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Vince needs to whip out the ol' mini-disc with Limp Bizkit's 'Rollin' on and let's get those boys a pay day.


The Shakespeare of backward hats, I tell ya.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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32 minutes ago, CleetusVanDamme said:

 The next Raw should end with Cena fannying about in the hat and coat 'Taker left behind, tongue out, eyes rolled back etc then "You're Gonna Pay/ABA (ugh)" hits...


I'd be fine with that if I'm honest. I recall a few months back someone suggesting Cena burning the hate jacket etc in the ring (he doesn't actually have to the music can hit before he actually lights it) which I think would be huge.

I'd really like Taker to come out without the hair dye in some sort of old gunslinger/dead man/ABA hybrid (fuck knows how you costume that in fairness). But I like the old man Taker, one last stand story, especially if he's going out for the last time this year.

The problem I have with this whole angle, is that there are no real stakes. If Taker comes back he loses Cena's respect? Is that it? What'sin it for Cena beyond getting a big match at Mania? It feels like it's happening for the sake of it happening. 

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38 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

Now, whether it's explicitly the biker gimmick again or just The Undertaker without all the pageantry, there needs to be some difference to illustrate that there's been a change since he lost to Reigns, that there's some kind of narrative significance to him having left his gear in the ring last year. If he just walks out slowly with smoke and spooky music, then we'll all be left wondering why we made such a fuss over a hat in the first place.

Shame about his pointless appearance at Raw 25.

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18 minutes ago, mim731 said:

I'd really like Taker to come out without the hair dye in some sort of old gunslinger/dead man/ABA hybrid (fuck knows how you costume that in fairness). But I like the old man Taker, one last stand story, especially if he's going out for the last time this year.

The problem I have with this whole angle, is that there are no real stakes. If Taker comes back he loses Cena's respect? Is that it? What'sin it for Cena beyond getting a big match at Mania? It feels like it's happening for the sake of it happening. 

100% on board with this. I've wanted something like this since at least the Triple H 'Mania match, which seems to be when they really started building around the idea that 'Taker might be on his last legs. When they had him cut his hair, I thought he was going to come out looking like a shaven headed bad-ass, but instead he had the world's shittest Mohawk and his Gary Numan eyeliner.

Shave his head, grow out the beard and don't dye it. Show up looking like the grizzled old man the story dictates he should be.

Agreed on the lack of stakes too, though that's a problem with so many of Undertaker's 'Mania matches - even when the Streak was intact, they usually felt lazy; his opponent wanted to fight the Undertaker to challenge the streak, but Undertaker had no real motivation other than defending it. It was rare, since the Streak became the central focus of his Wrestlemania matches, that they bothered giving him any motivation beyond that.

Doubly so this time around - we've got John Cena, who's motivation is "I want to get on the card at Wrestlemania, and I've tried everything else", which is a great idea, but will fall down when the night comes along and guys like Sin Cara, Primo & Epico and Mike Bennett are in the Battle Royal, so anyone not making the card seems a bit far-fetched, and on the other hand you've got Undertaker. What's in it for him? Cena's been accusing him of hiding, and thinking he's old and past it when really he's not. So, what, Undertaker shows up, fights John Cena and...proves him right. If Undertaker shows up ready to wrestle, he was hiding, he was being a drama queen, and he isn't past it.

5 minutes ago, The Dart said:

Shame about his pointless appearance at Raw 25.

Yeah, that really undermines the whole story, and they seem to be pretending it never happened.

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I liked the concept of BikerTaker. The entrance was good, his look was good and he cut some of his better promos, particularly as a bully heel. Unfortunately he seemed to be a massive cunt personally at the time and that bled through into some terrible programs, awful booking decisions and downright offensive stuff like the burial of DDP.

The matches varied in quality but he had some stinkers in 2002 in particular. And was culpable for them too.

I think the biggest problem though was that in spite of the gimmick change, we'd still seen enough of Taker & Austin to last a lifetime, Taker & kane to last two lifetimes and Rock and Triple H weren't far behind. Fresh matches were available aplenty but invariably with guys you knew he'd flatten. My favourite memories from that period are probably when he was the dickhead heel working with lowly guys like Jeff Hardy and Maven who benefitted just from the association. Also that promo where Kurt Angle tried to gift him a scooter.

