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"I'm not like most girls"...which would give the implication that she is like some girls, therefore not totally unique


And that's only the first line


Aye but some girls are trans. There is an undertone there.

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I like how Jax & Strowman are getting EXACTLY the same push.


It needs to result in a romance angle.

I was sat there at the end of Nia's match and genuinely started hoping that "BRAUN!!" would hit and they'd share some psychotic look as they walked past each other.

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I always thought it meant "bonny for a fat lass".

But it's the line "who only take just what they're given" that gets me seeing as she's only where she is because she's The Rock's cousin.

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I like how Jax & Strowman are getting EXACTLY the same push.


It needs to result in a romance angle.

I was sat there at the end of Nia's match and genuinely started hoping that "BRAUN!!" would hit and they'd share some psychotic look as they walked past each other.

Maybe they'll have a Snitsky & Heidenreich moment backstage:


"I like the way you stopped protecting your cult leader by order of the employers he introduced you to."


"I like the way you walk out and stand awkwardly on the stage for a while before your music even hits."

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The Dudley Boyz appear to be tweeting that tonight is their last night in WWE.


I hope it's a work, and during their retirement segment Bubba takes D-Vons head off and says he isn't going anywhere.


It'd be a shame if Bubba passed through without a singles run.

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I took an instant dislike to Nia Jax's entrance music. For one thing, it's not powerful and intimidating, which her style calls for.


But mostly, it's because the gender-focused lyrics carry the same "I've got muscles so, oo-er, I might be a transexual" vibe that Chyna's had: "I'm not like most girls," "Don't treat me like a woman, don't treat me like a man..."


Maybe I'm just being oversensitive and hearing intent that isn't there, but you wouldn't have heard Sable coming out to either of those.


Fair enough. But if we find out she has a clit like Judd Hirsch's nose we can guess her career wasn't going to stray too far from Chyna's...

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I love the way Rollins broke Cena's nose, then ended Stings career and took out Balor with the same move. He's the new Ken Kennedy












Edited by Nick Soapdish
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