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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Someone was in a rush writing the 5-point preview this week:


1. Raw goes country

2. The authority is back from vacation

3. Kane might do something

4. You decide the WWE 2K14 simulation

5. We've got a PPV on Sunday


Jeff Jarrett better be coming back in at least virtual form or I'll be especially pissed off about 1 and 4.

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I seem to be a dribbler magnet at these events but I find the best way to get any obnoxious smart fan to stop talking to you is to tell them that you're there to see John Cena and he'd wrestle rings around CM Punk and Daniel Bryan simultaneously on his worst day. It worked for me all evening on Monday and Tuesday. Despite the fact that Punk is one of my faves, I just wanted Mrs. Neil is Brill to enjoy her first set of tapings without having to encounter the window lickers.

On the train back from WrestleMania some stupid tart was waving her 'Die Cena Die' sign at me in the hope that I'd show some approval, since I was wearing a CM Punk T-Shirt. What she didn't know was that I had a 'RISE ABOVE HATE' shirt underneath it. She didn't have much response.

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  • Paid Members
I seem to be a dribbler magnet at these events

considering the UKFF is like the main wrestling forum in the country (well im assuming it is), is it fair to say that many of the dribblers are actually posters on this board?

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Someone was in a rush writing the 5-point preview this week:


1. Raw goes country

2. The authority is back from vacation

3. Kane might do something

4. You decide the WWE 2K14 simulation

5. We've got a PPV on Sunday


Jeff Jarrett better be coming back in at least virtual form or I'll be especially pissed off about 1 and 4.

It really won't be a Nashville Raw without Jarrett, will it? Shove your Goldberg and Ultimate Warrior scenarios up yer arse - if the Raw title sequence tonight is followed by a camera cut to a musical stage to the left of stage I'll die of happiness. Can't Orton sing 'With My Baby Tonight' or something?

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  • Paid Members
Someone was in a rush writing the 5-point preview this week:


1. Raw goes country

2. The authority is back from vacation

3. Kane might do something

4. You decide the WWE 2K14 simulation

5. We've got a PPV on Sunday


Jeff Jarrett better be coming back in at least virtual form or I'll be especially pissed off about 1 and 4.

It really won't be a Nashville Raw without Jarrett, will it? Shove your Goldberg and Ultimate Warrior scenarios up yer arse - if the Raw title sequence tonight is followed by a camera cut to a musical stage to the left of stage I'll die of happiness. Can't Orton sing 'With My Baby Tonight' or something?


It's a shame The Roadie isn't around, I wonder what happened to that guy?

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Seemed like there were quite a few headshots this week. Fines all round!


Yes, Axel is lost cause. Yes, Big E is great. But there's a PPV with not a lot of build on Sunday. Why not have Big E win a #1 contender's match for the IC title and have Axel squash someone and do the title change on PPV, and, I don't know, make it seem like it actually matters? Sure, Axel's done absolutely fuck all with his months long title reign, but why not just try a little bit?


Can't fault the Nashville crowd, there were some pretty wafty segments and they could have easily laughed that Broadway Brawl out of the building but they got on board with most everything. Would have liked to see the Rhinestone Cowboys get a bit of a better reception, mind.


And, yeah, why not just throw Ryback in against the Big Show, have him do his finisher against the biggest bloke in the company but then still lose. Just...why? There's potential for that to have actually meant something. Now when it inevitably happens again a few months down the line (or the next night on Smackdown), they'll have conveniently forgotten about it. Or he'll fuck it up and have to win with a clothesline.


Miz heel turn, finallly official. Thank fuck for that. Now let's never speak of Miz as a babyface again.

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Raw seemed a bit backwards.


No idea why they booked the Ryback match the way they did, a few days from the PPV. They obviously want to re-establish Ryback as at least a slight threat, but they surely could have waited until next week. The fun of "Stone Cold" Big Show is that he's so big and dominant that you understand why Triple H is bricking it whenever he sees the big lump.; he's the bloke that is bad enough to stop his whole operation. Watching a chumb like Ryback throw Big Show around made the Giant seem mortal and less special. I wasn't that into Show/Orton, but that Ryback match really killed my enthusiasm.


Happy we got the big match they teased last week, but it's the one they should have done on PPV. Mysterio still looks knackered, eh? Amazing what he was able to do, considering how badly he was moving down to the ring.


Hopefully soon Vince turns up in a cool suit and hams it up.


Positively, I'm into the Cena/Del Rio feud. It's a pretty basic set-up, but I'm enjoying what both men are doing. Cena's bad arm at least allows you to suspend your disbelief enough to think Del Rio may have a chance and in the very least is looking to fuck him up.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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Random thoughts.


I really enjoyed the 12 man tag, it was a very good match but I still would of rather of seen this on the PPV, elimination style. Still the 5 on 5 match will prob be decent.


I guess thats the end of Ryback and Axel now. Wouldn't surprise me if they go back to Ryback but Axel pretty much has nothing going for him anymore.


Still not completely sold on Big E, especially seeing as holding the IC title is a kiss of death these days, however there somewhat potential to him.


When is Menry going to be back on our screens? I wanna see him terrorise the roster with his new look. Maybe he will help the authority against Show? I certainly wouldnt be against Henry/Show again.


Miz has a heel is surely better than having him as face, but not sure I have the will to see Miz/Kofi again.


Actually nice seeing Rey Rey again, completely forgot about him, was a cool run in and I hope we get one more decent run from him before he retires.


Ill be glad to see the back of Del Rio in the title picture, he has pretty much had the title or feuded with it the whole year

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When is Menry going to be back on our screens? I wanna see him terrorise the roster with his new look. Maybe he will help the authority against Show? I certainly wouldnt be against Henry/Show again.

This is what I'm hoping for. Maybe Triple H hires him as Orton's personal bodyguard, after all the crying Orton was doing about nobody having his back. You could then do the old slow turn and set up Henry v Orton, which would be pretty great.


Plus, we'll be getting more fun Show/Henry monster matches for a couple of months.

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  • Awards Moderator
Ill be glad to see the back of Del Rio in the title picture, he has pretty much had the title or feuded with it the whole year


I don't think there's a 'pretty much' about it, he has. Having a quick scan - and I may have this wrong - his last PPV match that wasn't for a World title was at TLC last year when he was against 3MB.


Since January, he's faced Big Show twice (for the title), Swagger twice (for the title), Ziggler twice (for the title), Christian (for the title), RVD twice (for the title) and now Cena twice (for the title). It would be nice to see them try him in a non-title storyline for a bit. The Cena's-injured-arm angle could work without there also being a title on the line - "I'm sick of you being this superman type, I'm gonig to prove you're only human and not as good as me by continually wrecking your injured arm" "No you're bloody not, you snooty unsympathetic type" sort of thing - but it's a bit late to try that now.

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