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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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I can't see Lesnar winning the rumble (or even being in it), so presumably he's not challenging for the title at mania, nor can I see him being on the February pay per view. Still think this "no one can get in my way" thing leads to the undertaker.


Surprised to see Bryan actually make the turn. They've been teasing it kind of for a bit. Assume Bryan vs Bray at mania?

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It seems every week the Wrestlemania plans and ideas are completely flipped based on whats happening on RAW. I kind of like it, presuming its an actual ploy to try and make things seem really open and fresh in the run up to Mania, rather than them just having no clue what the plan is.

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My guess is that one week Vince tells the writers "We're going with Bryan vs Cena at Wrestlemania" and they start making long term plans then a week later he pops his head round the corner of the door and yells "Fuck that, we're going with Triple H vs Cena!" and repeats this every week until about 3 weeks before the show.

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Can anyone else see Cena winning at the Rumble only for Triple H to come out and announce Lesnar gets his match now. Brock takes the belt leading to HHH vs Cena at Mania. Then you can do maybe Lesnar vs Punk for the belt at Mania, Batista vs Orton, Bryan vs Bray. The only issue then is who does Undertaker face? Sting?

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Can anyone else see Cena winning at the Rumble only for Triple H to come out and announce Lesnar gets his match now. Brock takes the belt leading to HHH vs Cena at Mania. Then you can do maybe Lesnar vs Punk for the belt at Mania, Batista vs Orton, Bryan vs Bray. The only issue then is who does Undertaker face? Sting?

Lesnar vs. Undertaker for the WWE World Title, Orton vs. Batista, Punk vs. Bryan, Cena vs. Wyatt. Not the best set of matches for Mania 30, but it seems like the direction WWE are going in at the moment.

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It looked to me like the recently rumoured Wyatts vs Hulk, Cena and Bryan match isn't the longest shot in the world anymore. I dont buy for a second Bryan is now a heel. Seems more like a Sting type thing where he's so broken down he's lost perspective and needs direction. Its probably leading to Bryan eventually coming to the conclusion that good is better than evil and turning on the Wyatts, and Hogan and Cena are the patron saints of all that is good in wrestling so nobody is better equipped to teach him the ways of positive thoughts and positive deeds like the Hulkster and John Cena. Its probably only those three who could drag this into something people want to see at WrestleMania. The big idea going around is a Cena vs Wyatt feud. And trios matches seem like WWE's trademark in these days.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I'm quite gutted I spoiled this show before going in because it was better than I expected.


The Bryan/Wyatt thing is something that I can't imagine they'll pull off without harming both guys, but to be fair I thought the closing angle was quite great. Bryan's delivery was spot on and I enjoyed Bray for the first time since he got the call up. For once all his psychobollocks had some consequence, even if it's only temporary. It's a polarising type of thing but at least they actually did something and moved it along. I thought the execution was pretty decent.


I enjoyed the Shield bit too. I don't even mind Ambrose being cast as the 'weak link' (much) because if they have to go down that route for their split he's the most logical choice because a) he's the natural heel of the group and b) he's the type that can talk himself back into relevance. The downside was the Rollins/Punk match which was pretty shit but then Punk's been lousy all year outside of the big matches.


I don't care about Brock as much as I should do and Heyman's fast forward material for me but I'm interested to see what they do with him. I cringed a bit when poor Henry got F5ed on the floor.


I fucking loved Bad News Barret this week.


Summer Rae is the only woman that they put on the TV I find sexy at all, partly because she's not a complete spanner and partly because legs. She's not Sherri or anything but she's a good performer and it's shame she'll rot in the dogshit divas division. Big E is fantastic. I wish they went the initial Ryback route and fed him jobbers because him steam rolling dudes is fun as fuck. I want five also.


I'm mental yes but I'd dig it if some kind of political rivalry formed between Maddox and Kane and had a mini feud between them. Maddox was hilarious in them squashes vs Ryback and Big E. Get him doing something.


There was a load of shit as usual but at least it feels like there's some exciting and different things on the horizon, at last. Before the the crushing disappointment. The cycle rolls on.

Edited by Mr Butternut Squash
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I enjoyed the Shield bit too. I don't even mind Ambrose being cast as the 'weak link' (much) because if they have to go down that route for their split he's the most logical choice because a) he's the natural heel of the group and b) he's the type that can talk himself back into relevance.


It had to be Ambrose being implied as the weak link. He's been the heel throughout the split teases, starting from him suggesting he's above the other two because he hasn't lost his championship. That whole angle was pretty perfect really, but yeah probably would have been complimented by an even better showing in the match following that was harmed a little by a few slip-ups/sloppy spots. Rollins' Smackdown match with Cena would have been the perfect follow up and I'm sure the sort of thing they were going for. Shame nobody will have seen that one.

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I hope that weird standing moonsault neck breaker thing Rollins is doing now isn't his new finisher. It looks mad and contrived as fuck. He did a move in his singles match with Bryan (a high lifting sit out reverse DDT is the best way I can describe it) which he should use as his finisher. With that, the springboard knee and the running jump-stomp to the head, and the faceplant thingy in the turnbuckle he's got a good little moveset.

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The stuff with Punk and The Shield was all superb, exactly what wrestling should be. They talked a good game, built to a logical match, and the match itself was excellent and furthered the storyline.


Wasn't too impressed with anything else on the show. I'm interested in Bryan joining the Wyatts, but if it's not a ruse then it seems stupid. He'll still be cheered against everyone and it will all feel weird.

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Is is just me or does anyone else not get how Brodus is supposed to be the heel in his feud with Woods and Truth? Woods is just so unlikeable as a face that everytime I see him in the ring with Brodus, I want him to get destroyed.


Nope not just you, i hate the guy



He does seem annoying but I haven't seen enough of him yet. I must say, I wish brodus was a bit better. He has the look to be a great monster heel, it's just a shame he's canny shite. He has the size, the face and the anger/personality, but he is slower that a dead wasp and he can't get an inch of elevation in his splashes.

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Woods came off the same in TNA. There was always something fake about him. He always came off as someone playing a wrestler, as opposed to actually being one. He's got all these pre-arranged hokey facial expressions he runs through. He's the least natural wrestler I've seen in recent years.

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