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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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I would prefer it if Triple H just stuck to pissing off Wade Keller and the like in outside interviews, as a way of working the internet.


I don't mind it as much if it makes sense to the general WWE Universe, but rubbish that's going over the head of folk that don't have Dave Meltzer to explain what a reference means is a daft. It's a fine line and WWE seem to always stumble over it with this shoot stuff.

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Cesaro is a magnificent looking specimen, and a fantastic athlete. He's a good hand and the powers that be seem to acknowledge that by keeping him busy enough on TV, but it's a shame he's just not connecting with the audience.

Shelton Benjamin was the same. Looked great, could pull the house down when he wanted, but there was just something missing.

I for one hope he does eventually connect in some way, as I love watching the man work and it'd be a shame if he got the boot in the next year or so.


The thing is, as an arm chair spectator I'm not too fussed that the live crowd aren't roaring away during his matches. His place as a solid mid carder who has highly enjoyable matches week in week out could be as good as it gets for him but as long as he's kept semi competitive and the quality doesn't decrease then he should be ok for a while. They've thrown so much shit at the wall with him and none of it has stuck, just keep him as a serious wrestler with a goofy side and eventually he might get involved in an angle that engages the audience and he steps up, if not let him prop up the upper midcard, they can't all be John Cena.

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I would prefer it if Triple H just stuck to pissing off Wade Keller and the like in outside interviews, as a way of working the internet.


I don't mind it as much if it makes sense to the general WWE Universe, but rubbish that's going over the head of folk that don't have Dave Meltzer to explain what a reference means is a daft. It's a fine line and WWE seem to always stumble over it with this shoot stuff.



Yeah it should be that if you don't know the insider stuff it all still makes sense and if you are aware of it it's a nice little bonus.


In general I hate the insider references and worked shoot stuff. They have such a low success rate.

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I hope to see Goldust back in some wrestling capacity at some point. He had the crowd in the palm of his hand and it was quite strange that it was only a few months ago that I saw him in Preston putting on a good performance in front of a decent sized British crowd and now having a barnburner on Raw.


A good week for Bryan, Orton and The Shield (storyline and performance wise) as has been the trend for the past month.

Edited by thesimonbegz
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RAW was...well it was all a bit odd. Between Miz's dad no selling his son getting beaten to a pulp to the stage every time they cut to the parents they had to zoom in on his mother who at least seemed to get what she was supposed to be doing, Paul Heyman kissing Ryback or how during a what was about 10 on 3 beatdown, Kofi still managed to get his ass handed to him just such a strange show to watch.


Also, I'm pretty sure I'm past the point of thinking JBL is a good heel commentator and instead just finding him to be worse than Mike Adamle. It's so fucking painful to listen too, I managed to get round it by muting out sound for the past hour and just looping some music over the top. I get its always been his character, but he comes across as a whiny, petulant child rather than someone with a superior mind, completely fucked the flow up of commentary on occasions and then joined in on the "What's Up" chant which someone of his character description would never do. Inflating his ego if the crowd chants his name maybe, but supporting a face? Ugh. I'm tired and cranky, let's blame that.


Actually enjoyed Ziggler as a face tonight as well. Really needs some way of getting over the quality of his promo but the babyface fire was definitely there in his comeback. Was a nice little match.


Ending I enjoyed though, but it did show just how badly the roster is suffering from no real stars. Punk was obviously away, Cena and Sheamus are injured and Miz and Show were both at the Hospital. So they sent out every available face giving Justin Gabriel and Zack Ryder a bonus.

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I'd love to see the WWE Title decided in a "Deadly Games" esque one night tournament. Set it up so that Orton has a easier route to the belt than Bryan, whilst at the same time teasing the idea that maybe Triple H is convinced Orton isn't the true 'corporate champion' like he first envisioned.


I reckon the next PPV could be really interesting... but at the same time... I'm worried we will just get the typical lazy Orton vs. Bryan 1 on 1.

Edited by andrew "the ref" coyne
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Ending I enjoyed though, but it did show just how badly the roster is suffering from no real stars. Punk was obviously away, Cena and Sheamus are injured and Miz and Show were both at the Hospital. So they sent out every available face giving Justin Gabriel and Zack Ryder a bonus.


That's not how it came across to me (i might be wrong) but it looked more like the guys who are stars ie del rio or barrett or ryback sandow or axel or whoever are content to let things go and accept the things HHH/stephanie/the shield do so they get a peaceful life they keep their spots and their titles or whatever.


Whereas tonight a group of guys who's future isnt that secure like for example prime time players or kofi kingston or justin gabriel the expendable guys coupled with guys like the uso's rvd and dolph ziggler who have (or had) title shots have just risked all of that to help daniel bryan out.


They know that they're gonna get hammered on smackdown and raw next week but still jumped in there to help daniel bryan.

Edited by hitman89762000
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More like the guys who stayed put are heels, while the ones who came out are faces.


Good show. Lots happening, think I'd rather have all that storyline progression instead of a long, technically good, but meaningless match. Though the Ambrose-Ziggler match delivered nicely on the wrestling quota.

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Blinding promo? Dusty cut a shit promo, Steph too. The entire thing was an awkward bumbling mess where they stepped on each other and repeated things and warbled their way through stuff. Dusty sounds like he's got brain damage.

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Blinding promo? Dusty cut a shit promo, Steph too. The entire thing was an awkward bumbling mess where they stepped on each other and repeated things and warbled their way through stuff. Dusty sounds like he's got brain damage.

Balderdash. Dusty was great, Steph was at her best, as much as I'm usually not a massive fan of hers. Offering the gift card was absolutely dickish

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  • Paid Members
Blinding promo? Dusty cut a shit promo, Steph too. The entire thing was an awkward bumbling mess where they stepped on each other and repeated things and warbled their way through stuff. Dusty sounds like he's got brain damage.

Balderdash. Dusty was great, Steph was at her best, as much as I'm usually not a massive fan of hers. Offering the gift card was absolutely dickish


The content was great but badly delivered by both, particularly Dusty in my opinion. I really like Dusty and was excited to see him on Raw, but let's not pretend he's all there speech-wise. He's always sounded a bit iffy but old age has left his speech like he's mid-stroke, he was stuttering and mumbling and falling over himself. It was crap.

Edited by TripleA
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