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Vince introducing 'My instrument of destruction The UUUUndertaker" was great and made you imagine 1991 Deadman was coming out


Found it funny when Taker said something like "I'm not a puppet'. Shane should have asked him what most fan's are thinking "So why are you doing this then?" "Your'e even coming out when Vince tells you to".


"Vince's bitch" was a great line though.

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I feel like the 'why is Taker doing this?' questions are overthinking really. The CEO makes a match - it bloody happens. Most of his Mania programmes in the past decade or so have just been him accepting the first person that challenges him

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I feel like the 'why is Taker doing this?' questions are overthinking really. The CEO makes a match - it bloody happens. Most of his Mania programmes in the past decade or so have just been him accepting the first person that challenges him


But the dynamic of the match is totally fucked.  We're supposed to be cheering Shane on to win and make some changes and get rid of his batty, out of touch old man and The Authority, yet he's facing arguably the most popular WWE superstar ever in his match at his pay-per-view in his home state.  It's weird as fuck.

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Yeah but we all know this match was a last minute deal because of Cena's injury. I wonder how they would've worked around the idea of shaking up Raw without Shane back on the scene?

we dont KNOW that its because Cena is out. It's very annoying seeing everyone saying how they KNEW it was gonna be Cena v Undertaker at 'Mania. It was never mentioned by the WWE, it was never hinted at by the WWE, it's just been fans assumptions, like the other year when everyone thought 'Taker was gonna take on Brock Lesnar at 'Mania and he ended up fighting CM Punk. Nothing was concrete about the Cena thing.

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Meltzer said the Cena match was planned for months. So yes we did KNOW. Apparently Shane only agreed to the match 2 weeks before he returned. So would you say that this was always the planned match?

The fact that we "know" because of Meltzer shouldn't affect the TV product at all. It still has the weird dynamic Slapnut mentioned. That doesn't have to be the case. You either do Shane/Taker without the stip and make Shane a heel or you find an alternative opponent for Taker and put Shane in a match fans can get behind.


This is just weird. And Taker selling for Shane sucks.

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Yep, why make an effort when they can just have guys making matches which nobody cares about at Mania as well as on Raw and Smackdown. Can't believe WWE have managed to condition people into thinking that this is how it should be.

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Shane's Wrestling brain and acumen is non existent, I mean somehow, some way he managed against all odds to land a few "shots" on Taker, keep on him Shane, smother him, oh no he's stepped back to shuffle his feet and dance. Shane's pop is diminishing and I think it's best they keep him off TV until the go home show, because all he's doing is managing to screw up a sure fire hit with his terrible performances.

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It was during a match against Undertaker on Raw in 2001 that Shane turned heel during the InVasion, wasn't it?


The face/heel dynamic was all over the place then too. Babyface Shane leading a decidedly heel WCW invasion, going up against babyface Undertaker who was sticking up for still-heel Vince McMahon.


It's barmy that almost this exact situation has recurred, a full fifteen years later. And barmier still that this time it's arguably the marquee match at the biggest show of all time!


Edit: Ach no, it was more convoluted than that. The 7/9/01 Raw was supposed to open with Shane vs DDP in a street fight, but before the bell Undertaker came out and subbed himself into the match in Shane's place. The match was abandoned when Shane hit Undertaker with a kendo stick, thereby turning himself and the rest of WCW heel.

Edited by Pinc
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Has Sami Zayn cut a promo yet? Or had a backstage vignette or video package? Admittedly, I usually watch Raw in the background whilst I tidy my flat, and I almost never watch Smackdown, but it feels like he showed up one week and then immediately just started having overlong matches with the mid-card chumps. I had such high hopes for him, but it feels like his call up to the main roster may have been the worst one yet.

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