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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Solid show until the last segment. Cracking match between Reigns and Cesaro that should've been last and really good matches between Owens/Neville and Ziggler/Ambrose too. Intrigued to see who is gonna end up as the Authority champion at Survivor Series.


God knows why that contract signing went on last though and it's a shame that this is being talked about more than the good wrestling on the show. They ended up turning what could have been a special moment for the Divas into something that's being talked about for all the wrong reasons now. Was a shit segment that had no business closing the show as it was and the tasteless remarks have just pushed it over the edge.

Edited by AndyUK
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Reigns and Ambrose did a little showdown in the ring after Raw finished. That -- with Owens and Del Rio involved too -- should've been the main event instead of a shitty "controversial" diva contract signing.

All four of them are on MizTV on Smackdown this week and you just know that it is going to lead to a Reigns/Ambrose vs. Owens/Del Rio tag team main event.

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Reigns and Ambrose did a little showdown in the ring after Raw finished. That -- with Owens and Del Rio involved too -- should've been the main event instead of a shitty "controversial" diva contract signing.

All four of them are on MizTV on Smackdown this week and you just know that it is going to lead to a Reigns/Ambrose vs. Owens/Del Rio tag team main event.


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The mother of the dead guy who they expoited for the angle is also talking about it, which to me isnt wrestling. If Beth Flair is upset by the angle, then its easy to see why its in poor taste.


To be fair Ricky, nobody is blaming the girls. They are only doing what they are told. Even Charlotte's mother knows it's straight from the shitty writers.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Offending the mother of a deceased son is better than no publicity at all.


Not blaming them for the comments, but being shit and not deserving of the main event spot is all on them.

Edited by FelatioLips
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The comment about Reid in the segment was tasteless. I completely understand why you are standing up for your daughter Ricky and it's admirable. I'm sure all of us would do the same if we were in the same position.


Just out of interest, if the shoe was on the other foot and Charlotte had said something similar about a member of your family, without your permission, would you still be telling us to calm down and that it's just wrestling?

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I honestly don't think that woman's segment was anywhere as bad as you lot are making out. I enjoyed it to be honest. But it certainly shouldn't have been closing the show. Middle of the show and it would have been a solid segment.


Gutted we get Del Rio/Reigns at SS instead of Cessaro.

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You are all asuming it was without permission if I was pissed off it would be more than a few words on Twitter the girls don't write the lines they deliver and no way was that done without consultation imo

That's why no-one is blaming Paige or Charlotte for anything but poor acting. You're way off the mark, unusually. It was tasteless shit that ruined a big opportunity for the ladies and rather than adding to the feud - has detracted from it completely. That's not the point of wrestling. You know that better than anyone.

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I'm confused. Are you saying Reid's mum gave permission but is now trolling online for sympathy?


I think it's safe to say a grieving mother wasn't consulted, and that's enough for me to think 'no, I'm out.'


But, yeah, as others have said its all on the writers and whoever signed off on it. I attribute no blame at all to the performers.

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Whole world talking about girls segment good or bad job done for once they are not talking about the guys suck it up guys its wrestling

whole world talks about a terrorist attack too, doesn't make it any less shit


anyway it's the writers people are mad at. I dont think either woman lost any fans tonight. I also dont think they gained any which considering they were in main event spot is a shit state of affairs

Edited by sj5522
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