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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Good seeing Ambrose back involved but I've no idea where the WWE are going with any of their big story lines and I don't think they do either. But at least with the Reigns injury they are forced to think outside of the box again.


...Or not, as the case proved to be. I don't know about anybody else on here, but I saw the Dean-in-the-box thing coming from the moment Rollins told Orton he would have a 'surprise' at ringside. It wasn't a bad idea, but it just annoyed me that it seemed so obvious what was about to happen. At least they are putting some creative effort into Ambrose at the moment.


The biggest crime was the execution of the moment, though. The camera work was all to shit for the reveal... they ought to have had Rollins lifting the box so that we saw Ambrose at the same time he did, not before, and then they needed to get a good shot of him doing the 'seen-a-ghost' expression to really sell it, before getting punched in the gob. As it played out, it seemed to fall a bit flat for me.


It was good stuff though. Ambrose mixing it with Cena made him feel big time.


The best thing for me was that they didn't have Ambrose buddy up to Cena. Made a change for another face to get in Cena's face and act confrontational rather than act like mates. Broadly speaking, Ambrose is over with a different demographic than John Cena and would lose cool points with that portion of the audience by associating with him. Smart move not to compromise Dean's loose-cannon character despite the common cause.

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I mustn't have been paying attention if that's the case. Still, Ambrose came off well out of the screen time he shared with Cena this week.


The last time I can recall a proper babyface getting hot at Cena was Daniel Bryan in the build to their title match last summer, and he came off looking like a massive knobhead out of it.

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I mustn't have been paying attention if that's the case. Still, Ambrose came off well out of the screen time he shared with Cena this week.


The last time I can recall a proper babyface getting hot at Cena was Daniel Bryan in the build to their title match last summer, and he came off looking like a massive knobhead out of it.


Ah yes, someone thought it was a good idea to push the whole Bryan "I'm a wrestler and I'll wrestle anywhere for 50p, Cena you're not a wrestler you're just a merchandise machine" angle (again). I do enjoy it when Cena goes on about wrestling "because he loves the business". There should be crawl at the bottom of the screen telling the audience that his purely altruistic love for the business has nothing to do with his $3m/year downside. 


The crowd have been fucking dire for the last 3 raws. This has been a particularly cold period in the usually quite chilly Raw offseason, but even so, the general apathy to everything that happens hasn't helped. At least try and enjoy yourselves, eh?

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I'm not sure I can put aside the time to watch RAW (or Smackdown!) anymore — they're so moribund. It's not like there's much that's offensively terrible, it's just all such a big unseasoned porridge of predictability and general inertia, and I don't want to give up five hours a week of my free time for it.

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