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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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It looks like the reason for announcing Lesnar's opponent for SummerSlam  48 hours before his return to UFC is obviously WWE's way of telling everyone that he still works for us too.


Anyway next Monday will be the last time the whole roster is all together on Raw.  I much as I like the idea of Smackdown going LIVE I think it's fair to say that Raw will always be the flagship show.  So I'm expecting most of the star power to end up on Raw.

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Surely WWE announcing it now is them realising there is a lot of buzz around Lesnar right now from all sorts, so it's best to use it to promote their big show and that Lesnar is also turning up for a big match on said show. It's not a bad way to go about this, seeing as UFC are throwing a lot of money and effort into hyping Lesnar up better than WWE seemingly can. If he wins at 200, you've got a hot as hell Lesnar and the media know his next move is Wrestler X at SummerSlam, which will probably get a mention.

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I wish people would get past the UFC and WWE being competitors nonsense. None of them consider each other competitors. WWE considers entertainment shows as competitors and UFC considers boxing as a competitor.


If WWE considered UFC as a competitor they wouldn't build Brock up by mentioning him being a former champion as an achievement. And if UFC considered WWE a competitor, it wouldn't be taken seriously trying to compete with fake fighting.

Just because they don't consider each other competition doesn't make that the reality. And just because they don't say it publically doesn't mean they don't think it behind closed doors. And just because they've somehow managed to work together on this Brock deal doesn't stop them from being competitors in the grand scheme of things, either.


They're the exact same business model, selling pay per views, TV contracts and a streaming service based off star-driven rivalries and hype. They're both entertainment. One just happens to be fake.


Plus, there's been numerous clear examples of WWE pay per views being directly affected by being on the same weekend as big UFC shows. Look at the buyrate for WrestleMania 28. They used to blatantly counter program against each other when UFC were on Spike, too. Vince even tried to steal their commentator to undermine them.


I don't think it's nonsense at all to say they're competitors. Them being competitors is the very reason I think WWE have been so fucking weird about this whole deal, acting like it's not happening and taking subtle digs.



Internally WWE has always tracked other American wrestling companies that have strong television, and UFC. So to your point, they can say until they are blue in the face they don't consider them competition (and they really can't say that, since they are then losing that competition), but the fact they've been monitoring their event dates, ratings and buyrates for years now tells you what they really think.


And rightfully so. If you don't think it's competition, look how poorly WrestleMania 26 did when UFC had a GSP fight on PPV the night before. Whenever they've been in close proximity, UFC has taken a chunk out of the wrestling crowd. It's not as pronounced nowadays, but that's because WWE has been clever to keep their distance for a while and not expose that fact.

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Ah, I misremembered that Wrestlemania as 28. You're right, it was Wrestlemania 26. One of the better cards that they've had for a Wrestlemania, with loads of incredible build up, but it did rubbish on pay per view because GSP vs. Dan Hardy was the night before.

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I haven't had a problem with those skits either. Obviously the thing's an overblown Trump gag but the segments have been entertaining enough and the two's chemistry is interesting. Making a semi big deal of DY was not something I expected to see either this year, and I'm pleased for him. Think they could be some lower midcard fun 


As far as short filler shit on recent Raws goes, it definitely dicks the Shining Stars and Golden Truth

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Pitcos is right, UFC is an entertainment show (all spectator sports are), and is in total competition with WWE, whatever anybody says.


As for WWE signing off on the deal to let Lesnar fight for UFC, they had no choice. They paid him millions to wrestle a few nights a year. They know they're lacking in star power, Lesnar is one of the few guys whose demands they listen to. If they said no, Lesnar could have spat his dummy out and never wrestled for WWE again. He's one of the few draws they have now.


I don't think it's a bad decision for WWE to announce their Lesnar match either, for two reasons. Firstly, they're be a lot of talk about Brock this weekend so it makes sense to ride the buzz and get some publicity. Secondly and more importantly, a lot of casuals might be mistaken and think that Lesnar has jumped from WWE to UFC. This is a way of letting them know he's still there.


As for Lesnar's opponent, if it's Orton, Rusev, Joe or Nakamura I'll be happy.


Edit: Shit spelling/grammar. Typing on phone.

Edited by Undefeated Steak
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