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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Didn't think Raw was as good this week although Paige\Banks was one of the best women's matches in quite a while. Getting tired of the non finishes every week. Main event was OK, not much discussion save for what, if anything, it means for the WWE title match at SS.


That knee was brutal. If it had been Orton I'd imagine Rollins would be in the doghouse.

Edited by Suplex Sinner
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Kofi and Big E have really been a revelation in A New Day - theyve never shown so much personality.

Before his spell in New day I never thought Kofi would work as a heel. I really enjoy the new day

Then you were right. Unless that's what you implied...

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if the decision makers weren't behind him then he wouldn't have worked such a long match out of Cena


He's had at least two or three long matches with Cena before the current push. Cesaro is Cena's workout buddy, occasionally he gets a shot due to that. The crucial thing this time is he hasn't fucked it up yet, whereas all the other times he went back to being useless within a fortnight. He's doing alright at the minute, fair play to him.


just have him dominating everyone physically (like he could do) and go through pretty much all of the roster which would then build to a massive match vs Brock and he would get the biggest pop for putting Lesnar in that spinner move.


Get out.

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The crucial thing is they've turned him full on face rather than arseing around in some vague tweener role like every other time, the mad pairing with post streak breaking Heyman being the obvious example. People have wanted to get behind Cesaro since at least Mania 30 and maybe even since the giant swing became a thing.


Putting him with arch bastard Owens helps a lot though. Would've been a great way to bring Zayn in as well if he was fit.

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I'm surprised nobody has commented yet on a very enjoyable RAW. The Hot Rod tribute was decent although you could tell they were trying to keep Hogan out of it as much as possible. Seth Rollins cut a good promo (and with a cracking t-shirt that will sell big) to start the show off then had a fun match with Neville, really thought Neville had him when Seth had his foot on the rope - both came out of this looking good.


Darren Young looks brilliant in a suit - far better than his white twin.


I'm a bit bored of this Divas revolution storyline already although at least their matches are now watchable.


Cesaro has the potential to be a massive face, he just needs kept quiet although this was far better than his usual. Rusev is a great face as well.


Heyman can sell me anything, I bet that "match too big for WrestleMania" line will stick. Although I loved the brawl last week I wasn't really interested in the match at SummerSlam, I am now thanks to Heyman.


The main event was decent but didn't really count for much in the end up. Really good RAW which makes a change, must be the least I've fast forwarded in a while.

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Yeah, must say it was a perfectly good show. Not the best ever but it moved along at a good pace and i enjoyed pretty much everything. I do like Heyman's 'Too Big For SummerSlam' tag line and hope it sticks. That Neville/Rollins match was really excellent as well, two very exciting near falls.

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After seeing Dana Brooke stood on the stage at the beginning of the show, I was expecting her to debut during one of the women's matches. Thank god that didn't happen.

Agreed, she is nowhere near ready yet.


In other news - did Kevin Owens get stuck in the chair on Miz TV? 


Good Raw I felt. Not a chore to watch although did fast forward a few bits.

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The shot of the Roddy chair with the kilt hung on it was haunting, that music over it. Felt like a Game Over screen you'd see as a kid and it would send the shits up you.

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