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Facebook updates that blow your mind


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Just read the one HarmonicGenerator posted. Obviously it's completely made up, but I did get a chuckle out of "if anyone in the vicinity of gate a4, please go to the gate immediately". Surely that's equivalent of someone asking "is there a doctor in the house?".


I'm amazed anyone can believe anything like that to be true. It's the same level as the kid at school whose dad worked for MI5 and got to bring the flying motorbike home on weekends, but Everytime you went round it was away getting fixed

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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Just read the one HarmonicGenerator posted. Obviously it's completely made up, but I did get a chuckle out of "if anyone in the vicinity of gate a4, please go to the gate immediately". Surely that's equivalent of someone asking "is there a doctor in the house?".


I'm amazed anyone can believe anything like that to be true. It's the same level as the kid at school whose dad worked for MI5 and got to bring the flying motorbike home on weekends, but Everytime you went round it was away getting fixed


33 years later, I'm still waiting for that Dalek to be brought in to school :(

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There's actually a video doing the rounds of a guy being proper abusive and mysogynistic to a girl where the white knighting is a lady running up to the guy and bottlling him. It's really annoying that a) nobody on facebook seems to realise how fake it is and b) People actually think an appropriate response to somebody being verbally abusive is to bottle them.

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In news that may please many, I've deactivated my Facebook account. I spend far too much time on there and forget about friends I know offline.

I noticed.. Sad to see you go :(


(I'm not stalking you - That fb purity app Lister told us about told me)


So... Is there anything one might be able to do to facilitate taking this prick down and exposing him? I just don't even understand why it's being reported as fact in the first place.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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That story about the bloke and the runner, why does him being in a suit make a difference?

She'd be fine with being called a bitch by some one in a tracksuit with meat pie stains down the front?


It's not that she'd be okay, it's that we're both conditioned to expect better from someone "well-dressed", and to feel some exhilaration when they don't live up to that standard. Also, it could play into the kind of "business bastard" trope.

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Look at the pained expression on his face. This is what all the hatred in the world is doing to him. When will it all end?


And to make it worse, Facebook took his post down the first time he posted it. Bloody Jews, keeping our heroes down. So he had to post it again, and let everyone know that Facebook was trying to silence his selfless (not literally selfless) act, so everyone needs to share his post as quick as possible.

Edited by Nostalgia Nonce
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