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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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The Internship - not quite your run of the mill buddy comedy but still fun, nice to see Vaughn and Wilson back together since Wedding Crashers they have great chemistry. Film's predictable yet entertaining with enough Google to make you want to set your home page to Yahoo!

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Neon was the best movie magazine, it always had great posters too, 16 year old Steve 'big' Jobs loved his poster of Juliette Lewis pouring milk over her tits.


Movie magazines are redundant now, it's a shame as I don't really like seeing things become extinct but why would I pay a fiver to read out of date info about upcoming movies when I can read it several times a day totally up to date online for free?

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Switchblade Romance is excellent - until its ending, which is one of the most ill-conceived of all time. I watched Terrorvision years ago but can't remember it very well.

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I seen Switchblade Romance and Irreversible at a double feature in a poxy Arthouse cinema in Dublin.

I felt nauseous, aroused and disjointed come the end of it all, but the one thing that stuck out (besides my rhubarb when Bellucci had them out - cheap joke, I'm aware) was that bastard third act in Switchblade Romance. Absolutely no need for it.

Texas Chainsaw 3D was absolutely atrocious. I actually preferred the Biel starring remake to the original but this incarnation was fucking septic.

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Switchblade Romance and Wolf Creek were the films that convinced me to jump off the torture porn train, a lot earlier than most people in fact. In both those movies I came away thinking "well, fuck you". I felt I'd sat through a lot of anguish for no payback, that the director had broken some sort of compact with me as a viewer,for different reasons in each case.


With SW,


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

the insertion of the unreliable narrator completely undermines everything you've just seen, and not in a cool revelatory, Usual Suspects way



whereas with Wolf Creek, they leant on the "based on a true story" and to then discover that in fact that was bollocks, angered me.


The same was also true of Eden Lake - the ending breaks some sort of fundamental slasher horror law. You've got to be a fantastic writer to pull it off - Drag Me To Hell gets away with it, but not Eden Lake.


Anyway, torture porn horror - it's just always diminishing returns.

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The same was also true of Eden Lake - the ending breaks some sort of fundamental slasher horror law. You've got to be a fantastic writer to pull it off - Drag Me To Hell gets away with it, but not Eden Lake.


Eden Lake broke my heart, Loki. I was really, pipe clenchingly into the flick but that bastard ending was a disgrace. I really felt fucked over after that one.

I have to say, I thoroughly enjoyed the first Hostel when I first saw it. The cinema was packed and it was a fun crowd which made it, really.

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Switchblade Romance and Wolf Creek were the films that convinced me to jump off the torture porn train, a lot earlier than most people in fact. In both those movies I came away thinking "well, fuck you". I felt I'd sat through a lot of anguish for no payback, that the director had broken some sort of compact with me as a viewer,for different reasons in each case.


With SW,


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

the insertion of the unreliable narrator completely undermines everything you've just seen, and not in a cool revelatory, Usual Suspects way



whereas with Wolf Creek, they leant on the "based on a true story" and to then discover that in fact that was bollocks, angered me.


The same was also true of Eden Lake - the ending breaks some sort of fundamental slasher horror law. You've got to be a fantastic writer to pull it off - Drag Me To Hell gets away with it, but not Eden Lake.


Anyway, torture porn horror - it's just always diminishing returns.


Switchblade Romance and Eden Lake are completely detestable. SR for the worst twist of all time. Clearly the director wanted to show how brilliantly clever he was to have fooled the audience, knowing he'd get away with it because ardent horror fans are so easily pleased that sticking in a load of stabbings and one woman having a wank over another would be enough for everyone to overlook how the stupid twist literally doesn't work, and give it two thumbs up regardless. Eden Lake was just relentlessly bleak, and so achingly of its time, in the midst of that spate of EVIL CHAV HOODIE films, that it already seems twee. Films like that usually only work when there's catharsis, but if you're just showing how 'dark' you can be, you're working on the storytelling level of a 14 year old boy. I've a strong stomach, but the scream of that little asian kid with the burning tire around his neck stayed with me for days.


There's another film called Cherry Tree Lane, from 2010, which is exactly the same, but with a home invasion angle. There's such a lack of actual storytelling, effectively these sort of films are the cinematic equivalent of wrestling's deathmatches, where dullards guffaw into their erections because someone gets stabbed in the gut and the sexy, stupid women characters get raped for ages and ages.


Wolf Creek though, I actually liked. Not hugely, but it's one of the better horror villain performances of modern times, and it always cheers me to see John Jarratt pop up in other movies (like Django) off the back of it.

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I saw John Jarratt the other day in a film called Dark Age about a giant crocodile. Alf Stewart is in it as his boss who is always smoking and swearing. It was great fun. It's on Stagevu:-




Another great Aussie low budgeter I saw recently was called Long Weekend. This film was genuinely fantastic. It's one of those that you are best off not knowing anything about - it's sort of an ecological mystery-thriller type thing. They remade it a few years ago with Jim Caviezel and it was shit. One of the most unexpectedly great films I've seen this year. Absolutely everyone should watch it and you know what I'm like when I start going on about a film that you should watch. It's on YouTube:-



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Love croc films. You've seen Rogue? Actually directed by the guy who did Wolf Creek, coincidentally. Much better than WC, I reckon, as there's a stronger narrative to all the horror. Plus, nothing is scarier than a massive fucking crocodile.

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Yeah, Rogue was good fun. Great cast as well, always lovely to see Radha Mitchell. Black Water was good as well but different as it's basically three people sat up a tree for an hour and a half.

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