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I found out via Facebook that my best mate's new girlfriend is 19, so I have been bombarding him with noncey songs. So far it's been George Michael - Father Figure, Oingo Boingo - little girls, Maurice Chevalier- thank heaven for little girls and finally Paul Hardcastle - Nineteen. I have known the guy since 96 when we met at college, so I have been his friend for longer than she has been alive.

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Part-Time Working mummy added 3 new photos.
17 hrs · 

This week has been epic as usual...


A wasp flew into the car whilst I was driving and landed on Edie's cheek - all the dramatic brats began screaming and I didn't know what to do so I drove into a lamp-post before evacuating the whole car roadside and crying down the phone to Josh that I didn't know where the wasp had gone and I'd caused about £400 of damage to the car in under 3 seconds.


I managed, somehow, to see pictures of the Yulin dog meat festival on my newsfeed (DO NOT search it)...so because I can't cope with anything like this I helpfully researched everything on it I could find (through hyperventilating sobs) - and JUST as I was setting up a direct debit to donate money Josh walks in and moans like fuck at me...I donate to animals in distress and I still donate £10 a month to a charity for baby seals that get murdered by being clubbed over the head by Satan with a bat - I agreed to this when I got collared in the street when I was 17 and hungover as fuck and couldn't cope with the pictures of seal blood all over the ice...that's £2040 I've donated to them now, that (in my head) means I've saved a few baby seals, so Josh can go fuck himself because I'm determined to save a Chinese dog 


I've listened to the advice from you all about making my life easier at breakfast time so I've delegated Betsy the job of feeding her baby sister - I've agreed (shockingly, please don't hate me) that she can feed her in her bedroom in front of Paw patrol on the TV - and she seems far more tolerant when Edie coughs shreddies all over her and lobs in some dance moves mid-mouthful....oh and talking of Betsy, she's winning at life again - her teacher called today to tell me she's been chosen to represent the school on their new brochures, flyers, welcome-packs and advertisements in the local newspaper (I've cropped the boy out of the pics incase his mum didn't appreciate a picture of her son on a foul-mouthed, slightly crazy, disorganised mums page). Betsy's absolutely devastated 


So we're good, we're all good 



Edited by Otto Dem Wanz
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A republican friend of mine "liked" this post the other day. I spent about two hours looking at it on and off trying to formulate an acceptable response, but the only two options I could come up with were 1) an expletive and insult ridden tirade that refuses to engage with it due to the staggering ignorance and stupidity on show; 2) a dissertation that calmly breaks down each individual argument and explains its flaws. 1) doesn't really achieve anything and I don't have time for 2). But fucking hell, just absolutely fucking fuckety fuck fuck fuck fucking fuck fuck.


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I got into a row with someone posting racist pictures last week, he was having digs at lefties and saying all Muslims are racist etc. A mutual friend had posted something and we argued on there a bit. He ended up taking great pleasure in me not being able to do anything about it online and said I was hiding behind my keyboard.


I was pretty irritated anyway, so maybe I over reacted, but I went on his page and looked at where he worked. I left a one star review on the business page saying I was disgusted the company hires openly racist people, mentioning the guy by name. I've had messages from the owner of the company asking me to remove them, told him I would if he fired the racist kid

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I saw a similar thing a while back as well where a chef was arguing with some vegan girl and to piss her off said he liked to put meat products in vegan's food. He was probably trolling, but then thousands of vegan's started to complain online and the guy got sacked. Served him right really. Vegan or not nobody wants to eat at a place where they fuck with food to amuse themselves

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