak the last couple of weeks by not facing up to Lesnar and Show.

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Zayn and Rollins had a really good match with a decent stip.

I'm going to shock you ; I hated that piece of booking. I'm not against face vs face matches per se, if the intention is to split your audience that's fine - Hogan vs Warrior, Bret vs Shawn, Rock vs Austin at the top end, for instance.


However that booking of effectively trying to make us both happy that Sami qualified and pissed off that Rollins got screwed - over the same result? Sorry, not for me. I like my wrestling best when I'm emotionally invested but conflicting emotions about the result, I don't want. Maybe its too sophisticated for me but if the face v heel dynamic TELLS me who I'm supposed to want to win, ok, but expecting me to both be pleased that Sami won but angry in the manner Seth lost is contrary. Why they couldn't have put a heel in that spot to keep it simple and tell one story WELL at a time instead of clumsily crossing two stories over..... anyone?


I don't actually disagree with you. I think it does work better if it's a heel/face dynamic. The crowd would get behind Sami if he was trying to steal Rusev's spot and there'd be more heat if, say, Strowman, benefited from HHH "screwing" Seth.


However, it makes sense from a booking standpoint. They aren't trying to split the audience, the motivation is Stephanie McMahon taking the opportunity to screw with them both while putting Foley in a difficult position as he likes both which is consistent with the story they've been telling for a while. That and the "Is Stephanie setting Rollins up for HHH?" angle they've also run on and off.

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