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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Indeed. SUCH a misfire that was. Regal's mint and obviously beloved but I was there too and it didn't feel like anybody in the crowd wanted that. Especially in ten seconds or whatever it was. That's the finish you do when he's one week before breaking the record as a total weasel. Or not at all, if the run was to turn him full babyface, which I bet it would have.

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WWE are running a house show tonight along with Raw.  This is probably their reason for Cena's return tonight. It's stupid booking a house show on the same night as Raw when half of the roster will be missing from the broadcast.


Not really. House show business on Christmas week is usually strong so it's worth doing them, TV ratings on Christmas week are usually shit so it doesn't matter if the show's weak or not.


The house show lineup looks pretty bad, though. Kane, Wyatt Family, Ziggler, Dudleys, Dreamer, Tyler Breeze, Charlotte and Paige.

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Another strange show. It's like someone has been watching Attitude Era stuff and doesn't really get what worked. Fuck it, just have the police arrest someone.


Roman standing there calling Vince "Old man" is cool. Roman looking like he's about to cry because he pushed Vince and the police have arrived is definitely not. Stephanie running out to assist her Dad but only once her theme music has played was an amusing moment.


That Miz TV segment needed the hashtag #PostWMFiringSpree. I fucking hate it when there's a PPV coming up and suddenly it's traits are all over TV. Like the tables and ladders and chairs of the past few weeks. Now we get people being thrown over the top rope in pointless segments because? R-Truth knocking himself out was amusing though. More amusing than them doing an exact re-run of the "LOL" moment of the year.


I also hate it when they pre-announce Rumble numbers. Big Show being #1 is shit. Ten minutes of him throwing people out until Kane turns up?


While I'm moaning, I fucking hate half of these New Day skits. Again, they've no idea what makes New Day funny. It isn't this utter tosh.


Not up to much in Truth. Watch Stick Man on iPlayer instead.

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It was a show. Better than last week but, you know...


I know Vince is the uber-heel and all but I don't like my babyfaces beating up old men. Just me, though, because people LOVE IT. *shrug*


The New Day were funny. R-Truth was funny.


Owens losing in 10 seconds to Neville, in order to further his feud with Not Neville, was baffling. Although Owens is the king of feuding with everyone - he's got, like, five on the go at the moment.


The League of Nations are AWFUL.


The women put on a great match and no-one cared because everything outside these matches is booked like shit.


Lovely to see Cena.

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Good point again on the women, Linus. I love Becky. And I love Sasha. And I still didn't give a shit.


I liked Owens going apeshit in both segments. Made him look great. No idea why he had to lose either though. Then again, I have no idea why he has matches every week. "He's a prize fighter, Maggle". So why does he fight for free every week? If he saved his fights for the big pay days, they'd actually have someone else other than Lesnar who fans would get excited to see turn it on.

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So, Vince has come back to feud with the NYPD?


Because I don't see how him being arrested whilst Roman Reigns just stands in the near vicinity in any way advances an issue between the two of them.

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Owens losing in 10 seconds to Neville, in order to further his feud with Not Neville, was baffling.


It makes perfect sense to me. In a world where Neville is awarded a Slammy for Breakout Star and then immediately undercut by a clean loss to Rusev on the same show, it makes perfect sense that he's then permitted to get a win over a guy that ostensibly is getting a push, higher up the card than him. The "50/50 Club" booking is getting mindless to the point that everything a character in the midcard does (and EVERYONE'S  fucking midcard) is almost booked to counterbalance what he did last time.


Neville was made to look good but then later shit during the Slammys, give him a win this week. Kevin went over strong pinning Ziggler on the Slammys show, so it's fine to make him look stupid by having him get upset by Neville in such fashion. We can always reheat him by having him beat the shit out of Ambrose next week? Ah, fuck it. Do it on the same show. So on the Slammys you have Neville be presented as the "Breakout" of 2015 and then a loser later on the same show, and this week Owens is a bumbling sap then a lethal psychopath, again, later on the same show. Nobody is allowed to look strong for a sustained amount of time for fear of others being made to look weak... but if nobody is allowed to look strong, then everybody looks weak together. Everybody beats everybody, everybody's fucking midcard.

Edited by air_raid
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Oh God. Oh dear god.


That is it, this signals the end of Vince McMahon surely, that opening segment was one of the most difficult I've ever had to sit through, how many times did he fuck up for Christ sake, I'm actually in shock at how bad this show was, and after some of the tripe of the last few months that is saying something. This show is dead, finished.


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did anybody else see the cockup during the press gathering at the police station, young was saying something but then the press made a beeline for the entrance where vince was just about to walk out but then it cuts to a commercial so after we come back from the commercial they do it all over again.


that show was just awful

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The segment was sort of worth it just for Vince's reaction to getting called "geriatric" by Stephanie. However, his voice is clearly done, and the poor fella couldn't even get out the name of his own company without forgetting a letter.


I see Roman Reigns' current role with the McMahon's is to play it like Steve Austin doing Nelson Muntz. So we've went from Cena to Bryan to now Austin, with this Reigns push. New ideas are very welcome.

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