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Really enjoyed Santino vs Cesaro. They've got good chemistry. Cesaro's last match I enjoyed was against Santino as well, about a year ago on Smackdown. It was great to see Santino back, I was laughing as soon as his music hit.


Didn't you enjoy Cesaro against Kofi on main event earlier in the year? I remember that being fantastic, maybe the best match I've seen from both guys.

Only the ending, I think. The one where he kicked him in the back of the head? I love Kofi, but not enough that I'll track down his matches from Superstars and Main Event unless they mean something. Loved his match with Miz on that show last year.

That's the match, still probably in my top 5 WWE matches of the year as it goes and definitely the best I've seen Kofi look in pretty much forever.

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HHH fed Edge the obvious 'dick' comeback with his 'dictator' line. Good opening segment though.


Liked AJ's 'I'm too old for you King' line but his 'You're too ugly for me' comeback was un-necessary I thought.


Stephanie's promo to Goldust after his loss was great too - she's really coming across as a complete bitch. Hopefully Cody will get quite the reaction when he returns.


I'm interested to see where they go with Big Show and Daniel Bryan. I'd rather the rebellious babyface Big Show vs Orton than him turning yet again and feuding with Daniel Bryan.


Have been enjoying Raw quite a bit lately, theres been a lot less 'fast forward' material. Cena's injury has forced them to give meaningful airtime to other acts, Orton and HHH as heels is fresh and they are clearly loving their new roles. Hopefully they keep up the good work.

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Orton and HHH as heels is fresh and they are clearly loving their new roles. Hopefully they keep up the good work.


That's the best thing about it for me at the moment. I usually don't have time for Orton, HHH or Steph but they've excelled lately. HHH is great in this role. Loved the wee smirk that crossed his face when he heard the beginning of the 'asshole' chants.


I didn't mind Lawler's response to AJ although I didn't like JBL getting some digs in after she'd dropped the headset. Where's the heel camaraderie? That's a couple of times AJ's stood up to the two mongs on commentary (Cole's alright these days) although last time she was funnier and didn't sound like they'd rattled her. This diva's feud is fucking stupid. Where's Kaitlyn gone (not that she's missed)?


RYback vs RVD was poor but I love that Ryback's new singlet informs us he's the BIG MAN with BIG TRAPS. They need to do some more of them awesome backstage skits with Ryback, he needs to get his comeuppance. ADR/Truth and Kofi/Axel are two combinations I don't ever want to see again. Loved Heyman legging it and all his other bullshit even if it went on for too long.


Not enough Big E the last couple of weeks.

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Nutella World Order, Mid-Afternoon Players, Follow The Budgies. Enjoyed those.


The Heyman thing went on too long and I'm not sure why the place was going mental for a doctor getting beaten up. Ok, so he's obviously not a real doctor, but that's not the point. I've been frustrated with various GPs over the years but not to the point where I've wanted to the smash them with a kendo stick. Is that a normal thing?


Was a bit worried for the main event at first, the crowd weren't into it at all, though more from just being burned out from the long show than anything else. But Bryan got them all back into it by the end. Good stuff.


Enjoyed seeing some of Goldust's highlights. His promo was really good and he had a great match too. Bring back Goldust! (As Leopard).

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The Heyman thing went on too long and I'm not sure why the place was going mental for a doctor getting beaten up. Ok, so he's obviously not a real doctor, but that's not the point. I've been frustrated with various GPs over the years but not to the point where I've wanted to the smash them with a kendo stick. Is that a normal thing?

Is it not just that it was the popular babyface getting his hands on someone from the hated heel's group? Wrestling has used that same formula forever, with someone running off and letting their lawyer/priest/accountant/relative etc take the beating.


JBL on commentary was going on about hating doctors. I don't know if that's an American thing because of the finances, or if it's to do with wrestlers associating doctors with time off and less pay.

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Is it not just that it was the popular babyface getting his hands on someone from the hated heel's group? Wrestling has used that same formula forever, with someone running off and letting their lawyer/priest/accountant/relative etc take the beating.


JBL on commentary was going on about hating doctors. I don't know if that's an American thing because of the finances, or if it's to do with wrestlers associating doctors with time off and less pay.


Fair point, it's been a little while since the old "random guy in the entourage" got beaten down. I thought he looked a bit like Ron Silver.

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AJ tore Jerry Lawler to bits on commentary and it was marvellous. Jerry Lawler's wit died a long time ago, so his super slow retort to AJ's "I'm too old for you" came across as really tragic. You can hear him try to get it in like three times before he finally does and the moment has gone. Then "try watching the product" floored him too, to the point Cole and JBL break and point it out.


Jerry Lawler has been terrible at everything non-wrestling for years now, but I reckon his heart attack ironically added more years to his career than it took away.

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I thought AJ was fucking rotten to be honest though "try watching the product" did almost get a smirk out of me, otherwise pretty much everything that came out of her mouth sounded awkward and desperate to sound edgy like CM Punk during his annoying smarky phase.


Crap of the highest order.

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I've given him a hard time, recently, but Bray Wyatt was pretty great this week. It helped that he had Dolph 'One Use' Ziggler to bounce around for him, but he looked manic, frantic, intense and super hard-hitting.


Thought it was a good semi-squash.

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All the announcers came off pretty rubbish.


I mean having a tattoo of the date she won the title might be weird to some (I actually don't have a problem with it), but JBL wouldn't let that one fucking go.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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