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1 hour ago, BomberPat said:

Yeah, that really undermines the whole story, and they seem to be pretending it never happened.

Remember, they use these when we watch WWE:



Me and my friends used to joke that Vince had one of these when we were teenagers, that's how painstakingly obvious some of there continuity (or lack thereof) was if a bunch of kids picked up on it!

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I'd probably welcome Biker Taker just for the change. I've often said that Taker will be in the deadman character until he retires but it' become too stale imo. Him showing up or just delivering a 'rest in peace' message via the titontron or something will just be so meh again. Just needs freshening up somehow.

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I wish they'd done more with "The Last Outlaw"/Aint No Grave stuff they did for Mania 27. Play up to the fact he's actually old as fuck and nowhere near as invincible as he used to be, but he'll still give you a fight because he's pretty hard for a crusty old wizard. But essentially they just carried on with "It's the Undertaker and it's Mania, you're definitely gonna lose, bruh". Stylistically you could have just done more, other than just his hair not being long enough at 28.

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I'd have loved for them to have him come out with the grey hair to play up that he is getting towards the end. But they try and present him as close to what he used to be. It's the equivalent of George Lucas doing another edition of Star Wars:A New Hope, removing Alec Guiness and digitising Ewan McGregor in his place

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1 hour ago, air_raid said:

I wish they'd done more with "The Last Outlaw"/Aint No Grave stuff they did for Mania 27. Play up to the fact he's actually old as fuck and nowhere near as invincible as he used to be, but he'll still give you a fight because he's pretty hard for a crusty old wizard. But essentially they just carried on with "It's the Undertaker and it's Mania, you're definitely gonna lose, bruh". Stylistically you could have just done more, other than just his hair not being long enough at 28.

Love this. Precisely what I've been imagining in my head. Somewhere between The Deadman and The American Bad Ass/

The Last Outlaw is a fabulous name for it.

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Other than Triple H and Steph's awesome video package, I thought this show was mostly garbage. One of those holding pattern shows where they realise they've got more weeks than they'd like before the big show, so nothing really happens or develops and everything just plods along.

It feels like they've jumped the shark in terms of not delivering The Undertaker. This stupid storyline feels like it's gone on forever and Cena looks even more like a dickhead saying he's got no road to Wrestlemania now that everyone else on the roster is declaring themselves as participants in the Battle Royal. Maybe I'll be proven wrong and they'll do something awesome next week, but this felt like the week to have him finally appear, and having to suffer through that awful Kane match only for there to be no pay off felt super anticlimactic. Put me down as another one who's hoping for Biker Taker. Never thought I'd say that.

The Roman stuff is beyond comprehension at this point. I don't even think they know what they're trying to achieve anymore. Talks shit about Brock when he isn't there, gets battered whenever Brock is there. What a chump. This week might've been the worst. Roman starts the fight, then Brock beats the shit out of him again and leaves him laying. Some babyface. My only assumption is that they want to build sympathy for Roman, but as I've said before, you can't book him like a normal babyface. You've got to take into account that the same rules don't apply. You have to re-think and re-write things to suit his specific situation. You know the fans are going to chant, "One More Time!" so why the fuck are you scripting Brock to get the big pops when he comes back time and time again to give the fans exactly what they want? At this point, the only way to salvage any of this is a heel turn and a run with Heyman as his manager.

Ronda continues to be awkward and uncomfortable to watch whenever she appears live. In video packages it's pure money, but then you give her a live mic, or require her to do something physical and it all feels clunky and apprehensive. It's such a shame because you'd think she'd be a natural at this, specially when her best mate Shayna is the most natural newcomer in decades, but she still looks half lost out there. Plus, who the fuck is doing her styling and makeup? When she was in the UFC, part of the appeal was that she was this hot girl who murdered everyone. Putting her in the same outfit every single week like a drone and giving her weird, mid-2000s, Twilight-inspired emo makeup is the complete opposite of where they should be going with her. You just know it boils down to Vince's one-note brain. "A bad-ass woman? Make sure she wears a leather jacket every single second she's ever on television!"

I don't know who I'm supposed to root for between Sasha and Bayley. They've both been scripted so badly that I hate both of them equally. I'll say this though - between these two and Paul Heyman, there were a lot of people on this show who've peaked their Wrestlemania tans far too early. There's nowhere for any of those three to go other than turning neon.

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