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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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I just want to know what's happened to Jorah. I've got visions of him as a statue while someone just casually walks by him one episode next series


That would be my favourite moment of the series! What a moment, the internet would go into meltdown with people moaning. In all reality I think he has one more episode, where he dies doing something heroic


The Bran stuff hasn't been a waste though. Without Bran you couldn't set up the Night King killing off the Three Eyed Raven, and the death of Hodor, and the return of Benjen Stark. The little line about the Wall having magical spells in its foundations to stop the dead from passing is important. As things stand the Night King can have as many wights as he likes, they can't pass the Wall. Obviously the Wall is coming down at some point, but without Bran you don't find out why it's important that it does.


Throw into that, without Bran you don't find out that Jon Snow isn't Sansa's half-brother, he is actually her uncle, and not technically a Stark. Without Bran you don't have any of that. So while it may not be your cup of tea Chest, it is fairly important.


Sam can Fuck right off though.

I think you will get your wish, I can see him doing a bit of a Bran next year

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He's her uncle? I thought he is her cousin - Ned's sister's son? Who is his Dad?



Yep, cousins. Well nobody knows for sure who the father is yet, but it's glaringly obvious. The man who 'kidnapped' Lyanna to start the whole war 15 or so years ago (Robert's Rebellion). She whispered to Ned in the flashback scene last night "Keep him away from Robert, he will kill him, promise you will look after him"- so Ned had to go to extremes (risking his marriage by passing Jon off as his own bastard) to keep the baby safe. Why would he do that? Why would Robert want to kill the baby? The same reason he sent someone to kill Daenerys in the first series. Because he is a Targaryen. The son of Raegar.

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Jon's mum's still a Stark as well though, he's still of the Stark bloodline, or does it not count if it's on your mother's side?


Every boring Sam moment was worth it to get to see that library. I wanted to be Sam at that moment, and I can't stand him! What a room.

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Sorry, of course cousin. Had a slight brain freeze there.


As Punkstep says, the son of Rhaegar Targaryan. The only problem with that for me is that the Targaryans are all blonde/silver haired, and a true targaryan can't be hurt by fire, but Jon was burned when the wight attacked Lord Commander Mormont in season 1 and Jon saved him, and he has dark hair. That aside I am sure that will be sorted out.


The best thing about the library apart from the size was the astrolabes hanging from the roof that mirror the one from the opening credits. Sometimes attention to detail can be a bit hit and miss, but that was a nice touch.

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Not all Targaryans are fire proof, Viserys wasn't from what I remember.


Also, the blond haired thing can easily be explained by the fact that they only married/reproduced with other Targayans. Rhaegar mixed up the gene pool by having a baby with a Stark

Edited by deathrey
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On the 'how'd Varys get to Dorne and back so quickly' point: https://www.buzzfeed.com/jennaguillaume/varys-stole-littlefingers-jetpack?utm_term=.txjJYwzQk#.pfXawjEWk


The link above has some tweets from producer Bryan Cogman, who says:


"The timelines of the various story threads don't necessarily match up all the time. This is to avoid things like, say, Arya spending four episodes on a boat… I tied myself in knots season 1 trying to make it all line up. We realised right quick doing so would kill momentum."


It's also got some Reddit person who's done a timeline of the finale events to rationalise them, if you need that level of satisfaction.

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He'll be busy campaigning to get the Iron Islands out of the Seven Kingdoms, because Dany's regulations have impeded their traditional way of life.

I think it's an outrage that decent hardworking ordinary reavers aren't allowed to rape and pillage anymore! Who's with me? OK, go build me 2000 ships.

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