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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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I haven’t seen any of Raw yet but I groaned seeing the caption on Twitter of Corbin’s ‘promotion’. I got wish one at Summerslam of Balor going Demon mode to beat the useless twat now I’m hoping wish two happens and Kurt finishes the job. Also from what I can gather, it happened cos Steph ran her mouth on Rousey again and paid for it, so how was that Angle’s fault enough for him to be suspended 

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Absolutely bizarre booking once again.

Braun says he wont go behind anyone's back and that he's openly saying he will cash in some point during or following the main event.

Roman say's he isn't worried he's a fighting champion and he's ready for the challenge.

Braun makes his way down as promised...Roman looks shocked...despite having been told well in advance that it would happen...and saying he was ready for it.

Roman pins Balor having dominated the majority of the match and Braun say's he's cashing in...also as promised he doesn't attack anyone from behind and waits for Roman to be face to face with him.

The SHIELD come out in a clearly pre-meditated plan as they're in full SHIELD regalia and Reigns smirks smugly in the knowledge that he's had had this sneaky plan all along and he's cheated Braun.

All 3 then take part in a 3 on 1 beatdown of Braun...despite him having done absolutely nothing wrong whatsoever...and all 3 of them having been portrayed as faces for a long time.

They then put him through a table and walk back laughing.

If that's the beginning of a slow burn Roman heel turn then fine but we all know it isn't. How anyone could take from that version of events that Braun is a heel and Reigns is a face is absolutely beyond me.

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I started a thread on this before but the WWF/E have always booked babyfaces to be cunts, lame or lame cunts. Go back to Hogan scratching people's backs, raking eyes and crying about being thrown out of Rumbles when he always eliminated his "friends". In 95 and 96, Diesel and Shawn Michaels were complete wet lettuces. Undertaker was revealed to be a murderer. Austin and Rock treated everyone like pieces of shit, heel or babyface. It's never been any different. Right up to Charlotte these days glomming on her best mate's big opportunity.

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2 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

I started a thread on this before but the WWF/E have always booked babyfaces to be cunts, lame or lame cunts. Go back to Hogan scratching people's backs, raking eyes and crying about being thrown out of Rumbles when he always eliminated his "friends". In 95 and 96, Diesel and Shawn Michaels were complete wet lettuces. Undertaker was revealed to be a murderer. Austin and Rock treated everyone like pieces of shit, heel or babyface. It's never been any different. Right up to Charlotte these days glomming on her best mate's big opportunity.

Bret was the only real hero. Got in the ring with the dirty cheating heel, beat him, went home. Great days.

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10 hours ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

A McMahon, Making themselves the main focus of a PPV, even though there is no reason for them to on the card? Inconceivable! 

I'd be more surprised if Steph didn't put herself on the card. She has single handedly revolutionised Women's wrestling, after all.

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I don't think I've ever done such a quick u-turn on a wrestler than Bruiser Ambrose.

Pleasingly, he's changed up his style to accommodate how yoked he is.

The Triple H promo was really good, and I'm quite excited by The Shield v Braun. It obviously would be better if The Shield were heels, but it's a decent way of getting some sympathy for Braun.

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1 minute ago, DCW said:

Jesus, if you were Rollins you'd surely be pissed at turning heel just as you finally took off as a proper face, all to play second fiddle to bloody Reigns.

Doesn't make much difference does it? Interminable run with Ziggler and just having been re-burdened with the I title doesn't scream "on the cusp of getting put back in the main event." And from a wallet point of view they're about to sell another shitload of t-shirts.

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Yeah, I reckon Seth would rather be in The Shield having boss 6-man matches at the top of the card than trading more wins with Ziggler. If they were ever going to capitalise on how over he’d gotten himself this year, they’d have already done it. He’d have been the one to, “save,” the Universal Title from Brock at Summerslam. Would’ve been awesome. But nah. All their talk about grabbing the brass ring is complete shit because Seth made himself the most over babyface on the roster and one of the best performers in the business and it didn’t change his positioning or career trajectory whatsoever.

Might as well put the flack jacket back on and make your money.

I love Dean “Hench,” Ambrose. The way he set up Dirty Deeds by chucking Ziggler in the air first was brilliant. I wonder if he can keep this physique now he’s on the road full time?

They really need to do a vignette that explains that Finn Balor and The Demon are like Bruce Banner and The Hulk, where it’s not something he has control of and The Demon only comes out when he’s pushed to the edge. Without that clarification he looks like a complete goof not wrestling as The Demon every time. Never lost as The Demon, yet you don’t break out the paint for your first Universal Title shot in years? Idiot!

Edited by Supremo
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